Chapter 11

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We were all brought out to the arena again. Cassius was speaking to Lucas' mother, hopefully talking about his surprise for her son. I squeezed Nova's hand and she squeezed back. Gary then came back out.

"Welcome back!" Everyone settled and quieted down again. "We've come to the finale judgment, to see how strong they truly are. I hope your ready ladies and gentlemen, I hope you haven't grown too attached to any one of them, in this round anything is possible." I watched him as he paced around in a circle, working the crowd up. "You see for this round it is everyone for themselves, they will fight each other until one is standing. Now, we don't ask you to kill each other, just to the point of surrender; but be warned there have been some to lose limbs and even die."

The crowd cheered up in excitement, but I saw Lucas go to his mom in protest. He genuinely cared for us, and that is something that all witches needed on their side.

"Now everyone spread out and get ready to begin."

"Nova stay with me, he never said we couldn't make alliances." She nodded and we moved away from the others. I saw a few other alliances form.

"And begin!"

I decided to break the ice this time. I put my hands on the ground and pulled up roots and grew tall trees into the arena.

"Holy shit, Ava!" I smiled, that's the first time I heard her swear. I looked at Cassius, I had his attention, even the women by his side was watching intently. It's been a while since I had a good challenge and could use a good amount of power. They would feel my aura from the stands, knowing now I could easily be a class five.

The roots would just slow others down, that way we couldn't be snuck upon. "Nova I want you to project, be ready for anything that comes around." She nodded and went to sit on the ground.

"What do you see?"

"There are a couple of groups coming towards us." She looked up, "what are you going to do?"

I turned to her and smiled before I felt my skin give away, my body hunched, and I was on all fours, I had morphed into a black wolf with black eyes.

She stood up immediately, "Shadow work! That's dangerous Ava!" She came running at me, but I moved into the shadows before she could catch me.

I moved along the floor in the shadows of the trees. When I saw someone, I jumped out of the shadow and pounced on them. I snarled into his face, daring him to move.

"I surrender!" He screamed in a high-pitched voice. I got off him and let him run out of the arena. I heard a few others surrender from other battles.

I moved back into the shadow and was just about to go after someone else until I noticed it was Ralph. I moved out and back into my normal form.

"Well, aren't you one big surprise?" He spoke just like any old grandpa.

"Sorry, you know how dangerous these things can be."

"I know, something like this, I too would have hidden it. It must have been something important that made you come out of hiding." I nodded at him. "Well, then I know when I am beat, I surrender." He did a small bow to me and then headed out. I hoped that he would be safe in the future. He was a nice old man.

I heard a screeching scream knowing exactly who it was coming from. I moved back into the shadow. When I came back out in wolf form, Viera had a knife to Nova's throat, and Connor was leaning on a tree waiting. I could see the cut on Nova's arm. She was bleeding too much, she needed to be healed or she would die of blood loss."

I morphed back, "Let her go" I was mad, and boy they didn't want me to be mad.

They both threw back their heads in laughter. "Why the hell would we do that, we have the upper hand." Viera tugged on Nova's hair exposing her neck more, pushing the knife harder, a small trickle of blood fell down her neck.

Connor pushed off the tree and came towards me, "this is how it's going to be; you're going to surrender to me, and I will come out victorious from this all."

I looked back towards Nova, then back at him, "Connor have you ever had a nightmare that you would never wake up from?"


I moved quickly and grabbed his arm dragging him into the Shadow Realm. He wouldn't survive there; he would come out damaged. I left him there, for all the Shadows to torture him and make him go insane. When I came back out, Viera was pale.

"You bring him back." Her voice was broken.

"Let Nova go first." She looked to Nova then back at me. She pushed Nova towards me, and I motioned for her to leave. Nova left the arena holding her cut tight.

I went back into the Shadow Realm and found Connor floating, not moving. I pulled him out, he was unconscious. I got up and stood above him, Viera was by his side in an instant shaking him, trying to wake him up.

"People lose their minds if they're left there too long" Everyone had access to the Shadow Realm if they could find it, just no one was dumb enough to risk it, for good reason.

"You ruined him!" She tried hitting me with an air blade but missed and just sliced a branch from a tree.

"I can bring him back." She looked at me desperately. "Just surrender, make this easy."

She looked confused but in a quiet voice, she surrendered. I smirked at her then kneeled next to Connor, I was very aware people were holding their breath in the stands. Even Gary didn't want to announce that I won right away.

I reached down past the ground into Connor's shadow, I pulled him closer until it was back where it was supposed to be. He opened his eyes screaming. Viera hugged him, crying. He held onto her, and she helped him up. They left the arena.

I looked over to where Gary was standing, then I spread out my arms and removed the trees and roots from the arena, forcing them back to the ground, so it was back to what it was before.

"Well, people I think we have seen something kind of a first here. I give you your winner Aviana!" People were cheering.

Looking up at Cassius, he was smirking with that hot half-smile he has and nodded in my direction. I decided to face the Royal family and bow. Then walked towards the gate out of the arena.

"Hold up" There were guards in front of me, I put my hands up hoping they knew I mean no harm. I turned back towards Gary. "You are quite powerful I would think the crowd would feel safer if your powers were voided." I looked at him questioningly. He just turned back to Cassius.

Cassius just nodded, and then slid his fingers over the device.

"Gah!" I pulled at the device around my neck, I fell to one knee. "That really does fucking hurt." He then opened a small channel up minimal powers, but it was enough to void off the pain. He motioned for me to leave now. As I departed the guards moved aside, not wanting to get close.

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