Chapter 6

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I heard a few people rustling and started getting up and going out. I felt my stomach gurgle and knew my rest was over, my stomach wouldn't let me sleep without being sated. When I got up, I saw Nova just waking up. She was tired from yesterday's events, but this doesn't look like her first time, how many times has she come close to death?

"Hey Nova, time to eat yet?"

She smiled over at me, "You bet, I'm starving!" We heard a knock on the door, and we both looked over at the same time. "Who would be knocking here?" I shrugged and walked to the door.

Opening the door, it was the young Vampire from the town who stood in front of me, Kai I believe.

"Hello" I nodded at him in respect.

"Aviana, I got these for you." He pulled out five tokens.

"Good timing, we were just about to head out to grab some food." I smiled at him and let him place the tokens in my hands, you never take something from a Vampire.

"Have a good day then." He walked away without much of a goodbye, maybe I was wrong to think my charms worked on him?

"Great now we can go without delays." Nova then ran out in front of me.

I quickly caught up to her. Looking around the sun was beautifully shining and rising in the distance. The birds were also more vocal this morning. I think most of the Vampires were in the cafeteria, a few outside. Sun doesn't hurt them much unless they're starving, and I doubt guards starved.

We came up to a larger building, inside was a lineup of witches waiting their turn. It looked like they were feeding us chilli with bread. Perfectly fine with me, after a wet night having something warm would be nice.

We came up behind a few others and waited our turn. When we got our chilli, I was surprised that it even smelled good, I truly expected mush or just bile in a bowl. The bread was fresh, and we were able to get a hot drink. We found a couple of empty seats and sat down, I noticed Viera talking to that other level three. He did have the collar on, I wonder if I'll end up with one now.

"Don't worry you won't." I looked at her like she had three heads, "You won't get a collar, it's because his captures wanted him to wear it, they didn't want him to try and escape."

"I see, well that's good then." I turned to my food and one bite I was hooked; it was actually good!

Nova was laughing at me, "Don't worry we all think the same thing when we first get here."

"I think I get why people compete for the tokens now." She smiled and continued eating.

I was almost done when I felt a familiar presence, "Shit." Nova looked at me then to the door. She saw the young kid come in and noticed he was looking around, but I think she was more impressed that I noticed his presence so soon.

He was coming over now and practically behind me. Nova tilted her head at me, and I turned to see him standing and gleaming.

"Master Lucas, you look to be in a good mood today, to what can we owe the pleasure?"

"Mother told me I could come and watch. I decided since you're my uncles that I'd stick with you and watch how you get ready." This just got more complicated, I wasn't planning on practicing, at least, not in view of everyone else.

"Well, you see, I wasn't completely planning on practicing very much, because I plan to help Nova with getting her ready for the Trials." I smiled at her hoping she would just agree. Luckily, she caught on.

"Oh yes, Aviana is stronger than I, and figured she could help me get ready." She smiled at him.

"That's ok, could even be better really."

"It can?" I didn't mean to state it in a disappointing tone, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Yeah, it'll be neat to see two witches' practice, besides, I don't really care about others here. You're going to be living at our house."

"How can you be so certain?"

"My uncle knows, Rig told him about the two-hundred-pound weight competition. He knows you have more to offer." I sighed, not good news. At least being at some mediocre Vampires place I could probably escape but being at the Royal manor, I would have no chance.

"Alright then," I turned back to Nova, "Ready to go then?"

"Certainly," she got up with her dishes and I followed her out.

Others were starting to follow suit and go to different stations, Nova started to head to one station before I stopped her.

"Listen Nova I need you to do something before we practice offensively." She looked at me quizzically. I looked around and saw a huge tree! He was perfect. I lead them both over and touched the tree and closed my eyes. I could feel everything he has seen, the protection he offers from the elements, the birth of animals in his limbs, he has immense pride in his full form, but right now he is going into slumber but accepts my greetings.

"Aviana, what are you doing?"

"This tree will be perfect; Nova I want you to tell me everything you can about this tree."

"Oh umm, Ok." She came over and copied what I did. "Well, he expels more masculine energy, he wants to be a protector."

"Yes, how old you put him at?"

"Hmmm, maybe 80 years."

"He's over a hundred." Nova looked up at the tree, seeing his falling leaves.

"Now I want you to take the energy and expel it out, go as far as you can, and tell me what you feel."

"I don't think I've done that before."

"I figured that's why I got you to read the tree first, take that same feeling and reach out." She nodded at me.

She sat down and put her hands on the ground, "I feel you, and I feel something strange, I can't even describe it."

"Excellent, I call it 'the void' it's what his kind sends off. That's how I knew he entered earlier."

"Wait you knew I entered and where I was before I even saw you!" He looked so intense like he has never heard of this before.

"Aviana, that's quite the skill I can barely project it out far enough to get past him."

"I've had a lot of practice, and Lucas please try to avoid telling people. I needed Nova to learn this skill because it will help protect her during the trials."

"I won't, but that's so cool. I don't even think many other witches and mages do it at the palace." I nodded at him.

"How can this help me?"

"Think about it Nova, if you knew where your attacker was at all times, then they can never surprise you. If you can read this tree, you can read those around you. You will know how strong they are compared to you. Some level fives don't even know this skill. It is quite simple it's all about awareness. So, for now, I want you to sit here and practice. I'll come up to you from different angles and you'll point me out. Maybe I'll even get Lucas here in on it too, it is good to learn how his kind feels."

"That's amazing! I can't wait to try this." She rested against the tree and started to work up her magic, I could feel it start to radiate from her.

"Alright Lucas you go out and start coming towards her and once she points you out stop and try again. Our goal is to tap her on the shoulder, if we do, she loses."

"Okay!" He then ran out into the field, and I followed shortly. 

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