Chapter 10

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Today was the day of the Trials and it was cloudy and going to rain. This worked in my favour if I needed to use certain skills. The guards came around collecting everyone and brought us into the stadium. We were underneath the stands in different cells. I could hear cheering and lots of yelling outside. I could see others all around and noticed Viera and Connor were in the same cell. Also, the gentleman from when I first arrived, I think Nova said his name was Ralph?

Nova was sitting on one of the beds, shaking like a leaf. I sat next to her and put my arm around her. I warmed us up, I knew it was nerves, but it was able to settle her a bit.

"Thanks," she eased into the warmth until we heard banging on different bars, and some witches started walking past us.

It was Rig who opened our cell door. "Let's go." He motioned for us to get out and follow everyone.

We followed the others out into the field, and when we entered the arena, it was quite overwhelming, there was a mixture of humans and Vampires in the stands. They were noisy and came to see a show, or at least see if any of us were actually interesting. I noticed Cassius in a different booth area, along with Lucas and his mother. There was also another woman, sitting with Cassius, great he has a lover. I really need to stop thinking like that. Before I could get it out of my head Cassius noticed my staring and locked eyes with me. I turned toward Nova before I let it linger too long.

"You ready?"

"As ready as I'm going to be." She gave a weak smile then squeezed my hand. There were probably about fifteen of us all lined up.

A male Vampire came out from another entrance, he was a higher-class Vampire, broad, tall, the kind that kills. He came out and faced the Royals first.

"We bow to our Royal family, who keeps us safe in these times." He gave a bow, and everyone in the stands also turned to bow. We followed in motion. "My name is Gary, and I will be your speaker today. Now, I give you our contestants, as you can tell we have two higher class witches. They should be interesting to see what they can pull off." The crowd cheered. "The rest are a mixture of level ones and twos. Everyone is up for bidding except for the two unless their captures decide not to take them." More cheering, this crowd was easily amused. "We will start with the individual testing. Viera, why don't you come up front and show us what you can do?"

He moved aside and she walked up in front. There were different targets in front of her, some looking like people, bullseye targets, different weights. She reached out and levitated the hundred-pound weight and threw it at the bullseye target. The target shattered into pieces. She then bowed to the Royal family and moved back in line. The crowd clapped, and so did Connor, happy for his little prodigy, I'm sure.

Gary clapped then called out another name. They moved to a target and tried shooting it with electricity but it sizzled and died before it reached the target. The next one was a female, I remember seeing her a couple times. She moved over to the centre of the stage. Holding her hands out she produced a beautiful light, this was an excellent spell for humans, but vampires won't find it useful. It went on for a few others, some more impressive some not at all. Then he came back and called for Nova.

I turned to her quick, "Push the two-hundred pound weight as far as you can."

"What why?"

"Trust me!" She walked to the front quickly. I knew she was practicing with electricity, but she needs to save it for when she really needs it.

She went to the front and faced the heavyweights. She focused in then released a high amount of energy force and knocked back the two-hundred-pound weight. It even went back a few feet, that's more impressive than Viera's little show, but this also shows buyers she can move heavy objects and that she has the potential to be a class three. She walked back towards me smiling.

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