Chapter 23

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It was almost nightfall when I felt Nova call for me. She and the others were all waiting in the courtyard. I could sense an urgency in her call. They must think I won't show up. Getting up from my bed I made my way out, they would be in for a very big surprise.

Coming into their view everyone pulled away from their conversation and turned towards me. I wasn't what you would call threatening, but I started to pulse out power, trying to push fear into their minds. They would know I am dangerous. The power radiating off me is not even comprehensible to their own.

"Welcome," I put a big smile on my face.

The other mages came forward. Their masters and the suiters stayed back. Lucas and Nova were here watching too, and of course, Cassius was standing with his arms crossed. He wanted to see what I would do without Shadow work.

"You don't scare us witch, we know your tricks."

They started to pulse out their own power. It felt like a tickle on my skin, barely even comparable.

"Prepare yourself, witch."

He was collecting electricity, along with the others. They were all going to attack at the same time. When they all set out their attack, I could see in slow motion the lightning coming towards me. This will hurt but I want them to know that I can take a hit.

I put my arms in front of me and let them take the brunt of the hit. This force pushed me back a few feet and the burns were extraordinarily painful, but I would heal and then it be my turn.

Watching their faces become confused as I still stood was very satisfying. I showed them that not only can I survive a strong attack but all of their forces together did not take me down.

"Are you sure you want to continue?"

"You don't scare us."

"Very well."

I decided to use the snow to my advantage, causing the wind to create a snowstorm from the ground up. The snow blew around us causing everyone to cover their eyes. I never moved, the snow never got close enough, but I could see where everyone was and what they were up to.

A couple had started to create barriers around themselves, which was good, it steals some of their focus. The other three were trying to use their own wind and keep the snow away from them.

I saw a shot of fire heading towards me, it was coming from Kyle, he had something to prove and would make this a lot more annoying than it needed to be. I forced the fireball away and it moved past me without even making me flinch. There were other fire shots coming at me from different angles. I don't see how if they defeat me how they will choose who actually did it.

I moved the fire shots away just as easily as the first. "This is pointless, just surrender and we can all go inside for a warm cup of tea."

It was only then that I noticed the tree limbs come up from the ground and wrap around my legs, dragging me upside down in front of them.

"What were you saying about surrendering?"

I let the winter storm die and now it was easy to see the clear night sky and the moon was almost full casting a beautiful glow.

"This is annoying." I looked over at Cassius who shook his head. Still, no Shadow work allowed, and I can't go inside his head, so what did he leave me with.

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