Chapter 24

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Staring up at his castle gave me nothing but old memories of dark nightmares. After coming out from the shadow realm when I was a child, I realized my mother was gone. There were a lot of vampires around lurking, looking for me. They knew she had a child, but they didn't know that child was also the daughter of the Shadow king. He has no loyalty, only to himself. I believe he doesn't even see me as anything but a tool.

I was on the other side of the bridge staring at his black castle. If you look down, you will see nothing but a bottomless pit. I had always thought Cassius' mansion was overdone but now staring at my fathers' home, Cassius's home was nothing but as small as mine and Nova's home. His creatures were lurking around in the corners. Staring back into the forest, they were peaking around the trees. I wouldn't be able to linger too long or they'd just drag me in any way. I took one step onto the bridge and the doors cracked open, no one could physically open these large doors, you had to be welcomed or expected.

I had been here enough to know my way to the throne room, it had never changed. Stepping in he was sitting there peering down. He had no face to show an expression. I kneeled on one knee, as expected of everyone who entered.

"You summoned me, father."

He got up from his throne and as he descended, he turned to his humanoid figure. He wore black robes with gray seams, where it crossed in the front it exposed a lot of his chest, you could see his long black hair flowing around his back, and his face had the features of a young man, but his eyes only reflected his old black soul.

"My daughter." I stood when he got close, and he wrapped his arms around me; I did not return the gesture. "What is this?" Cassius' bite.

"It is nothing father. What have you summoned me for?"

"You have been gone too long, and now you're letting these things slither deeper into your mind and body. You are as much a part of me as you were your mother, and I do not condone your fascination with this vampire."

"My fascination," I pulled away from him, "With that vampire has nothing to do with you; and how would you know what she would have agreed or disagreed with."

"I knew her far longer than your short years with her." That hurt, to think he got to be with my mother longer, knowing what kind of monster he is, it broke my heart. The worst part is wondering why my mother let him. "I think it is time you stayed here, time to take some responsibilities for what you truly are."

"I'm not like you."

He smiled at me, causing a very unnerving feeling, "No? then what about Liam. Surely you don't think I would not have noticed."

"I said I'm not like you, not that I am not incapable of using the abilities you gave me from being your cursed daughter."

He was very amused by my outbursts, "Why don't you just stay in your room for a while until you calm down." He started to walk away from me, calling for his creatures to come take me.

"I'm not staying!"

I collected every bit of energy I could and shot it at him. His humanoid state could be injured, and I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to make sure he knew I was being very serious.

He turned quickly and caught the ball of energy, "Very cute." It started to sizzle down into nothing.

I ran for him if magic won't work then what about his own power against him. I jumped at him, latching onto his arms. All I needed was contact and we would dive down deep into his own mind.

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