Chapter 25

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Everything was on repeat down here. Sleep, eat, argue, repeat. It may have been a month that has gone by on the surface, it was so hard to tell. This dinner was not going any better than the previous ones.

"Just tell me what you want me to do, you usually have some sort of task for me when you go on these slow-moving tortuous games."

"I have no task for you, I am just enjoying the company of my daughter." He was smiling and glaring at me while he took another bite of his meat pie, but then his smile turned into a large grin. "It appears we have a guest."

Generally guest means client. Someone who has found there way here to ask him for a favour and in return servitude. Though this feeling and power was not of a normal visitor, this one had power, and he was getting closer to the dining room. A place my father would never allow visitors in.

"Welcome, Cassius." My father spoke, and as I turned my head to the entrance there he was standing, with one of the shadow creatures behind him. Almost as if he was being ordered by him.

"Aviana you told me a week; it has now been over three."

"I a..." I looked back at my father who looked just as insane as ever, grinning.

My father spoke back before I could, "Why don't you join us, there is a lot of food to go around, unless you would rather just quench your thirst." He took another bite of his food, all while another creature pushed a chair out for him.

Surprisingly, he took the seat, and a plate was placed in front of him. "I am not here to play your games; I am only here to take Aviana back to where she belongs."

"But we have had barely any time to catch up."

I glared at him, "We have had plenty of time, you just refuse to tell me what it is you want."

"If you truly don't want to stay with me, then leave, if" He lowered his gaze. "He can get one of them to return you both to the surface."

There it was, it wasn't my test, it was for Cassius. He wanted to see how much he could control them. Cassius stood then.

"We will be leaving then." He looked back at the same creature he walked in with, "You, we are leaving, take us back to the surface."

It had immediately started walking over to him. I stood up as fast as I could and ran to him. I was not going to stay behind.

"Very well then," He tipped his glass at us, "Until next time." He started grinning again while drinking. We turned and left before anything else could be said or done.

We were directed out to the front gate, and on the other side was a free-standing door. He opened it for us, it was just a black gate, but once the creature placed its hand on the opening the scene changed to Cassius' manor. Cassius walked first, and the thing even bowed to him. Going in after him it felt like a light breeze as I made it into the other side.

The snow had melted and there was a blue sky with light clouds. It was a gorgeous day. I could not wait to see Nova.

"I suppose a thank you is in order."

Cassius turned to me. "Oh, you will trust me, but right now you need to go home. She has done nothing but nag me, even got Lucas in on it." I could not help but laugh, I bowed a bit before bolting to my house.

The grass was completely drenched from the melted snow. It splashed up my backside, soaking my whole back before I reached the house. I almost made it to the door nob when the door burst open and I got bear-hugged by a very emotional Nova. I almost tripped over my own feet as I got dragged inside.

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