Chapter 2

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I was jolted awake; I could hear two kids running through the forest. I needed to pick myself up quickly and throwing my bag over my shoulders I started walking into the forest more. Kids would never go too far into the forest. These ones, however, kept getting closer, I could hear the rustling of the leaves that were picked up by their feet, the broken tree limbs from under their weight. They weren't scared to be heard and found, which tells me these are Vampire children.

I found a large enough tree so I could hide in its trunk, I cast an illusion, a shadow over myself so I would just look like the shadow of the tree. I heard them come closer. It was then I saw a few deer travel across the river.

"Look!" It was a young girl that spoke out first.

"Angela stay away, we're in the forest if a witch spots us first, they could cast a spell on us." Lies but I get the kid's concern, he was a young male and sounded too authoritative to be just any Vampire's kid.

"I know, but they're so pretty. Besides if we see a witch your uncle would just catch it."

"Maybe, but I think it be better if we head back. Mother won't be pleased with us if we stay out here too long."

I could hear them turning around when I felt another form approach. Vampires generally give off a void feeling in the air, but this one was large, making me believe he was unequivocally strong.

"Don't you two know how dangerous it is to be out here?" I did not need to guess who that was, his accent, the age in his voice, the depth of his demand, it was Lord Cassius. Now I only wish I cast more than just an illusion. I have the strength to do it, but I wasn't worried about kids, but now one wrong move would give my position away.

"Uncle, Angela and I found some deer, do you think we could practice hunting them?" Hunting for sport, their golden play game.

"No Lucas, not right now. The Trials for the witches are in a few days and I have matters to attend to." Probably have outsiders coming into his land.

The Trials, where caught witches are taken and told to perform complex skills to see where their rank falls, then sold to the highest bidder.

I took a quick glance back over at the deer, they were watching us and keeping their distance, but they hadn't run away. They must know I'm here; most animals don't fear us but with the Vampires here they won't approach.

A squirrel was coming down the tree and entered into my Shadow, disappearing with me, then I heard it, that slight foot rotation. Cassius knew I was here.

Thinking fast I dove out into the water, placing my hands on the water, and electrifying it. I tried keeping my magic contained because I could light the river up for miles, probably right into town, but I couldn't let him know how strong I was, too much was at stake. I glared back at one of the strongest Lords, with his crimson red eyes staring right back.

"I'll get her uncle!" The young kid started running towards me but stopped just at the edge of the water. "Come out witch, you won't be able to run from us!" I hate naive little kids, but if I did hurt him Cassius would have my head. I just kept the water charged.

I spoke out never looking at the child but keeping a firm gaze on Cassius, "Listen I don't want any trouble, I am just a humble traveller passing through."

"If you belonged to someone, I might have contemplated it, but seeing as you have no owner, and that impressive offensive spell you just cast, I will not let you leave." The young female clung to his side as he walked to the edge of the water. "You two stay here."

"Uncle, what are you going to do?"

He looked down at the two, "Just watch, maybe you could learn a few things." They both smiled up at him and turned back to me.

"Come witch, don't make this hard on yourself."

"I never wanted to play hard, I just wanted to leave in peace." If I maneuvered my spell or cast the strength any higher, he would only want me more, this may have put me at a level two witch, at most, but if I do more he might think I have potential, then he would just want to keep me for himself.

I stepped back, "listen I don't have any intentions of going to the trials, just leave me be."

He stopped and spread out his arms, "then please stop me." He continued towards me.

I did the only thing I could think of, I gathered all the electricity in the water and shot it at him. As I cast out my arm, he charged at me, grabbing my wrist, and when I saw the lightning release from my hand it directly hit him in the chest. He did not falter, move, or seemed fazed by this feeble attempt, but I couldn't let him see my full strength.

He smiled at me but also seemed disappointed that the fight was over so soon. "Well, come on witch, let us go say Hi to the rest of the family." He held my wrist firm and dragged me back out of the water, I had no choice but to stumble out behind him. When we started heading out of the forest, I turned back around to see it empty, the deer had run off, they were free, something I would only now get to dream about.

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