Chapter 19

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It kept getting darker, I could feel the coldness swarm around me, the chills were crawling up my spine, but I needed to keep going otherwise my little found peace will be stolen from me, again.

I hit the bottom and started walking until I reached the black doors. Behind here laid the leader of all the darkness, the bumps in the night, your nightmares in your dreams, these things could control you and you wouldn't even know it.

I took a deep breath and opened the door, immediately greeted with the smell of mold and decay. I didn't waste time, I rushed in, running past all the shadow creatures until I hit the King's chair. I knelt down on one knee and looked away.

"Father," I looked back up, he was glaring down with eyes so dark it would seem he had nothing in his eye sockets. When he stood, he would be taller no matter how tall you were. His arms and legs were lengthy, his fingers could slice you open with one swift blow. He had no features to look at, he was nothing but darkness, and even if you could get a hit on him, it would pass through him like black smoke.

"Why have you come, daughter," He spoke only to the mind, he had no mouth to speak from.

"Father we need your help, the dessert people have come and there are too many of them, we need to force them back, or at least leave an impression to stop them from ever coming back." I looked around motioning that his followers could fill this task.

"You know we don't deal with the top world's dilemmas," he reached out and cupped my face in the same spot that Cassius touched, he had left a Shadow that my father could see. "He stole your heart and blood."

"No father, I gave it to him, well maybe not the heart that kind of just developed, but I promised to protect him and Lucas, and all the others." I stared into the emptiness, he has this canny ability to bring up your own darkness with just a look, but I had to work past my nightmares, otherwise, he would never agree.

"If you want help, then just take it," he left to sit back at his throne, leaning in watching what I'll do.

This was a challenge, just like the darkness doesn't ask permission but takes back the shadows in the absence of light. This was a true test of my powers, to see if I can control the creatures under his control. As I turned around, I saw the same figured creatures gather around us, waiting to see what their great lord would do.

I closed my eyes searching for what I needed, diving in deep, where my hate was, I hated that my mother died, I hate Eleanor who tried to hurt those close to me, I hated those who hunted me, for not just because I was a witch, but for sport. Bringing these feelings forward I felt the aura around me darken, I could start to feel the creatures around me, I felt their bodies as my own and when I opened my eyes I saw what they saw.

It was me standing with a black haze, and eyes as dark as their own, my own eyes were now as dark as my father's, almost like I didn't have eyes at all.

"GO!" They screeched and hollered and obeyed as they started towards the surface. I faced back at my father, he nodded in approval, then I left to deal with what seemed like a big problem to just a tiny nuisance.

I cascaded the fight with wind, rain, and lightning. As we made our way to the surface, I heard the thunder and the lightning strike down. I climbed out of the Shadows first, everyone stopped as I stood there with the rain beating against us.

"Kill her!" Eleanor screamed it to her men, but they did not move. I was something they had never seen before, it scared them, and secretly I liked it.

"Rise!" I yelled out and all the shadow creatures rose out of the ground.

People started running and screaming but there was nowhere to go, their blood spilled to the ground before they even knew they were hit. I looked above and forced the lightning down onto those holding Nova captive. They burst into nothing, leaving only black soot on the ground.

Turning I could see this fight truly was nothing, but a nuisance and the real plan here was of my fathers, I have no doubt he put this idea into their heads. He would want more from me now, the only reason he infatuated my mother was to create a strong offspring.

The fight was over quickly, and their force was dead, all but Eleanor and her new lover. They were dragged to me, placed on their knees to answer to their crimes.

"You get one chance." She answered only by spitting at my feet. I was two seconds from turning her to ash before Cassius grabbed my arm. He stopped me and I felt those feelings of love and infatuation take hold. This took me out of my hate, and I started to lose control, the shadow creatures started to scream and retreated back under. They were gone but the rain continued.

"Guards, grab them" he ordered this without ever taking his eyes off me.

Men came and took them away; they didn't fight but obediently took their chains and left. They would be tortured for information and for the sins they committed.

"I'm not even sure where to begin with you. The power your blood gave me, or the monsters you have risen from the ground."

"Well, I assure you the power boost is new to me. I didn't know that would happen. The monsters were a surprise too."

"Only the Lord of the Shadow Realm can control them, or should I dare say, an heir." I smiled at him, I didn't need to tell him. "Full of surprises, one thing I don't believe I will ever understand is why you really let me take you that day in the woods."

"I'm strong, but I'm not fast. The moment it takes me to sum up the power I need to cast is the moment it takes you to kill me. I keep telling you this, but you keep not believing me, besides you've kind of grown on me." I grabbed the front of his shirt to pull him in for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around me to pull me in and passionately kissed me back.

I knew from this moment on I would forever protect this little piece of happiness I had found, for as long as I can. 

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