Chapter 12

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In the cell, Nova was getting healed by Gale. I just sat on the other bed watching. Truthfully, I was exhausted and needed to sleep, but I was too hyper-aware of everything going on around me. Some people were coming in looking at other witches, trying to decide if they wanted to buy them. A guard outside each cell would keep them at a distance but some people would try to press their faces to the bars.

I heard the guard unlock our cell and Lucas came in with a small piece of paper in his hands. His mother was still standing at the door.

Lucas's mother spoke up, "Cassius said you didn't disappoint; I, unfortunately, would have to agree." I only looked at her, Cassius gave me a compliment, she then turned to Gale, "How much longer Gale?"

"I would say she can travel now, my lady" Should have figured he was a capable healer being part of the Royal family.

Nova stood up, gave a meek smile at me, and walked out of the cell. Only Lucas and I remained in the cell, but the others were not far, especially Gale.

"That was quite the power you showed out there"

I smiled at him, "Was that a compliment? Or are you scared of me now too?" He reached out touching my hand.

"Something that powerful should be feared, but that's because they don't know you, you're loyal to those you care about. You protected me when I needed you." He looked over at Nova. "I just don't think I would want to be your enemy."

I smiled at him, and tousled his hair, "Spoken like a true Royal."

"Come on Lucas let's go." His mother interjected.

"See you at home." He then ran off following his mother. The guard closed the gate and locked it back up. I doubt he would move far, but then again; I was probably too tired to really care either.

It was still full of hustle and bustle and a few gawkers. I decided to lay down, throwing my arm over my eyes. Damn, I needed a nap, but it was too noisy to sleep. I couldn't tell where Cassius was, or much of where anyone was.

After a while, it was starting to quiet down, and pretty much every other witch was gone. Maybe they were deciding if they wanted to kill me instead? Wouldn't be the first time they just killed strong witches. I heard footsteps down the hall, I sat up on the edge of the bed.

"You do realize what you had done, right?" He spoke almost as if he was angry.

"Honestly, I don't know. I can't figure out what the hell it is you want."

"I wanted to see strength, not your strongest spell so that everyone else could see and anticipate." He was angry, and hungry, a dangerous mix.

I smiled at him, "You think that was my strongest, that's sweet"

He studied me for a minute, "What are you?"

"I am a witch with skill and power." I stood up and walked up to the bars coming in close to Cassius. "But more importantly, I am incredibly dangerous."

"That could cost you your life." I just nodded at him, then returned to my seat. "How will I be able to trust you?"

"Can you trust the fact that I don't want to die?"

"If you're that strong, then why didn't you use it when we first met. You were free to use as much power as you wanted."

"Being hunted and killing everyone I come across isn't exactly a life I strive for. I had gone a long time travelling never being found. I messed up and ran into the one being I tried very hard to avoid because I knew once I did, that be it, no more hiding." He seemed to accept my answer because he then pulled at the gate, and it broke open. He then started walking out of this shithole and I followed quickly behind him.

We came out of the stadium to the front where there were a few other carriages left. I saw Ralph, he nodded at me before disappearing into his own carriage. Cassius was talking to someone, and I was too tired to care what was happening, it does take a lot of power to create an entire forest and jump in and out of the Shadow Realm, apparently, he missed that part.

"Get in," he motioned for me to get into the carriage but when I went to take a step up, I missed but Cassius grabbed my arm quick before I fell. His touch sent an electrical shock up my arm that made me shiver. I bet he felt it too, but he let me go and I forced myself up into the carriage. Cassius came in and sat on the opposite side staring, I couldn't tell if he thought I was a threat or just studying my movements. The carriage then pulled ahead and turned to stare out the window.

I was lulled to sleep by the quiet carriage ride. I dreamed of my mother, her telling me to hide in the Shadow Realm so they wouldn't find me. She promised that the shadow creatures won't hurt me. I had visited them often as a young child, they liked to play. I felt a shock wave above the ground. I knew it was her, my mother was dead, killing everyone close. I woke up in the dark carriage.

"Bad dreams?" He seemed genuinely concerned, nice change.

"Just bad memories."

I looked out to see we were coming up to a huge gate, there was a giant mansion in the back, built with brick. It must be where his entire family lives. As we pulled into the gates, there were other houses around, probably for people like me and other workers. We were coming up to the main entrance when I sat back. Cassius had an amusing smug on his face.

"So, I've never seen any Royal home before, never wanted to get close enough."

"I can understand why." He then proceeded out of the carriage as one of the guards opened the door.

I followed behind him, and there seemed to be quite a few guards around. I hoped it was just for extra protection for the main entrance, but I doubted it.

"Your highness, Eleanor requested your presence at the study hall." That must be the woman's name he was with.

"I'm sure, tell everyone to get back to their post, I think I can handle my own witch." I seemingly got goosebumps as he said, 'my own.' I do wonder how our fight would have been different if I went full out; but now was time to enter my new life, life at the Royal Palace, or just giant ass building would do.

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