Chapter 15

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Nova was gone by the time I got up, which was a little disappointing, I was really excited to tell her she will finally be learning some fire skills. The house was filled with the glow of the morning sun, and the snow was glazed over the fields outside reflecting the light to create a beautiful morning glow. Shortly after starting a fire and putting the kettle on there was a knock at the door.

"Good morning, Lucas."

"Ava! I was hoping you were still here. Nova said she couldn't wake you, that you were sleeping like the dead."

"Oh, that's odd usually I wake up pretty easy." Must be getting a little too comfortable being here.

"That's ok but we're all having breakfast together. Though just be prepared there will be other vampires and witches at the table."

"I see, alright then why don't you go ahead and tell them I'll be there shortly." Lucas nodded then ran off.

This wasn't going to be the typical breakfast; something was going to be amiss. I did up my long hair into a nice bun, then put on the nicest pants and shirt I had. I did not want to embarrass Cassius with my lack of wardrobe. Heading out and trudging through the snow I made it inside. There were guards placed at all entrances and people were running and yelling getting ready for the Gala tonight.

Coming around the corner hoping to not be late I ran into something knocking me back. Someone had caught my arm before I fell completely back onto my butt. Looking back up I saw beautiful blue eyes and a stunning smile. Quickly I yanked my hand back.

"I am so sorry; I wasn't paying attention and I came around the corner too fast."

"Don't worry about it. The names Marcus." He did a slight bow. He had sandy brown hair, and was quite tall, maybe as tall as Cassius but doubt it.

"Hello, I am Aviana." I copied his bow.

"Well seeing as I am new here and completely lost, could you tell me where to get to the Royal dining area?" He had a very charming voice with an accent that placed him from out of town.

"Oh, of course, that is actually where I am heading so we can just go together." I continued down the hallway and he followed beside me. "So, you're a mage then, right?"

"I am."

"Did you come from out of town with another Noble family?"

"I came with my Master." He had a stern face saying that. He must not be all too pleased with whoever his master is.

"I see."

We came up to the door to the dining area rather quickly and I could hear people yelling and laughing.

"I suppose we should go in." He smiled back at me and opened the door.

Walking in the smell hit me first then the sight of eggs, meat, and fruit were displayed over the table. There were at least three new faces I didn't recognize. I took my seat next to Cassius and Gale. Marcus sat next to the two new Vampires, then there was a small boy talking with Lucas.

"Cassius this must be your new witch."

"She is my very late witch, yes." I just turned away.

"Ah well, Marcus here was late too."

Cassius turned to me, "And why were you late together?"

"We just kind of met in the hallway, he was lost and needed directions."

"I see, well Aviana this is my brother Adam, his wife Laura, and their son Damon."

"It is a pleasure meeting you all." I bowed my head.

I looked over at Nova and noticed she was giving Marcus the once over. I decided to fill up my plate as a way to avoid conversation. They all went on about the events tonight, they seemed worried the humans wouldn't be able to handle everything in time.

"Ava!" Lucas yelled across the table.

startled I looked over at Lucas, "Yes, Lucas."

"Can you read Marcus? I told Damon you can pretty much tell the strength of any witch and vampire."

"I don't think that would be a good idea." I looked over at Cassius who never objected. "Alright then."

Looking over at Marcus, he was smiling. He had an extraordinarily strong aura in him. "Well from what I can tell he is definitely a class five, and if he hasn't realized that yet, then he has the capabilities of being one.

"Thank you, Aviana, I am indeed a class five, but I too am skilled in reading witches. For example, Nova here is easily a class three."

"See! I keep telling her this, but she does not listen." He laughed.

"It is scary going up to a new level when one is not ready, but I would assume you would know nothing of that?" The table went silent, and I could feel Cassius staring at me.

"And what do you mean by that Marcus?" I asked.

"Your aura is very dark; it is like a bottomless pit. One goes too far and they could go mad in the darkness. This either tells me you're not all witch, or you uncovered a power that no one else has."

"I think that would be enough," Cassius spoke.

"Of course, Lord Cassius." Markus gave him a bow and continued with his food.

Everyone was finishing up and the boys wanted to go outside, Nova would keep an eye on them, which means no training. I wanted to talk to Marcus more, but a hand latched onto my arm and started dragging me out of the room. Cassius was leading me back to his room, surely to try and understand what exactly Marcus meant.

Once inside he pushed me to his chair and forced me to sit, then went back and slammed the door. He was mad. I could feel his anger radiate off him, unfortunately, with vampires they can be pretty unstable sometimes.

"Tell me what you are now."

"I am a witch I was born from a witch." Cassius sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He wasn't sure what to do with me, whether I needed to be killed or not. "Cassius, I do not want to die. I can promise you that, I will not hurt anyone unless you ask me to, like you said I am your witch."

"Your one of them, the stronger ones, the ones that can kill this entire household. If that is the case, then you should be sentenced to death." I couldn't move, I didn't want to die, and I always knew if I was found this would be my undoing, if I even flinch he will snap my neck before I could even let out one spell.

"I am strong, I can do things others can not, but how many times do I have to tell you my loyalty is to you, that I do not want to be on the run anymore. I have a home a friend a life that I could actually get used to."

His arms were crossed staring at me. "You're only loyal to me then?"


"And you'll do what I ask?"

"Whatever you need."

"Alright then, follow me." Cassius got up and started heading out the door. I'm not sure what he had in mind but whatever he asked, I would have to do it, otherwise, he will probably just kill me.

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