Chapter 10: In and Out of the Virtual Rabbit Hole

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Within Cherry Hill Shrine, the Sailor Scouts are assembled together and discussing the current situation.

Amara asks Trista, "So, Queen Serenity's lover, the father of our princess and her sister, wants to revive Queen Serenity using a 'dangerous power' kept in check by these 'Duel Dragons' which were the original forms of the Signer Dragons before the Crimson Dragon took them under its wing to fight Red Nova and the other Earthbound Immortals, right?"

Trista says, "Yes, but the Duel Dragons are also under a 'curse' from this 'dangerous power' causing the corruption that's happening to our princesses and Naruto. The only one to purify them is to use a purified Duel Dragon or a Signer Dragons infused with the power of the Crimson Dragon."

Lita says, "Namely Davis-san."

Ami says, "It would seem so, Lita-chan."

Mina asks, "But what about Sakura?"

Amara says, "We can't be absolutely sure that her Duel Dragon has been purified, Mina."

Michelle says, "There is also the matter of who gave it to her. This person knew that giving her the Duel Dragon would awaken her as Sailor Sun."

Trista says, with a nod, "And they knew that by doing this, they could risk the end of the universe if the clash of Sailor Sun and Sailor Moon happens. Remember, Sailor Moon and Sailor Sun are like Yin and Yang. They are similar, being Sailor Scouts of the Twilight..."

Mina asks, "Sailor Scouts of the Twilight?"

Raye says, "She means that Sailor Scouts of the Light AND the Darkness, Mina."

Lita asks, "Huh? Sailor Moon, a Scout of Darkness and Light! But she..."

Ami asks, "Lita-chan, how is a solar eclipse?"

Lita's eyes widen and Hotaru responds, "When the moon hovers in-between the Earth and the Sun."

Trista says, with a nod, "Yes. That's the true nature of Sailor Moon as a Sailor Soldier of Life. Sailor Moon doesn't represent the Earth's moon through it is the center, she represents all of the 'satellites' that encircle their planets. And the moons of the universe can shine light in the darkness, but they can also bring shadows."

Mina asks, "But the sun brings light onto worlds? How can it bring darkness?"

Amara asks, plainly, "What happens when sunlight 'strikes' a person?"

Mina says, with a giggle, "That's silly, Amara! They make..." Mina's eyes at what Amara is implying and she says, "... a shadow."

Trista says, with a nod, "That's right, Mina. Both Sailor Sun and Sailor Moon are Soldiers of the Twilight and Warriors of Life. However, Sailor Sun brings life in the day while Sailor Moon does the same at night. Similar yet different. The moon is usually peaceful and serene, but it can bring incredible destructive power."

Ami says, "Since the moon can control weather and tides due to its position. And the sun brings light, but its radiation can cause damage to human body and the heat that it brings can kill living beings."

Trista says, nodding her head, "That's their nature, Ami. Together, they maintain balance, but if the two of them fought each other, because of their natures, the balance will be thrown off and they could bring about the end of everything."

Amara says, "That makes it a grave threat similar to Kaguya, Sasuke, and Orochimaru."

Trista says, with a solemn tone, "However, the horrible truth is that only Sailor Sun has the power to stop Sailor Moon because of their nature which is the reason that whoever awoke Sailor Sun knew this."

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