Chapter 26: Twilight of a Snake

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Within an area of the Elemental Countries, the Land of Demons, Priestess Shion, who is also the Daimyo of this land and she is 19 years of age, is with Naruto, Serena, Hinata, and Ami within one of the rooms in Shion's home/mansion. After what happened in the Leaf Village, the group took off and prepared to return home, but they sensed something and they took off at what they 'sensed' in an area known as Mount Koryu, an area that causes problems for normal chakra use, but the Sailor Scouts mystical abilities allow them to handle the area without much problem and Naruto's own acquired Golden Crystal and connection to the Cosmos Crystal gives him immunity from the effects of Mount Koryu unlike the last time through Naruto has a hard time to remember it. Once there, they found the Dragon Blade and the five elemental orbs from the Five Genryu and they brought to this country since a faint memory of Shion and Demon Country comes to his mind. When they arrived, Shion wasn't exactly surprised that Naruto had problems remembering her. Shion's powers had developed and she actually knew what happened to Naruto and more in which Shion managed to help Naruto regain a portion of his memories, but only those focused on her, however, she didn't do that on purpose. She could only recover the memories that 'bonded' her and Naruto together.

Shion tells Naruto, "I'm sorry that I couldn't get any more of your memories back Naruto."

Naruto says, with a grin, "No problem, Shion! Believe it! I'm glad that I can remember something beyond those memories of the Leaf!"

Shion tells Naruto, with a warm smile, "When I heard the truth, I was so horrified that they would treat someone like you like that. Personally, I was close to closing any and all 'binding agreements' to the Leaf completely."

Serena tells Shion, "Don't blame you, Lady Shion."

Shion tells Serena, "Lady Serena, I don't think that we have to be formal here. We are both royalty after all."

Serena tells Shion, "I was royalty, Lady Shion. I'm not in this life."

Shion tells Serena, "Well, being Princess Serenity is a part of who you are and that means you are royalty from another world like it or not, Lady Serena."

Serena says, with a smile, "Thank you, Lady Shion. Just call me Serena."

Shion responds, "As long as you call me Shion, Serena." Shion says, looking at the Dragon Blade and the five elemental orbs along with what look like five scales, "I'm amazed that you found something else along with the Dragon Blade and the elemental orbs."

Ami says, "Yes, I was amazed to find actual scales from the dragons that Naruto defeated so long ago."

Shion asks, "What do you do with the scales?"

Naruto responds, "I really don't know, Shion."

Serena asks Hinata, "How are you blacksmithing skills, Hinata?"

Hinata responds, with a smile, "Okay, Serena-onee-chan."

Serena says, "Maybe you and I can use our 'Smith Form' for this one."

Hinata smiles and Shion asks Naruto, with a grin, "Since you do remember now, Naruto, maybe you can fulfil that promise that you made to me."

Serena, Hinata, and Ami look at Naruto and Serena asks, "Promise?"

Naruto responds, with a smile, "I had promised to help Shion to pass on her power to the next priestess through I'm not sure what I can do to help."

Shion says, "Actually, he promised me to help me continue my line of priestesses."

There are gasps from the three other women and Hinata asks, shocked, "Is this true?"

Naruto responds, with a nod, "Sure, Hinata. I'm sure that I can help with a 'power transfer'."

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