Chapter 25: The Extremist and the Snake: Double Trouble!

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Inside of Hayabusa Village, Sailor Celestial is using the Requiem Bow to aim an energy arrow a large diamond and she fires the arrow in which it goes through the diamond and causes it to be split in half much to the shock of the Digidestined, Sailor Scouts, Leaf ninja, and everyone else.

Sailor Jupiter says, stunned, "No way!"

Sailor Uranus says, "It is a legendary weapon, Jupiter."

Izzy says, awe-struck, "Prodigious! The ability to pierce not to mention cut through diamond is so prodigious! The power it has must be indescribable!"

Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, "The power to pierce any 'armor' and the power to hit any target. This is the power of the Requiem Bow."

Choji says, "I see, but I still can't believe it!"

Shikamaru asks, "Troublesome. But why did Sailor Moon leave it with us?"

Shino says, "Logically, she has the only shield that can negate the power of the bow."

Sailor Mars says, "The Skyboom Shield."

Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, "The only shield that can protect one from the Requiem Bow and the only other weapon that has a chance against the power of the bow is the Star Saber which is still in Naruto's possession."

Tai says, "Yeah, but powerhouse weapons aren't the only thing in our corner now." Just then there is a massive shockwave shakes the whole area and everyone looks above to see Valkyrie Sailor Sun and Valkyrie Sailor Milky Way in an intense sparring session with fast punches and kicks that shake the whole area.

Sailor Venus says, "I can't believe that she managed to become a Valkyrie just by eating an apple."

Sailor Pluto says, "Remember, Venus, the apple only provide part of the equation that led to Jun's awakening as a Valkyrie Sailor Soldier. The power and strength of heart and the needs within it provided the rest."

Ino says, "Geez! She just got started learning to harness chakra and now, she is beyond Biju powerhouse! She and Forehead are just incredible!"

Sai says, "True, Ino. However, there are weaknesses to this power. Unlike the other transformations, this one does provide strain on the Sailor Soldier, but this is power that can destroy planets, stars, and galaxies that we are talking about after all. The power is immense and the ability to maintain balance and hold such a form gives significant strain to the holder of this level of power."

Sailor Uranus says, "And that's what they are training to do. They are training to make it feel 'natural' to be a Valkyrie Sailor Scout and maintain that form for very long periods of time."

Sailor Neptune says, with a smile, "A very wise idea."

Matt tells Davis, "Geez, Davis! Your sisters are incredible!"

Davis says, with a grin, "Yeah! Jun might seem like a fan girl and she tends to be, but piss her off and she is a hard core, kick ass wild cat! You have to remember that muscle bound 'cool guy' that tried to impress her."

Tai says, with a nod, "No joke! I didn't know that a human spine could bend THAT way."

Matt says, nervously, "That's why I don't piss your sister off, Davis."

Valkyrie Sailor Milky Way shouts out, "Got that right, Ishida!"

Matt says, with a winch, "She just loves picking on me."

Sora says, with a giggle, "Yep! I really got to know Jun and she can be a girl's best friend."

Matt responds, drolly, "To you, Sora."

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