Chapter 32: Road to Tzolk'in

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Inside of Juuban, the Digidestined and their Digimon, Kazuto, Asuna, Rika, Keiko, Sailor Celestial, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Pluto as one group with Sailor Moon, Sailor Star, Naruto, and the other Sailor Scouts forming the other group with TK, Sachi, Kantrian, Sugou, and finally, Neo-Queen Serenity, her daughter, and the Crystal Tokyo versions of the Moon Kingdom Sailor Scouts lying on the ground in front of them. Neo-Queen Serenity, Sailor Moon's Crystal Tokyo future self, was the final Dark Signer due to the fact that when Kaguya had captured Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts in her Infinite Tsukuyomi, she had unexpectedly used Sailor Pluto's time powers to cause chaos to Crystal Tokyo and destroying that alternate future through some kind of space-time storm of some kind.

Sailor Celestial asks, "So, this Dark Signer business is over, huh?"

Sailor Jupiter says, "Since she said that she took care of Obito."

Sailor Milky Way asks, "Could have Kaguya done what she said?"

Sailor Pluto says, with a sigh, "There is a possibility since she had access to my abilities for a short time and her power was out of control."

Sailor Jupiter says, annoyed, "Damn it! She just has to cause pain and misery where she goes."

Joe says, "Well, something good came out of this."

Kari says, with a smile, "Yeah."

Kazuto thinks in his mind, with a solemn smile, "Sachi, welcome home."

Sailor Celestial says, pointing to Sugou, "Anyway, we should get this piece of trash back where he belongs: In a cage."

Davis says, "No joke, Celestial."

Sailor Moon moves towards her alternate future self and Sailor Sun asks, "Where are you going?"

Sailor Moon retorts, "Does it really matter?"

Sailor Sun responds, "It does to me, Meatball Head."

Sailor Sun grabs Sailor Moon's shoulder and she responds, "Take your hand off my shoulder, Sailor Sun."

Sailor Sun retorts, "Make me, Sailor Moon."

Sailor Milky Way thinks in her mind, "Oh, boy. Why do I get a bad feeling?"

Sailor Moon says, "Your mistake!" Sailor Moon then grabs Sailor Sun's arm and judo throws her into a car which knocked over to its side by the sheer force.

Sailor Jupiter says, stunned, "Whoa! When did Sailor Moon learn judo?! That's not possible!"

Sailor Uranus says, with a smirk, "With someone like me to teach her, I think that you need to think again."

Sailor Celestial says, "I never thought that Sailor Moon would have anything to do with fighting!"

Sailor Moon says, with a plain tone, "People change, Celestial. For better or for worse."

Sailor Sun leaps up and lands on the ground in which she says, "I have to say 'for worse', Meatball Head."

Sailor Moon tells Sailor Sun, "Look, I don't want to fight you."

Sailor Sun responds, "Too bad that the fight is already on, Sailor Moon." Sailor Sun then transforms into Valkyrie Sailor Soldier form and quick as a flash, she unleashes a shockwave that sends Sailor Moon flying into the side of a building leaving a huge hole in it.

Sailor Star shouts out, shocked, "Sailor Moon-onee-chan!"

Naruto says, stunned, "Moon-chan!"

Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Saturn yell out in unison, stunned, "Sailor Moon!"

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