You're pregnant

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You were feeling sick lately but it didn't stopped you to go and have fun with yout friends.This morning you woke up and run to the bathroom to throw up. ,,Morning sickness?Strange appetite?Oh my fuck...Am i PREGNANT?!'' You talked to yourself in the bathroom.Alfred was at a World Meeting so it was okay.You hurried to the nearest drug store and bought a pregnancy test. ,,Oh God,oh God,oh God!OH MY FUCKING GOD!'' You looked at it and it(i wrote 'tit' instead of 'it') was positive. *ring*ring* ,,Hello?'' ,,Alfred?'' You called your boyfriend. ,,What is it ___?'' ,,Weeeeeeell...I might be some kind of..ahem..pregnant.'' ,,YOU'RE WHAT?!'' You heard him shouting then screetching sounds.You guessed that he was hyperventilating or something because he wasn't saying a word anymore. ,,Alfie?'' ,,Holly shit!I'm gonna be a dad..I'm gonna be a dad...I'M GONNA BE A DADDY!'' ,,Shut your fucking mouth,bloody idiot.The baby will die if you're going to take care of him.'' You heard Arthur in the background.


You were feeling sick lately but it didn't stopped you to go and have fun with yout friends.This morning you woke up and run to the bathroom to throw up. ,,Morning sickness?Strange appetite?Oh my fuck...Am i PREGNANT?!'' You talked to yourself in the bathroom. ,,Love,are you okay?You're acting quite strange lately.Not that i am worried or something...okay,maybe a little...Okay!I am worried so now please tell me what's wrong!'' ,,Arthur...I.....I think i'm pregnant.'' ,,Oh..That's okay..that's-...YOU'RE WHAT?!OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!HOW?!HOW?!I'M GONNA BE A DAD?!WHAT IF THE KID WON'T LOVE ME?!WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THAT TO ME ___,WHY?'' Arthur started to cry.You were confused and hurt at the same time but you decided to call his sister,Adonis. ,,Arthur,what the fuck?!Why are you yelling at poor ___?(i put _/_ without meaning to)We're going to have a new member in our familly!We should hurry with the wedding you idiot!If you won't agree i'm going to shave your stupid eyerbrows!!'' ,,You don't understand,you heartless slut!I don't want to go through the same thing with my baby!'' ,,You're kid won't going to be a brainless idiot like Alfred!So don't worry!Your kid will be a perfect son or daughter!'' The two of them were fighting.You went to the drug store and took a pregnancy test and came back home.It was positive. ,,___,love..I talked with Adonis and...i'm sorry.I'd lie if i'd tell you that i won't agree with this child...or that i won't happy with it.I was just shocked....'' ,,I'm so happy.'' He hugged you.


You were feeling sick lately but it didn't stopped you to go and have fun with yout friends.This morning you woke up and run to the bathroom to throw up. ,,Morning sickness?Strange appetite?Oh my fuck...Am i PREGNANT?!'' You talked to yourself in the bathroom. *ring-ring* The phone started to ring and you hurried to answer. ,,H-hello?" ,,_-___,a-are y-you okay?I was worried because you haven't answered to any of my messages." It was Matthew. ,,Oh,sorry babe,but i-.." You tought about this then decided to tell him the big news. ,,..-i am pregnant." ,,Oh,you're pregnant,that's.....YOU'RE WHAT?!" He whisper-yelled. ,,Hehehe,i guess we should've used protection.But...if you don't want this baby i can make a-.." ,,No!I.Want.This.Baby." You were so happy by his words. ,,E-err..s-sorry,i d-didn't meant to yell...'' ,,Mattie,i bearly heard you and you called that a yell?" You started to giggle.


You were feeling sick lately but it didn't stopped you to go and have fun with yout friends.This morning you woke up and run to the bathroom to throw up. ,,Morning sickness?Strange appetite?Oh my fuck...Am i PREGNANT?!'' You talked to yourself in the bathroom. ,,Aye!What's with all this fuss?Ye're on yer period and don't have any pads again?" Your red headed boyfriend came in the bathroom to see you with a pregnancy test in your hands ready to use it. ,,EH?!What do ye think ye're doing?Don't play tricks on me,lass." ,,No,you idiot,i want to see if i'm pregnant or not after all." ,,Pshh,say what ye want." After you took the test it ended up positive.You were happy but scared about what Alliester was going to say. ,,Honey~?Bubby,ale you here?" ,,What the hell,woman...'ale'?Of course i'm here,what's wrong,lass?'' He came to you and hugged you kissing the nape of your neck. ,,We.Are.GOING TO BE PARENTS~!Yaay~!" You said kissing his forehead. ,,Wow...a little minion..A baby is one of those walking things,right?That are crying when they want something,right?" ,,A baby isn't a thing!It's a human being!A soul!" ,,Yeah,yeah,whatever.We're going to have one of those?" ,,*sigh*Yes,we're going to have one of those." ,,Listen,lass,babe,love,this thing will have only 30 minutes per day with me,okay?The rest of the day i'll spent for 'Alliester things',okay?" ,,Whatever you say~" You smirked micheviously.

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