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I need to adress this.

When I was younger, around 13 years old or something and I was really active on posting and writing fanfics I disputed some situations that were happening at that time. I just now saw a notification and I got horrified. I am personally horrified. My understanding of the english language was not as developed as now, so it was easy for me to not understand different concepts.
I was talking about someone being disgusted with rape fanfictions and self included fanfictions.

I have some issues on this. Back then being an awkward teen and facing a lot of bullying on a daily basis I would drown myself in books. All types of books, be it fanfictions or teen novels or any type of literature that would allow me to get over some stuff. When I discussed this topic I failed to make my point across and failed to understand the real issue of the subject the person was talking. When it comes to rape fanfiction as a romantic field, as a love ideal, I feel deeply disgusted and deeply saddened. I have been sexually assaulted in highschool and even though it was not something really damaging, it was pretty horrifying. Not only was I touched inappropriately, I have been mentally abused after and nearly physically abused for refusing to accept such "advances" made my way. I don't tolerate the kidnapping and any form of abuse as romantic scenarios.
Many kids as myself back then didnt know what healthy boundaries are when it comes to relationships among humans, many of us grew up in love with creepypastas and reading fanfictions with creepypadtas where dirty deeds would be romanticised, yet we would be okay with it. My opinion back then, or what I stated more exactly, was that it is okay to include such thing in a book and if it is disturbing or triggering for some people, then, it is rather okay to avoid it.

I do believe that you can debate anything in your books, as a writer you get to experience different scenarios in your head in order to send a message to the world, be it a lesson they could learn from what you wrote or an encouragment, as in you can still do great things after a shitstorm has just hit you.

But back then, i failed to explain certain stuff, not only did I adress the situation very wrongly, my approach was filled with a very offended little bitch. My 13 year old self felt attacked because, in my head back then, it was as if the person talking about this serious stuff was trying to censor any bit of taboo topics in books/fanfics/novels.

Never, but never, I would never support someone that writes books about serious matter in way that romanticises them. Kidnapping aint dreamy, sexual abuse aint ideal, violance aint hot, MURDER is not funny.

Therefore I must apologize since this thing I created did get quite the attention in all the years that it has existed on this platform. I apologize for all the people who have felt as if I was supporting such level of "romance". I apologise for everyone that felt disgusted, I apologise for everyone that felt hurt.

Right now, I dont know if there are as many people still following up with this bf scenarios thingt, but right now, if there are still people keeping up with this, I want you all to focus on matters that are really important.

I am no influencer, I am no important person, I was a kid that had a dream and you reading my shit helped me live my dream for a little while and I thank you for giving me a corner of happiness during my darkest times.

I did no proper ending on this series, it is all a mess as usual. But this is not important, what is important right now is for us as individuals to fight for our rights, as women, as men, as humans!

Please support the people who fight against racism, support the people who fight against homophobia, support the people who fight sexism. Go and support people that fight for their rights as individuals, go and fight for your right to a better world!

Educate kids and dont let them follow the path we once followed when we felt alone in this world. Teach them that there is better, teach them that there is always a tomorrow. Don't accept shit from anyone that wants to opress you, dont accept shit from anyone that wants to bring your spirit down, dont accept shit from anyone that cant understand human decency, who cant understand that right now is the time for change.

Protect yourself, there is a pandemic going on, it is not over. Yes we must fight the injustice, but we also must be very careful as to not get infected. Health is also important, help people that are not so fortunate as yourself, help them stay safe and protected. Take care of yourselves.

Then again, as always, I apologize for any grammar mistakes, if it isnt as coherent as I wanted it. I apologize deeply for all the harm I did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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