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Remember that 2 years special? Yeah, me neither.

What I actually want to say about this is that.... well.... I couldn't possibly post that video. I just couldn't and I have my reasons which can be really harsh and rude, offensive, etc. They could be also be interpreted as "OOOH, YOU'RE JUST A FUCKING HATER, GO FUCK YOURSELF, HATER"

First of all, I did like the plots of the stories you guys told me to read and the boyfriend scenario is genius. I love the 2!ps so when I'll get back my passion for reading I'm sure I'll read every single scenario, I just love 2!p Canada and Italy, so psycho, just the way I like my men. 

So, why I didn't want to post the video is because I kind of ended it in a lot of cursing and shit like that, I got really mad, like for fuck's sake, jeez, when you write something about a country, any kind of country, just fucking document yourself about the history of that country before deciding to include it in your book. Also, when naming a region or a country that wasn't shown in Hetalia, just fucking give it a traditional name of that region or country and if you're not sure, google it for fuck's sake.

Again, when you want to write a book or a fanfiction or something, please, for the love of GOD, Satan, Hades, Zeus and many others, just fucking get that essential grammar on point.

What's that essential grammar? It's the difference between YOUR and fucking YOU'RE(also: there & they're & their, were & where & also fucking WE'RE, then & than, etc.) at least that's what 'essential grammar' means to me. And no, I'm not a fucking grammar nazi, I just have 'common sense' when it comes to writing. But fuck it, thanks for calling me a grammar nazi, I'm so fucking glad. *THUN THUN THUN*

People do mistakes, it's true. When I first started this scenario book I would write "Sweeden" instead of "Sweden" but hey, english is not my first language, I wrote as I thought it was supposed to be wrote because of the accent. (Sw-'ee'-den; long 'e') I'm sure I did other mistakes because I usually try to finish a chapter like in 5 minutes and I don't care to check my grammar mistakes, I used to apologize at the end of the chapters, but then I got bored. But seriously, it's not a big deal if you write a word wrong because you weren't paying attention, like writing 'writing' with double 't' or other shits. You may not use these words all the time so it's okay to mistake writing them in a wrong way (but you can allways google to see if it's right or not). 

Heck, for my novels I even got an application that corrects any wrong words I wrote, just because I am too lazy to google them. 

Well, the books are good, I only read the first chapter of each one of them (lazy motherfucker). Go to the previous chapter and check the comments if you want to read them too, just don't be assholes when you leave comments 'cause those persons tried their best.

btw: I'm still working on the part two of England's psychopath special scenario, so yeah... I'm kind of slow on writing but it's coming to an end. 

Buh-bai, see ya'~! 

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