¡!Special scenario!¡ *Russia*

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Normal scenario-> Scenario proposed by animerulz213945

It was a beautifull day.The bird were singing sweetly,the flowers were leting beautiful scents in the air and the sun...Ohoho,the sun won't let poor (Y/N) to continue her pacefull sleep.She opened slowly her sparkling (E/C) eyes and looked between her (H/L) (H/C) bangs that were all over her face.She got up from her comfy bed and went to the window to look in the neigbourgh's garden.The sunflowers looked so beautifull and for (Y/n)'s luck Ivan was out watering his lovely flowers.

Ivan was a tall handsome young man that came from Russia 6 months ago.He was really kind to (Y/N) because he tought she was sweetheart,and she really was.He loved her smile,her voice,her face,her everything!His day would be perfect just if (Y/N) will spend some time with him.Even a greeting was enough to make him smile all day.He had a crush after she helped him with his sunflowers.He wanted her but he was to shy to tell her that she actually loves her,more than anybody could love a person.He wasn't obsessed,he just was a boy that allways got emotioned when he sees the girl he likes.

(Y/N) smiles at the sight and hurried to the bath to take a shower and do her morning routine.After brushing her hair she went to the window checking if Ivan was still in the garden and he was.She ran to the dresser and dressed in a cute white gown with sunflowers.It looked perfect on her.She took a pair of white socks,knee lenght,and black flats.She run out the house and went to the fence that separated the two gardens.

,,Ah,(Y-Y/N)!Good morning.'' Ivan smile at the girl.She blushed like crazy and smiled at him trying to hide her (S/C) cheeks that now flushed a light colour of pink. ,,H-hello,Ivan.'' She said quietly feeling butterflies in her belly. ,,I like your dress.You allways looked so beautiful.'' Ivan said smiling,happy that he didn't stutter. ,,Ivan..'' (Y/N) started to say something but stopped fast and looked down blushing even more. ,,Your okay,sunflower?'' Ivan said in his cute russian accent making (Y/N) dizzy like she just consumed some drugs.His voice was her favorite drug and she will consume it whenever he talked. ,,N-nothing.Just..stupid things..Heheh.'' She smiled reassuring the confused russian who was staring at her with lovingly eyes.

After a silent morning in the garden that felt kind of akward (Y/N) went inside her house waving at Ivan.She smiled as she tought of how would it be like if Ivan was her boyfriend but her smile faded away as she remembered her last relationship. ,,No,no,no,NO!I promised that i won't think about it again..'' She shook her head and gripped her hair.Her ex boyfriend was a really bad guy that allways beat her for..nothing in particular.But it was a long time ago.Even tough,for her was like yesterday.

//Flash-back brought to you by Grindy's production.//
Today was a rainy day.The sky cried with hard tears that covered the big citty with puddles.(Y/N) was in the kitchen cooking for her boyfriend,Ryan.Her body was fully covered in cuts,scars and bruises made by her so jealous boyfriend.Yesterday he beat the crap out of her because she talked with an old friend from kindergarten.She was scared to be too late with the lunch because she might get another beat.He will think she was cheating on him with somebody,even tough it wasn't true.She is a hard working girl that met the devil himself.
,,Yo,i'm home.'' There he was,Ryan.All wet and dirty.He kind of smelled like alcohol but (Y/N) didn't dare to ask where he was. ,,Welcome home.'' She said with a big smile that hides all of her hatefull grin.She brought with her a plate with the food for Ryan and put it on the cofee table in the dining-room. ,,What's this?'' He asked in an irritated tone. ,,Y-your food,love.'' She answered with a smile while stuttering. ,,This..is food?Heh?YOU FUCKING CALL THIS FOOD?!You dirty slut...you want to poison me,don't you?!Ohohoho,i'll show what i can do with those two fists.'' He said getting up from the couch.
(Y/N) run from the dining room trying to reach the front door but her wrist was cought in a tight grip that could crush her bones. ,,R-Ryan..You're hurting me...'' Tears fell down her (E/C) eyes as she dropped on her knees. ,,Aww~I'm not hurting you.I'm showing you how much i love you.'' He cooed as he grabbed her by her hair and dragged her all around the hall into the dining-room where he gave her the 'daily routine'.
One day she finally tought of leaving him.She got enough courage and called the police.After Ryan got arrested she moved in a pacefull town far away from Ryan.
//End of flashback.//

She felt cold sweat running on her forehead and a warm hand patting her back.She looked around meeting two glittering purple pupills,it was Ivan. ,,H-how..?'' (Y/N) tried to ask something but Ivan hurried and silenced her,,Shh,don't cry anymore.I'm here for you.I heard you screaming and i got scared that something might happened to you.'' He said with a worried smile on his face.Then it hits her,she was curled on the floor crying all this time.She hugged Ivan tightly never wanting let him go. ,,(Y/N) please,tell me what happened?'' Ivan said ruffling her hair and resting his chin on her head. ,,Well..'' She told him how her ex boyfriend used to abuse her and she moved away just to escape from him.But she forgot to tell him that she was thinking about life as Ivan's girlfriend(Lol,i wanted to write boyfriend.) ,,I won't hurt you,(Y/N).I promise you,i will allways love and care for you.'' Ivan whispered softly in her ear making her heart to skipp a beat.She was overwhelmed by happiness.But ahe wasnt' yet sure of starting a new relationship. ,,I would like to have some time to think of it..'' She looked up at Ivan rubbing her eyes and smiling at him. ,,I understand.'' He smiled amd kissed her forehead before leaving the house.

Three days had passed since Ivan told (Y/N) that he loves her,since he confessed to her.She was cleaning the house when she heard her doorbell ring. ,,Coming!'' she shouted from kitchen and ran to the front door.When she oppened it a tall young man with orange hair and red eyes was on her porch.(Y/N)'s eyes widened in shock.It was Ryan. ,,Hello,(Y/N).'' He winked at her.She hurried to close the door but he forced it oppen. ,,Wait!I have changed...After loosing you i couldn't help but feel empty.'' He said in a broke heart manner.She looked at him with doubt in her (E/C). ,,Please.I need you to be mine again.'' He said cupping her face like he used to do in their good times.

Ivan was walkin on the street coming from a friend's house when he saw that (Y/N) was with a guy on the porch of her house.'Who could it that be?' He took a good glance at the guy and then remember what (Y/N) told him three days ago.The guy must be her ex-boyfriend that abused her.Anger filled Ivan's mind and he hurried his pace to the porch and hidded behind a three to listen at their conversation. ,,Love?'' Ryan said as he lifted (Y/N)'s chin. ,,I-i..'' She stuttered and blushed. ,,I won't hurt you once again.'' The orange haired guy said looking at her faced and smirked evily.She didn't saw because she had her eyes shutted tightly. ,,Don't you lie to my Подсолнечник!''(sunflower) Ivan ran from behind the three between the two of them. ,,And who are you,creeper?'' Ryan asked sneering at Ivan. ,, Ваш худший кошмар!''(Your worst nightmare!) Ivan punched Ryan across his face making him run away.But before he was gone he stopped looking with fear. ,,A-anyway,i didn't n-needed that s-slut..'' Ryan said stuttering and ran making his self disapearing. ,,Ivan!'' (Y/N) jumped in Ivan's arms. ,,I love you!I love you!...I love you..'' Tears of joy started to pour from her beautiful (E/C) eyes. ,,You're my sunflower.YA lyublyu tebya!''(I love you.It didn't work to copy-paste..T.T)

I hope you liked it.Sorry.For.Wrong.Grammer.Spells.Ba-ba,guys!

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