Late Night Talk{Pt.12}

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MeCookieEater: Kawaii_Sama_Desu *Bahamas is joining our little chit chat* No.1: "Can I-just need a hug from someone- Spain maybe? I've just had a really bad day." 

THAT SPANISH SEXY ASS: Come here, chica. *hugs you* Everything will be alright, I promise. Here, take this tomatoe.

MeCookieEater:  No.2: "Japan, who's your favorite Attack On Titan character?

QUIET HOTNESS: I think Levi-san. He's very clean..

MeCookieEater: No.3: "How would you think my 2p would act? Winner gets pocky/ candy!"

BADASS COWLICK: HAHAHA! I'm on a diet so I'll pass.

AMURRICA: I she... acting like... the opposite of you? 

IGGY: Yeah,good job, idiot.

MeCookieEater: No.4: "2p's: why are you called 2p's? I've tought about it and honestly some of you are hotter than your original (besides Romano of course;))"

BADASS COWLICK: Maybe because that 'p' comes from 'player' and... we are.. the second players?

CUTE KILLER: Finally something intelligent.


MeCookieEater: PinkCupcakez : "Awww thank you Author ^^ & Oliver's cupcakes can't be bad right?"

IGGY: Want to try it for yourself? I suggest you to be around someone you trust so your organs would be still intact.

MeCookieEater: Luluscookie , omg I love your question!! "What would you do if reader -chan shows up in your room in lingerie ?... in sexy lingerie" *GETS IN BLACK LINGERIE*

BADASS COWLICK: Oh, I know what I'll do.. *smirks* Come here, doll~ I'll-

HOT PSYCHO: If you lay a singer finger on her I'll cut your dick off and I'll serve it to you... The same goes for the others.

MeCookieEater: *grabs a flanel and covers herself in it* I should...uh..get dressed..

HOT PSYCHO: Yeah.. you should..

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