Psychopath England x Reader

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Guys.. I don't know if you noticed but I'm in love with this kind of stories XD (this is not a request, but if you want a one shot or a scenario you can tell me and I'll do it, if it's something really kinky and you're too shy to request it in the comments you can tell me in private and I'll do it gladly)

You moved to London 2 weeks ago hoping you could imporve your career as a painter. Since you moved here you made a new friend called Peter, a 12 year old boy in your neighbourhood. His house was right next to yours and you met him while gardening and his ball landed in your roses.

Ever since you moved there you had a uneasy feeling at night like someone was in the house with you, like someone was following you whenever you were changing in your bedroom. You assumed it was the naughty little boy watching you from his bedroom's window since the other house had a room opposite yours and the windows were facing each others.

"___! I'm here and I brought my tools so I'm ready to learn!" Peter entered in the kitchen through the back door.

"Does your brother know you're here?" You asked as you finished to clean the last plate.

"Yeah. He even opened the door beteween our yards! Isn't that cool?" The boy said with glee in his eyes.

"Wait, there is a door? Oh, how come I haven't noticed that?" You laughed.

"I don't know. Arthur said he'll come later to bring us some scones, yuck!" Peter said as he stuck his tongue out in disgust.

"What's wrong with that? I'll finally have the chance to meet him."

"Yeah, he's bad too, but his scones are awful!" He said with a pout.

"Okay, Peter!" You giggled. "If that's all, let's go in the living room and start our lesson." You said and the two of you went in the living room. "So, can you tell me more about your brother. I want to know more about him since, y'know, he's visiting."

"He's awful! He grounded me for breaking one of his globes by accident. Once I ran into his meditation circle and he grounded me for that too. Oh, oh, and it was that time I entered his bedroom while he was lighting some candles around a little shrine and talking in a weird language, oh, he slapped me and yelled at me! And then he locked me in my room." You were shocked at what the little kid was telling you.

"Is this, like... for real?" You asked unsure.

"Yes! He's weird. Once a week those 2 guys, Lukas and Vladimir, are coming and they go down in the basement and they are talking in a weird language.." Peter said raising his hands while explaining.

"Can you try to imitate it?" You asksed putting the brush down. Peter started to mumble some words that sounded like latin.

"I think that it might be latin."

"What's that?" Peter looked puzzled.

"It's an old language used by the Holy Roman Empire and it's still used today by Papa." You explained with a smile.

"Wow, you know so many things! But why would they speak in that language?"

"Well, you said your brother has a shrine and that he meditates... Maybe they were doing some incantations, I don't know." You answered as you picked up the brush once again. "Shall we start?"


The two of you had a lot of fun while going through the basic things. You told him to try to draw his brother and he agreed with a michevious smile on his face. You went to the kitchen to bring some more lemonade. When you came back there were a few knocks at the door.

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