First kiss/Finding out he is a country.

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//Haaaaalloooo!So i decided to make 2 chapters in one because i didn't write for long time..*sigh*...Summer homework.Oh,and i decided to add Scotland as well!Hehehe.Btw,patient at the langueage.//


You and your boyfriend had already 1 since you start dating so you decided to make him something special. *ring*ring* ,,___?'' ,,Hi,Alfie,i called you to ask if you'd like to come by today in the noon.'' ,,I would like to,babe!I was thinking to visit you because i have something important to tell you..Plus,we made 1 month!'' ,,I tought you forgot.'' You giggled and were really happy because your boyfriend didn't forgot something so important for you. ,,I would never do such a thing!I'm the hero here so i can't forget!'' ,,Okay,see you then.''  You hung up and prepared everything.You made a special lunch.You  choose to wear a lovely long  white T-shirt with the inscription 'Love Is In The Air.' writed with pink and red asorted with black leggings with white hearts on them and a pair of black and white flats. *knock*knock* Finally your american boyfriend came. ,,Hi,babe!'' He said ready to give you a bouquet of red roses ,,Alfie!'' You jump on him throwing your hands around his neck kissing him lightly on the cheek. ,,Okay,okay,i brought you these.'' He said,finally giving you the bouquet. ,,Oh my gosh!They're so beautiful!Thank you!'' You jumped again on him.Then he entered the house going with you to the kitchen.After your meal you started. ,,Alfie,you said you wanted to tell me something.'' ,,Errr...Yeah..About that,um..It's something really hard and..i really want you to understand.*sigh* I'm...ugh..'' ,,A murderrer?A thief?Pedophil?Gay,bisexual?My father-..'' ,,___!Stop joking around this is serious...'' ,,Well?'' ,,I...'' ,,Alfie..'' ,,I'm a country!!There!'' ,,What?!'' You were shocked about you just heard. ,,Yeah..b-but!My big brother know what to do!He is using magic and he can make a potion to make you live for eternity!'' ,,You're lying..'' You said looking like an idiot at your boyfriend. ,,No!I'm telling the truth!I'm America!'' ,,Ok,that's it!Fuck off!You're just a pshyco!'' ,,Just the president and the secret corporations know about me!I'm really telling the truth!'' ,,Demonstrate it.'' ,,Okay,borrow me you laptop.'' You lent him your computer and he  entered on some social site.Then he video-called the president. ,,Oh,hello there,my beloved country.'' ,,Hey,dude!My girlfriend said that i'm crazy.Tell her that i'm telling the truth and England can help us.'' Alfred said in a really serious tone.You were still shocked. ,,Young lady,he's telling the truth.'' ,,This is a joke right?Right?!'' ,,No.Now,excuse me,i have an important meeting to attend.Have a nice day.'' He hunged up letting you with your mouth open. ,,Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!FUCK!'' You started pacing around the table.Alfred stood up and grabbed your hand turning you around kissing your lips. ,,'re not lying?'' You asked. ,,No,i'm not.I won't do such a thing to you.'' ,,Now,i belive you.'' You said looking him straight into his ocean blue eyes. ,,Eeeeeeeh!Guess what!We just had our first kiss!'' You said jumping up and down. ,,The second is coming.'' He announced.You had a really lovely day.


,,Love?'' Arthur called after you. ,,Yes?'' You were in the kitchen making dinner. ,,We already have 1 month.'' ,,That's why i'm making my famous dinner!'' ,,So,love,i decided to tell you my biggest secret.'' He said as he hugged you from behind. ,,Ooh~ Secrers.'' ,,Well,i'm England.'' He said then kissed you fast and softly on your lips. ,,Wait what?!'' ,,Don't intrerupt me yet.I've made a potion for you that will let you live forever,love.'' ,,What,what?!'' ,,And,we just had our first kiss!'' ,,Mhm..'kay.''

Scotland(Here i'll write the begining too.)

You were walking outside,tired of your life.(This thing that i'm going to talk about now it's happening to almost every unluky teenagers.Sometimes to me too.) You had to many bad notes at math,your mother said it was your fault for this,that you're not good at anything,that you're too fat,you're staying just in the house,and things like this.You father allways said that you're not the perfect kid and compared you to other bitches in your classroom.As you walked and thought about it you felt your eyes watering.You started to think about taking your life,maybe everybody will be happy.Suddenly you heared two people shouting.You turn to see a woman crying and a man yelling. ,,You fucking idiot,get your ass here!What do you thing you're doying?!'' ,,Please,*sob*sob*Get up!'' ,,Shut yer mouth!Ye're not even my parents.'' You saw a young man with red hair sitting in the middle of the road with a knife in hand approaching it to his throat. ,,We know,but he said to take good care of you.You're not a kid anymore!'' The woman said crying her heart out. ,,Everybody thinks that it's my fault for everything.I should just die and everybody will be happy!'' When you heard the guy aying this you felt your heart broking.Somebody is in a similar situation to yours. *hooooonk*hoooonk* A truck was coming with speed towards the young boy. ,,Watch out!'' You said pushing him away from the truck's way. ,,Ye're insane?!Ye could die if ye're doing things like this!'' He looked down at you and scolded. ,,I've done this because you're the same as me!'' ,, know how i feel?'' He looked with his emerald green eyes in your (e/c) ones. ,,Yeah,so...let's be friends.Let's be hated and unwanted togheter!'' You said getting hold of his black t-shirt. ,,Sure..'' Like this you two began hanging out with each other.When you felt down he was allways there to comfort you while you were crying on his shoulder.Finally one day he decided to tell you something. ,,___,i really want to tell ye something.'' He said. ,,You can tell me anything,Allister.'' You looked happy at him. ,,It has been 8 months since we started to hang togheter...And i started to have feelings that i didn't understand...But i know that ye're the one who's give me those fuzzy feelings inside me.Everytime ye're around.I think i...Love ye.'' You felt your heart racing because you liked him from the first time you saw him. ,,Allister...i feel the same for you!'' You hugged him. ,,Really,lass?'' He hugged back. ,,Really.Look.'' You kissed his cheek making him smirk. ,,Lass,ye're my girlfriend.'' ,,Yes,i am!'' You smiled and hugged him tightly. *knock*knock*(you two are in your room.) ,,Yes?'' ,,___,you're there!Thank godness!'' You're mother entered you're room and you started panicking. ,,O-oh,you're with a boy..'' ,,Mom,he is my..boyfriend.'' You said shy,but you couldn't tell her you're just friends because you already sat on his lap and hugging each other. ,,'ello,miss (l/n)!'' Allister said waving. ,,Hmmm...what about me bringing you two dinner?'' Your mother said with a smile on her tiny lips then she went down in the kitchen. ,,Strange...'' You whisdpered. ,,Naah,maybe she's okay with that,lass.'' ,,Maybe.'' You hugged him resting your head on his chest. ///Flying time brought you by....Narniaaa!Please check out her story 'The unknown country.' or simply search in my creations list.// *ring*ring* It was morning and you had a head-ache from last night.Yesterday was the last day of school and your class had a big party. ,,Hello?'' You answerd burrying your face in your pillow. ,,Morning,sleepy bird.And happy one month of relationship!' Allister said happily.How could you forget about this?!It's really important. ,,Oh,yeah!Happy one month...'' You mumbled. ,,You forgot,didn't you?''  He asked. ,,Yeah....sorry,honey!Yesterday was a full day and i hadn't time to think of anything.I couldn't even call you.I got home at 4 a.m.Sorry,hon'.''  You were sad because it was important for you and your scotish boyfriend. ,,Don't ye worry,lass.I'm coming to take you to my place,ok?Just get ready in 15 minutes,babe.'' He said leting out a sigh. ,,Umm,okay.I'll be fast.''  After he hunged up you jumped out of your bed and went to bath and got ready.You choose to wear a black t-shirt with a red chemise that had black plaid and a pair of blue jeans shorts asorted with red sneackers. *honk*honk* Your boyfriend arrived. ,,Bye,mom!'' ,,Okay,bye sweeie.'' You exited the house climbing in your boyfriend car. ,,Babe.'' He said. ,,Honey.'' You said as serious as him but the you laughed because he was too serious and he gave up on giving you a little lecture about forgeting things.When you arrived at his house he said he has something important for you plus,punishment.You entered taking a seat on the couch. ,,So,what are we talking about?'' ,,First of all,i'm Scotland.'' He said wraping his hands aroubd your waist. ,,Wait,what?!'' You said as your eyes widened. ,,Now punishment.'' He then lifted you up carrying you bridal style to his room then he tossed you on his bed getting on top of you.He kissed you.A long and passional kiss. ,,Our first kiss..'' You said blushing because he was the first guy who kissed you. ,,My lil'. annoying brother has made a potion to make you live a loooong life with me.So don't worry,we'll be togheter forever.'' He said kissing you again. ,,Okay,but please,tell me what you had for lunch...'' ,,Come on,___!I'm not crazy!'' ,,Okay,okay,but just to be sure....'' ,,Punishment!'' He laughed grabbing your butt. ,,A-Allister!!Mphmph!!'' He covered your mouth with his own and you just sat like that all day.

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