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SUUUUUUP!I'm back,i finished all of my exams,i'm so FUCKING DONE! XD

I'm into 5S.o.S. now...oh fuck,why do i love them so much?! Lolz,anyway,i've made a clip but my best friend was burping non stop and at the end i was so distracted that i repeated the same sentence for like 20 seconds. "Follow me for more stories..yea....yea..follow me...yea...yea...YEA!" Anyway,today,25th of June,it's the birthday of this book!It's been a year since i've posted the first chapter!! Tananananana~!FUCK YEAH!THIS summer i PROMISE to keep you entertained with new chapters every week,next week i'll post a new chapter!WOO-HOO~!

My God,i've missed writting on wattpad,i missed it!Let's make this summer FUCKING AWESOME!You'll have more of your hetalian boyfriends!You'll have a full summer of them!WOO-HOO~!Can i get an "OOP-OOP"?

Guys...i love you so much!Thank you for reading this book,it means a lot to me.A LOT.And i really apreciatte it,even tho i'm not writting it in proper english,you're still reading it and it makes me so so so so so so so happy!MissCocolino,my best friend,was today with me in a park for kids(we played on the swings XD) and we talked about it and when i started filming she started to drink soda and burped like a litte pig she is.This is the happiest day of my life,i never tought that my book will be so popular!This book has over 50k reads and it makes me sooooo happy.Love you guys so much!Don't stop from nutelizing this world!!!Woo-hoo!

twitter: MeCookieEater

tumblr: zhesecrets

instagram: mecookieeater

(i dun give a fuq if i made some mistakes while writting it,i'm too happy to care)

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