When he's jealous.

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Today is your best friend birthday and he's a guy but he didn't want to make a party.He want to take you and other 2 friends out.You were so happy that you forgot to tell your boyfriend.You dressed in your favourite (f/c) dress that looked really hot on you.You were ready to go but you felt that someone was watching you.The doorbell rang and you knew it was (Friend Name). ,,Coming!'' You ran down the stairs and at the door.When you oppened the door you saw Alfred gripping on your friend's collar bone. ,,___!'' Your friend shouted escaping from Alfred's grip and ran behind you. ,,Alfred what do you think you're doing?!'' You yelled at him. ,,I'm better than him!Why did i loose for this sucker?!'' He was pretty mad because he usually doesn't talk like that. ,,Alfie,he's my best friend,for god sake.Today is his birthday and you scared the crap out of him!'' You said pating your friend on his back. ,,Er..Really?!I'm sorry,__..I tought you were cheating on me..How could i doubt you?'' You smiled and kissed his lips. ,,Stupid idiot...You and only you are my hero.''


You had to do a project with a classmate named Janett,he is gay.You two were really close,everyday talking about guys and fashion.Today your boyfriend had to stay late at a stupid meeting and Janett should come to help you with the project. ,,Hi,__!My gosh girl,you really have a lovely house!'' He giggled like a girl. ,,Dude,come inside.'' You laughed and dragged Janett inside.You started to work at the project till Arthur broke in cursing under his breath. ,,Bloody hell!Who is him?!___,HOW COULD YOU?!'' He shouted ready to kill Janett. ,,Arthur!Stop!He's a classmate,we're working on a project!'' You pulled on his sleeves but he wouldn't listen. ,,Don't lie!!'' Arthur shouted. ,,Arthur!...He's gay!'' ,,Whaaaaaat?!He..He's gay?!'' ,,Yup,totally.'' Janett answered. ,,___,please protect me!'' Arthur ran behind you and shivered.


You were out shopping with your boyfriend. ,,___,ye wait here.I'mma go to the restroom.'' Allister said letting your hand go. ,,'Kay,i'll wait for you here.'' You said and you decided to sat on a bench.You were looking at the fountain with many little kids playing there.It was cute.Suddenly a hand sneaked around your waist and up to your chest. ,,Allister,you're such a perv~!'' You giggled and leant on the body. ,,What are ye thinking ye're doing?!Get yer claws away from my woman!'' Allister yelled.You turned around and you saw a completely stranger.You jumped up and ran behind Allister. ,,Ye fucking rat.'' Your scotish boyfriend punched the guy in the face and was ready to crush his nuts but you stopped him. ,,I think it's allright just with that punch.'' You took Allister by the hand and tried to drag him away.


Another beautiful morning.You were out jogging with Ludwig,again.You ran in front of him and bumped in a guy. ,,Hello,babe,let's have some fun..'' The guy smirked. ,,No vay in hell!'' Ludwig punched the guy and gave you a piggie back tour.(I dunno what i said :)))) )


,,Who's a cute little bear?Who's a cute little bear?'' You giggled playing with Feliciano's cat.He started to growl.

,,__ should we play-a a game?'' Feliciano said but you hadn't payed attention. ,,__?Vee~...'' He tried once again but you were rolling onthe floor with the kitty in your arms. ,,Vee~...Grrr!Veee?!'' He stood up and threw the cat away. ,,Feli?!Hoe could you?!'' You yelled scared that he hurt the little kitty. ,,__ ,i will-a be your kitty,now pet me!'' He hovered over you and rubbed his cheek on your forehead.He was jealous and you tought it was cute.


,,Lovi~'' You were on the couch wanting to do something 'interesting' with your boyfriend but he was busy. ,,Ragazza!Don't disturb me!'' He shouted from upstairs.You got up and an idea caught you. You decided to make him jealous.You opened the door and closed it back. ,,Hahaha,i'm glad you came~!Oh,don'tt worry he's too busy to find about us..'' You were such a devilish girl. ,,Aaah~I like it!'' You were making sounds that made Lovino to throw his things off of his desk and run downstairs. ,,Who the hell-..Ragazza...You fooled me?!'' Lovino said irritated. ,,Lovi~!'' You laughed and jumped in his arms. ,,I was jealous on nothing...'' He sighed and slapped your butt. ,,Ow!It hurts.'' You complained. ,,That's why i slapped you,dumbass.*sigh*Don't you ever scare me like that.I love you,__.'' He said and went back upstairs.

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