Short announcement.

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Hey guys!!!I LOST MY GERMAN NOTEBOOK!But that's not the announcement.We're near 4 thousands views!!!OH,ALL MY PEOPLE!OH,ALL MY PEOPLE!I'm so happy,i luv ya guys!!My darlings,when i write these chapters it's like i'm forgeting all of my worries and i want to thank you.
This month began really REALLY awful and i want to thank you because you're reading my story and i hope that you'l continue.7 more followers and i'll catch the hundred!One more vote and i'll catch the hundred at votes too!
Thank you very much!When i have every follower/comment/vote/reader in plus,i'm really happy and...~(TvT)~ I'm nearly crying. LOL .I'm an emotional mess :)) Thank you and please,vote,comment,and follow me.Continue to read this book,and i'll try my hard to do my best for every scenario writed and i'll try my best to post more often.
Here Cookie,thank you again,and see you at the next chapter.

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