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If I misspelled... I was too lazy to correct and edit. I apologize.

He was really scared about this. He felt insecure about the birth process, Alfred is usually very happy and optimist but this time he was thinking about the baddest posibility. He was even too scared to approach you during the birth, he just sat in the corner tearing harder with every pained whimper you made. (CHOOSE BABY'S GENDER, TWINS, TRIPLETES, QUADRUPLETES and so on..)

Arthur was more scared than you. During the birth he was by your side letting you pull on his hair and grip his hand really tight. When you whimpered he made sure to whimper louder than you. When you started yelling in pain he yelled with you. (CHOOSE)

Aliester was kinda cranky during the birth. He will be by your side yelling and cheering on you like he was at soccer. "PUSH, WOMAN! YOU CAN DO IT! Come on, come on, the day is coming to an end! PUSH HARDER! YOU CAN DO THIS!" Sheila Leboeuf much? (CHOOSE)

Even though Mathias is really shy in general, this time he was holding on your hand and was cheering on you. He would try to calm you down, wipe your sweat of your forehead and kiss the top of your head softly while mumbling softly that everything was going to be fine. (CHOOSE)

He fainted when he saw the limbs that came out of your cat. Also when he saw that your baby was bloody he started to yell, cry and then fainted again. (CHOOSE)

This motherfucker was a tough little worm. Feliciano managed to calm you down by telling you weird stories about him and Ludwig in WW2. He was also a little jealous on the doctor that was the head of the crew. The doctor was a man and him being down there upset Feli. (CHOOSE)

The angry tomato lover was quiet and really supportive. He was worried for you the whole time. He even cried. (CHOOSE)

Kiku is the calm type, he could be a kuudere, but right now he was freaking out. He was the one griping your hand, he was the one that was breathing in and out. He was so stressed out that he was whimpering and yelling with you. (CHOOSE)

Yao made you wear a lucky talisman during the birth... The talisman had a Hello Kitty sticker on it. He would kiss your temples and caress your cheek. (CHOOSE)

The Awesome Prussia wasn't so awesome. Gilbert lost his cool at the hospital. He yelled at the doctors, he trashed around when you started to yell. The nurses had to put him to sleep. (CHOOSE)

Ivan was very gentle with you, even if you bruised his arm.. and neck... and kind of pulled his hair off. He just kissed your tears away, kissed your nose, your forehead and your hands. When the baby/babies came out you let out a loud yellp and he glared at the doctor like he was ready to murder him.

Mathias was in pain because he couldn't make you feel better during the birth. He wanted to help you but he couldn't. All he did was stay by your side and cringe when you were yelling.

Lukas was as cold as ever, except... he was holding your hand but didn't show any emotion. While you cried he wiped your tears away. When everything ended he smiled and hugged you. It filled you with determination. (CHOOSE)

Emil was barging the whole time. He started talking about how you should relax and take deep breaths and then he went off topic. (CHOOSE)

Berwald recored every second of it. When you would whimper he would just mumble and say "..and this is how your mother welcomed you." (CHOOSE)

Tino called the nordics, he couldn't go through this alone. When blood started to gush out he passed out while the others cheered on you trying to make you feel better. (CHOOSE)

Francis was cursing in french walking around, trying to calm himself. When you started to cry and yell he lost it and started to cry as well. (CHOOSE)

Antonio sung to you and told cute stories about the two of you and your future baby/babies. When you started to cry he would kiss your head and play with your hair. (CHOOSE)

Vladimir was full of emotions. He started to cry, then laugh, then walk around the room, then come back to your side. When you would yellp he would rush to your side and when you start to yell louder he would run away in the corner thinking that he did something bad. (CHOOSE)

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