Say yes?(Wedding One Shot)*America*

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Say yes?(Wedding One Shot)*America human!AU*

You were going on your date with Alfred. He insisted that the two of you should go out and have dinner at a fancy restaurant. You were unsure because whenever you proposed the idea of going to the restaurant he would always say "I'd rather have brugers in a Mc Donald and wear sweat pants than going to a restaurant and wear classy uncomfortable clothing." You didn't mind though, it was nice that he finally decided to do something more classier.

When you got inside the restaurant, Alfred was already seated at a table by the window. And guess what? He was wearing a nice black tuxedo. Woah, well that was a nice change! What has gotten into him? You were worried that something wrong might have happened. You also became kind of self aware because you were wearing a simple navy dress with a yellow ribbon on your waist. Don't get me wrong, you looked cute as fuck, but you were quite worried that you might look a little too casual for the restaurant, especially because Alfred was wearing that fucking tuxedo!

"Oh, ___! You're here, finally!" Alfred noticed and got up with a smile. He grabbed your hand and walked you to the table.

"Hi, sorry for making you wait.." You said feeling uneasy.

"Are you okay, babe?" You looked up to noticed an unusually concerned Alfred. What is going on with this man?

"Yes.. I'm fine." You said brushing some hair behind your ear. "Sorry..."

"No, don't sweat it!" Alfred waved his hands in front of you. "I'm glad you could make it, I know how busy you've been lately with your school/work. It must be really stresfull for you.. I'm sorry I couldn't support you that much, I've been acting like a goof most of the time and you've tried so hard to keep everything under contol and you did a great job on that." He started talking making your heart flutter. He never spoke so serious before. "___, I just want you to know that I will always be here for you." He smiled and put his hand over yours. You blushed.

"Thanks, Alfred.." You looked down, speechless. How did you get this man? You couldn't help but smile. You loved him so much. Too much to admit though, y'know.. being the shy little sweetheart you were.

"___, what do you want to eat?" You looked up at Alfred who was smiling at you lovingly. You're so glad you met this man.

After a waiter took your order you spent time talking about each other's day. You laughed at his silly story about how Arthur tried to teach him good manners in the last 5 minutes and how frustrated the british man was. Alfred mentioned the fact that Arthur gave him a rabbit paw, for luck. The waiter came with your order and you had dinner.

"Oh, ___." Alfred purred as he got up and walked slowly around the table. You giggled softly, he was cute. You know he was trying to say something very important to him and you began to worry again. "I just can't find my words.."

He took 2 more strolls around the table and then stoped next to you. He got on one knee. You looked at him in confusion. What could possibly going on? He looks so nervous.

"You have always been by my side.. even though I'm acting like a total clown sometimes... and I don't really.. I mean I'm not the best listener.. or talker.. or man... But I do want you to be happy. I want you to be happy everytime. I want you to be always surrounded by good people, I want... I want... I want you to find happiness and peace.. and I want to.. I want to protect you..... I want to be the man that offers you everything you need. I want to be by your side through this hellish journey we call life.. I want to be yours and I want you to be mine. I..." He took a deep breath. "(F/N) (L/N), I love you so much.. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?" 

You were speechless, you started to cry. You wer hiccuping so much you couldn't speak. All you could do was nod vigorously and hug him tightly. Finally the big knot in your throat faded and you could speak properly.

"Yes! Yes! God damn it, Alfred Jones, yes! I want to marry you!" You cried some more after that.

Alfred nearly screeched, he was so happy. He didn't know what to say, so he picked you up and started to spin you around. He kept on saying 'I love you' on and on. You could never be happier.

*skip to the wedding because I'm drowning in my tears*

It was your big day. You were dressed in white. He was dressed in white. Fucking great, now what?

All of your friends where there, all of your family too. His friends and family came, the place was crowded. Wow, you guys know a lot of people! You were pacing around the corridor. What if you say your vow wrong and make a complete fool out of yourself? Well, at least you'll appear on TV at the "funny moments druing weddings" category if someone recorded it. Yeah, that sounds good. Your dad gave you a light pat on the shoulder. It was time.

You entered the venue holding onto your dad as if you were going to fall into a black hole if you dared to let go of him. Everybody looked at you, you could feel their eyes burning into your soul. You were too scared to look up.

You finally looked up, straight ahead. There he was, in all his glory by the altar stood Alfred. He was smiling so bright, brighter than the sun. You felt at ease as your dad handed you to him. Yes, he's the man of your dreams. You have never been more sure of anything in your entire life than in this moment.

"Hey, babe." He whispered as he took your hand in his and gave it a light squeeze.

"Let's do this." You smiled at him, all the bad thoughts leaving your head as the pastor started the ceremony.

This is what you always wanted. This is what you always needed. Congratulations!

Hello, dear readers! It is me, A.A.! Yes, I dare come back with this short story, I don't know if it was emoional enough, but I have time to make more of these.
One huge request though, I want you to check my oher works as well, I want to start a book of one shots but I never got the guts to go through with it. I'm 17 years near death and I came to the conclusion that there is no time for fears and that I should do everything I have in my mind. So I'm gathering the courage to do so. I don't know if I spelled anything right, my apologies in advance.

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