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"Sage! Ezra I need to see you two after class" my heart stopped for a second this can't be happening

"Yes?" I asked Ezra looked at me I blush then look away "since the two of you missed it we have a project do on the 23rd and I have paired the two of you up so

"Uh hi I'm sage" I say looking to the ground for a second then got enough courage to look up "hello" Ezra looks at me I once again blushed she smiles

"You're cute when you blush" she tells me my face turns red even more "here" she holds her phone out "you want my number?" She laughs nodding "how else will you know when I'm free?" I look to the ground

"I uh work Sundays and then have band and soccer" I tell her, still looking at the ground I was scared to look at her after that one "ok well we do have class time but we only have a week to do all this shit so we may have to work on it outside of school? I know the band has after school practice" I nod then look at her body then to her face.

Her blue eyes had a darker skin tone. Her brown hair was down in loose waves. She was beautiful with her nose piercing. She had her lip and tongue also pierced "Hey Sage We have to get to class and I can't add in to my tardies?" I blink "oh yeah it uh will be'' she nods I type my number in "I'll see you"

Walking into the house mom was making food and lexa was helping cut things up "I have to help Ezra Isabel she was the girl who put that football player in the hospital" I say Lexa looks at me "well that is nice" mom looks at her "maybe she will help you break out that shell" Lexa adds

"By breaking a guy's jaw?" Mom says back looking at me "I have to get ready for practice" I say shaking my head

At school the next day in 3rd period Ezra sat next to me so we could start the project I really wish I didn't have my dentist appointment Maybe I would have gotten one of my friends sometimes I wonder how Ezra is in AP statistics then again she is in almost all AP classes

"So I was thinking since we both have a pretty busy schedule that we could split the work up" I say softly she nods "yeah that sounds good and if anything we can always try for after school on a Tuesday or something" she says smiling looking at me I blush and look away "we can Saturday? I have that day off" I say she gets her phone then smiles "same" she looks up

"Dude Ezra?" Easton says "we are doing a project since we both missed that class" he laughs "you had to get your braces tightened now you work with Ezra you are lucky and unlucky at the same time did you hear what happened to the last person she worked with?" He passes time the ball I look at him and shake my head

"well you know about what she did to drake but she also was the reason Cameron was out of school for a month supposedly" i think my face turns white

Easton wasn't joking either Cameron and her worked on a project together last year and then he just stopped coming to school for almost two months, I kick the ball back and shake my head "he also has a rape accusation" I say he purses his lips "true and you are still a virgin" he laughs I stop the ball and kick up up hitting him in the stomach

"Sage!" Coach yells "no I deserved it" Easton says I roll my eyes and start my laps

Two days later


I walk into the class I look at Mrs.DuPound smirking telling her to fuck off I walk over to Sage who sat reading I pull the chair out and he jumps I laugh "sorry" I say siting he doesn't say anything as he flies his book "soccer was cancelled tonight" he say softly

"that works good since we couldn't Tuesday" he finally looks at me he had such nice features his brown eyes where placed behind his glasses he was hot I wouldn't lie, now that I am sitting close to him I don't know why girls call him weird when he's fine as fuck with them glasses on the bell snapped me out of the dream of him and his soft looking lips

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