Alternate ending

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I sat and waited that night waiting wishing Ezra would stumble in the house, she never did in the morning Hardin hugging me putting me on a plane back home, a women asked if I was ok while I was on the plane as I was teary eyed and holding the ring Ezra promised to come back for, but she obviously wouldn't ever be back for it, I had to keep up what I promised, meet a women and have a family

Six years later

"Harper don't do that!" Kelly yells at our son who is getting up on the counter "you know you can ask for help?" I say walking up taking the four year old off the counter "I want to be a big boy" I sigh as pick him up and he opens the cabinet then picks out a cup "thank you dad" he says "you're welcome, next time ask for help" he nods kissing my cheek

"Kids are alot" Kelly says going through the mail "let's have another?" She asks I look at her I love Kelly, two years after what happened when I started at my job she asked me out and I said yeah now here we are "that's a lot of work" I joke pecking her lips "what the making process or the watching process?" I smile "you want another we can start the making process I'm guessing you are off the pill?" She nods then hands me a piece of mail

I knew the handwriting immediately, Hardin Vern sent me a letter and not a text, what's going on?

Dear Sage,

It's been a couple years I'm guessing, I figured that it would be best for Hardin to find this letter and once he seen it was for you he would send it off, if I die tonight just know I tried my hardest to be with you so hard, you are such an amazing man, my life was so hard before I met you, you made me want to come home from this fight and love you till the day I die, and well I did die loving you, I don't know how old you are now, how ever long it has been for Hardin to clean my room out it could be months from now or years, I want to bet years, if you haven't moved on get your ass out there before I kick it, and if you have I'm proud, I want you to be happy and in love have kids running around making you to grey younger then you probably should be, I know you would want them to be football players (it's not soccer!) anyway this is me telling you that I didn't want to die, I didn't want to leave you.

Your love Ezra Vern-Isabel

You could see the dry tears on the paper now they are becoming wet once more I wipe my tears away and Kelly hugs me "I know you still love her" she whispers "I think I always will but know I love you" I squeeze her "I know" she pulls away and wipes my tears

13 years later

"I'm not moving ever again" Harper says out of breath after moving boxes down from the attic "I second!" River calls from the living room I smile "I third!" Evelyn yells walking in holding a box "can I fourth?" Sophia asks, Kelly laughs softly "Harper you are going to college soon that will be a move"
"You're right" he says River comes running in holding my junior year book "look what I have!" He yells then starts to open it "aww dad we are going to make fun of you" I smile and nod

"Easton looks the same" Evelyn says I nod looking at his picture, "is Easton related to her?" Sophia asks pointing to Ezra I nod "she was his cousin" she nods "she's hot" Harper says I laugh shaking my head "what's her Facebook?" He asks I roll my eyes "Harper she's dead" Kelly covers her mouth "Sage you can't just say that" she says I shrug "anyway I'm going out" Harper says "can I talk to you first?" I ask he nods

"You shouldn't be hanging around a gang" I tell him, I watch as his eyes widen "I'm not running around with a gang" he says but I know he's lying, Eryn told me she seen him at one of the meetings as a tag along, "I know you are lying, you are young and want to live life on the edge, but your life will be taken from you maybe not physically but once you are in you are in" he rolls his eyes "trust me dad I'm not doing any of that" I hum

"You know when was your age I had my first girlfriend, I found some things out about her, her uncle was a gang leader, her mother was once a mafia queen, and her brother was just taking the spot as king, her uncle's gang gave our family on the no harmlist, but that doesn't mean you won't get hurt, or get on drugs, you could be killed by some other gang who gives two fucks about that list" Harper looks at me

I never spoke about Easton being in a gang he never spoke, Lee never spoke, Eryn never spoke, Hardin never spoke, "so you were never in a gang? But you know all this?" I nod
"When you are in love you don't care about how many people they killed, how they can walk out a room after making a guy eat their own eye, that love made me know things"
He sighs "ok I'll try to stay away I'm guessing you will know if I run back?" I nod "I have a promise with someone I can't let down, even if she is dead"


I watch as dad walks back in the house I'm still shocked at his words I get my car keys and start to drive, "hey dick!" Samson yells as I walk into his basement picking a beer up "hey I uhh don't think I'll be able to do this anymore, like go on trips and trades" I tell him, he laughs then looks at my face "shit you are serious?" I nod "I don't know my dad just told me something's and I don't want to make my relationship bad"
"Yeah what ever"

I walk upstairs and see the pictures of the girl from dad's yearbook on the wall "Harper hi" Lee says I smile "I never noticed her before" he smiles "my daughter, yes I moved the picture from my room after I found a bigger one" I nod "she's beautiful" he nods "she would of loved you" I tilt my head "why?"
"You are like your father" he tells me then walks away

What just happened? Dad dated a fucking mafia princess!

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