The Reunion

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"Hey!" Aunt Mallory says then looks at Ezra "hi I'm Mallory you must be Sages girlfriend?" She holds her hand out "I'm Ezra" they shake hands "you're dress is beautiful" Ezra smiles "thank you" she looks down at it "they outback?" Mom asks hugging her "yep"

Kids ran around as we walk over to the table mom coming up with us "Sage?" I look at my cousin Baxter "hey" I say we hug "who is the beautiful girl?" He asks once we pull away "this is my girlfriend Ezra" she smiles "hi" she says, I look at her she would chew on her lip ring but she took it out along with her tongue ring so she wouldn't look trashy she said I didn't want to try to tell her different "I'm Baxter" they shake hands she must of squeezed it a little hard as he winces a little "you got a good hand shake" he says "thank you"

We sit at the table with a boy I think is like a second cousins I don't know but he and Ezra talk about some of her tattoos his eyes lit up looking at them "Sage how you have grown!" I hear pa's voice "hey" I get up and hug him "who is this?" He asks "my girlfriend Ezra"
He looks at the tattoos on her arms "beautiful art work" he holds his hand out "thank you" she shakes his hand "I am scared of needles I didn't get one in my bad boy phase" he says she laughs softy "a lot didn't hurt I slept through the one on my thigh" he shakes his head

They sit and talk about random things I could see the anxiety fade Baxter came over "want to play football?" He asks "sure" I get up "I'll be right back" Ezra nods I kiss her cheek and walk away

"So how long have you been with her?" He throws the ball "a couple months" I tell him he nods as I throw the ball back "shes hot how did you get her?"
"We dated in high school?" I say "and you got back together damn wish I got back with my high school girlfriend" I smile


I now had three women around me as we talk about where i am from and all that the basics stuff "dose Sage still kick in his sleep?" The one woman asks I shake my head "no or he would be on couch kicking away" they all laugh "oh Baxter would make him sleep on the floor when they were little" she says she must of been his mother "so you two do live together? Are you going to college?"
"I'm going to BGSU firelands right now" they nod "for?" The other women asked I need to know their names "preschool and kindergarten teaching" they nod I smile

I throw up I lay back against the wall god this anxiety I never threw up after I eat but I know I can't be far along for a cell to be making me feel this way

"Are you ok?" Mallory asks as I walk out of the restroom I nod "something I ate" I tell her she nods "well we have some popsicles if you want maybe to calm it down"
"I'm good thank you"

I sit next to Sage who must of returned when I was gone "where did you run too?"
"I had to vomit" he nods looking down "did you eat?" I shake my head "I'm to scared to get up and get food" he smiles "come on something light only"
Mallory walks over "how dose that food seem to be sitting?" I smile nodding Lexa looks at me sighing as Mallory walks away "I was sick as a dog with Sage" Kim says softly smiling "are you trying to tell me I'm having a boy?" I whisper she nods

I wake up to Sage saying my name softly and rubbing my head "we are back" I nod getting out of the car my legs still asleep
I strip off the dress going to bed not feeling good at all

As I get out of bed with Sage as he rambles about some guy at work as I throw up kinda look at him halfway as I start to throw up once more "are you sure you are ok?" I nod leaning back closing my eyes then I hit the ground

I wake up in my least favorite transportation an ambulance "how are you feeling?" I look at the ems "I need a bag" I say softly before burping she nods


Sitting in a quite room was scary but sitting in a quite hospital room was even more scary I was waiting from Ezra till she came back from what ever they are doing minutes after overthinking she is rolled in "are you ok?" She nods "just pregnant but we knew that" I smile softly "she said that her anxiety has been bad and that can also play an effect in the sickness she passed out from dehydration" I nod looking at her "she ok?" He nods "we have to put an IV in and for a couple hours then she will be good to go" I nod

"I'm 6 weeks" she says as the nurse puts the IV in "oh I will run and get the ultrasound pictures" he says "thank you" she says he nods then walks away "wow" I smile she looks at me "I know I really haven't been talking about my schooling because how you have been feeling, but I got a student teaching internship" she says softly I smile she never even told me anything as rub her hand "for what grade?"
"Kindergarten I'll make my way up but right now little kids" I smile "did you study in Brazil I'm guessing?" I knew that had to be the answer as she already nods "Now we both have a normal way" her eyes have happiness in them the nurse walks in

"There you go" Ezra looks at the picture I didn't see anything till she points to the little thing "oh damn" I say taking the pictures tears in my eyes she laughs

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