Bud and sissy

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I get in my car and text Ezra we had won the game 5-2

Me-I can pick you up?

Ezra Isabel-okay

I show up at her grandmas couple of seconds later and she walks out with a hoodie. It was a light purple color and leggings she got in the passenger seat and looked at me "you win?" I nod looking back

"I really like the color of your hoodie" she smiles "thank you let me guess it's your favorite color?" I nod, smiling "and I want to say yours is teal?" She laughs "that's it"

The way to my house we talk about some of our favorite things basic stuff

Mom smiles as she sees Ezra "hi" Ezra says "hey" mom and Alexa says I look at them "we are going to be in my room?" Mom nods "I made food"

"I got Wendy's on the way back" I say she nods Ezra waves as we walk downstairs

"I'm going to go shower real quick you can watch tv" Ezra nods laying on the bed "or fall asleep" I smile walking out

She really did fall asleep. I get my pants on and lay next to her not knowing what to do. I just put my hands on her waist. She turns and looks at me. I sigh "you really weren't asleep?"

"I did but you have heavy footsteps" I roll my eyes, her leg goes over mine I smile then look at her lips "can we kiss?" I ask softly as she nods, her soft hands run up and down my chest I pull away and start to kiss her neck "I think I still need something from doing good the last two games" I say pulling away she laughs "horny much?" I blush shaking my head

"I um I just kind of um" I lose my words as I get embarrassed I lay my head down on her chest she laughs then starts to rub my back "that feels nice" I say she laughs

There was a knock on my door. I look back and Ezra was half asleep as the movie she picked plays. I had gotten invested in the relationship of Bud and Sissy "you can come in" I say mom walks in "hey when are you leaving?" I shrug "after this probably" she looks at the tv then nods

"Is she sleeping?" I look at Ezra who still had her eyes half close "almost"

"Ok love you"

"Love you"

"Your bed is really comfy that's how I'm almost asleep" Ezra whispers I smile then look at her "oh I know" I whisper back to her she does a half smile "you know I wouldn't mind if we did an activity for me to stay awake" I blush but then my brain really wanted to say "what kind of activities?" She sits up "you horny bastard get up we are stretching" she smacks my ass I tense feeling a sting "ow" I say getting up

I pull her back on my chest and she looks back at me "I like to be spanked" she whispers ''I swallow hard you do?" I ask shakily she takes my hand into hers she turns around "i think almost everyone likes too" she says laughing I scrunch my eyebrows "I don't you hit me hard" she pecks my lips "sorry" she says I look at her blue eyes and nod "I have to take you home"

I pulled out of the driveway Ezra was on her phone "can you take me to my dads?" I nod "where at?"

"Jefferson street"

She points to the house on the corner the lights were off except the one I put the car in park in the driveway "I think for Halloween we should be Bud and Sissy" she says I laugh shaking my head she lends over and kisses me I kiss her back until there was a knock on her window she pulled away rolling her eyes ''I'll see you tomorrow" she gets her phone my anxiety starts to grow as she opens the door "what are you doing here late?" She says shutting my car door I watch her and a guy walk up to the house


"Can I not come see my sister only to find out she is with a guy? And then made out with said guy in the driveway of her fathers home?" Hardin says I roll my eyes ''you came here from a mansão to here?" He nods I knew why he was here something about mamãe "well yes obviously "I'm living a small life before I move back" I open the door "hey Hardin'' dad says "hey Lee you know crazies thing I seen your daughter" I kick him "with her little boyfriend" I blush "I'm going upstairs"

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