Dinner and desert

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Sage walks over pushing his glasses back on the bridge of his nose. I like him without them but he wore the glasses and if he cried "that's the woman's granddaughter" I nod watching her move up to the front by the casket "how do you know this woman again?" I did find it odd he was close to someone so old "the girl is my ex" I nod I couldn't feel self conscious she looked trashy with the piercings and tattoos something she probably didn't have in high school

After the service the ex came over "here" she handed him a note card "I'm home for the weekend how long are you back?" She shrugs I hold on too his arm "till Hardin wants me back I got a job here with my uncle and he may not pull me" Sage nods

"Well I'm sorry you didn't get to see Helen" she nods looking at me "I'm Ezra sorry I didn't say anything earlier"

"It's fine I'm Lani" she holds her hand out I shake it she pulls away "well it was nice talking to you and nice meeting you I have to go meet up for lunch" Sage nods and hugs her "I'll text you" she nods walking away

"You are going out with her?" I ask when we get in the car "yes? I haven't seen her in three years she just moved back her grandma died I feel like we need to talk for a bit"

He starts the car I look at him "listen I just don't want something to happen" he looks at me "I'm with you I wouldn't cheat on you just because she is my ex doesn't mean we will have sex" He laughs "she thinks you are beautiful and a great fit for me she wouldn't fuck my life up" he says driving out he almost never cussed unless we were having sex or was mad "she almost was undressing you with her eyes" I tell him "we aren't talking about this anymore I'm a grown man who wants to be there for a friend"


The next day

I walk out of the bathroom and into my new room it felt odd now having the master bedroom it was filled with all my things slowly getting unpacked I didn't want to have this room it felt off, I light my candles and incenses in the kitchen and living room and also at the altar, I get a text from a new number it was Sage I put his name in and read the text

Sage-hey where did you want to go?

Me-I was hoping you would be ok coming over I was going to cook

Sage-yeah that's good I figured just since you probably can't say a lot of things in public

Me-lol no when did you want to come over?

Sage-today around 6?

Me-sounds good

I smile putting my phone down putting my hair up then started to put things up

I started to cook dinner around 5 and around 5:40 there was a knock on the door I open it Sage stood there he was wearing a sweatshirt from Ohio state and jeans "hey" I let him in "sorry about the boxes I'm moving things in and putting some things at my dads"

"It's fine" he takes his shoes off and closes the door "it smells good what are you making?"

"I put on pork chops" he smiles, he no longer has his braces and his contacts are in "what happened to the glasses?" I ask

"Lani doesn't care for them" I turn around making a face "I know I also have to text her every 30 minutes" I turn around oil popping

"So how was Brazil?" He says softly I cut into the pork "the first year was hell second was ok and third was a break" he nods

"I remember you saying something about your cousins?" I smile "on my few lives now" he takes a bite "what happened?" I look at him

"Do you want to know?" His eyes widen then shakes his head he keeps eating I just watch how was he so calm about what I just told him?

"Sage I killed people" I say he looks at him his stubble was so hot he was still hot "you are a killer yes but I still know you as a girl I used to date I can't think not to like you because of that I know it's weird but I don't know plus aren't you from a mafia I got more from Grammy" I nod

We change the subject on to his college he was a second year and still plays soccer Lani and him have been dating after he graduated high school she was a cheerleader from a team they faced during basketball season and they talked since "I'm really happy for you" he smiles

"Thank you" I take his plate. "What can I help with?" He says taking his phone out "text the girl first then help put that stuff in a bowl"

"Why is she making you text her?" he rolls his eyes "she thinks we will have sex" I laugh I could never be with a guy if I knew he was in a relationship plus we need to talk for a bit sex wasn't even on my mind till he said that "you love that girl and you need to be happy that's what I care about plus I feel like you in high school near you" he chuckles he was still so hot and lick able "I think I only made you blush twice"

I nod laughing "you would blush for anything I swear"

"I didn't know what to do ok?" I look at him drying my hands "you probably should get leaving" he nods looking at the time "been her for an hour and a half and you are kicking me out" I roll my eyes he stands at the door as I brought some of the brownies off I hug him "it was nice talking to you" I say moving away he goes to put his shoes on then sighs putting the brownies down coming up to me I back away "no you are a faithful man" I say I couldn't believe him he was so much better then sleeping with an ex "she isn't" he grabs my waist and we kiss he walks back into the living room laying me on the coach taking his shirt off

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