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I sit in the car blinking back tears as I look into the house my body was sore as I had to face the man's son who killed my brother the pussy didn't show till the guy was dead and I took my time in doing so for them both

I open the door and walk to the house as I walk into the side door to be in the kitchen Sage sees me, his dark circles so dark his eyes look sunk in "oh thank god" he says then I was in his arms I cry harder then I thought I would holding him tight I feel another set of arms my brother

"mamãe estava tendo certeza de que você não morreu por mim" he says softly I sob at his words "mamãe estava comigo sem dúvida" I say back after what seemed like forever Sage pulls away smiling I look back at Melody who nods as a way of telling me she was proud of me my mentor who refused to ever tell me I did good just told me she was proud of me I walk over and hug her "obrigado mentor por tudo"
"Eu vou admitir Lady Ezra, estou orgulhoso de você"
I look into her blue eyes she rubs my back "ele precisa de você" I look at Sage
I go back over to him taking his hand "can I have my ring back?" He smiles looking at Hardin "you guys take all the time you need" I nod

We walk back into my room Sage takes my ring off the desk "thank you I don't think I would of survived" I shake my head "you would of" he puts the ring back on my finger sighing in relief "I need to shower I'll be out" he nods hugging me once more

There was food on the bed when I walk out I tug my towel around my chest my stomach growling "Melody brought it in" he says I put the food on my lap and start to eat
It all was gone soon she had given me a lot and it was all gone after all I only ate some apples feeling like Ryuk being a god of death in love with apples
"I can bring you more" Sage says I shake my head putting the plate on my desk then turn to him "we can leave tomorrow afternoon" I say he nods "are you sure you don't want to stay?"
"You need to go home I need to see my dad" he nods I walk over to my closet


She comes out of her closet in a long shirt. She looks paler than normal as she shuts the light off walking to the bed "did you sleep?" I ask as she lays on me "only an hour the first night" I rub her back "did you sleep?" She asks me I shake my head "sleep my love" she pecks my lips I smile feeling her lips back on mine
"Thank you" I mouth looking at the ceiling as I hear her breathing slow as she falls asleep

The bed was empty. I groaned then left the bedroom. Ezra was leaving Hardin's office with tears in her eyes ''are you ok?" She nods "I Uh don't want to ever talk about what happened here, lexa and your mom know why you came here you have to make a lie up to all your friends''
She walks down the hall Hardin walks out the office his face was still stained from the tears he cried last night seeing a mafia leader with a tear stained face made me know this was real and she now has two other bodies in a closet but I still couldn't help to love her

"If you need a lie" he says walking over "say that her brother was in the hospital and she needed you as emotional support"
"It was sudden?" He shrugs "you two have a past make it from there" he hits my shoulder "she won't be the same for a while probably distance but you have to deal and show her love and affection she really needs it" I nod "thank you" he walks away

Ezra sits at the table eating pancakes talking to Melody who has a smile on her "there is food left" Melody tells me "thank you"
I sat next to Ezra as she took the last bite "are you pregnant?" Hardin jokes she flicks him off Melody looks at her "oh god another Vern baby please don't" Ezra laughs looking at me "no it would be way to early plus I took the night after pill" Hardin nods

"Next time we come we will sightsee I promise" Ezra says putting clothes in a bag "it's ok" I hug her from behind she melts into my arms I smile "I love you" I tell her "I love you" as she says that I look at her face she pecks my lips "go pack" she says softly after pulling away

The flight was quiet. It was a non-stop flight like last time but I slept for the first 10 hours then sat the rest. Ezra had gotten food for the two of us when we both woke up "Ezra do you want kids?" I think about the conversation that was at the table before we said our byes "I've never really did then when you said what you said before I left I realized I did" I smile "we should try" I tell her, the blue in her eyes sparkle "are you saying are back together?" I nod she blushes five times I count in my head "we can"
"When should we start?" I ask she laughs "soon I just need rest for the week"

And rest she did, we stayed at her grandmother's old home her dad stayed with us while we stayed mom and Lexa visited, now that I was moving back to town I was going to stay with mom but Ezra told me to stay with her while I look for a place to live closer to the graduate college as I put in applications for a lot

I walk into the house the first time I've been back since the day I came back since me and Ezra stayed that night "hey" Colt hugs me "how is her brother?"
"He's fine now" he nods "we will have to come up to see you" I smile


"Dad would you be mad if I move in with Sage once he gets into a school if he gets into one" he shakes his head "I can watch both homes" I smile softly "rent it out" I sit down across from him "could you imagine if I did I would make money" I laugh "would you be mad if we try for a baby?" He looks at me "you are 22?"
"Mom had me at 18" he sighs "you are my baby, I can't see you having a baby as a baby" I laugh "dad I never wanted kids you know that"
"I'm happy he changed your mind but god you are still a baby" I lay my head on my arm looking at my dad as he flips through channels
"She would be happy you changed your mind" I nod looking at the tv

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