Being together

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8 weeks later

"So you don't want to find out the gender?" I ask Ezra once more "Easton is more then capable of getting everything ready" she rubs my shoulders I smile she was already 18 weeks along I rub the small bump that was now showing she throws her leg over me Maxie jumps up attacking she laughs "we should pick names out" she tells me running her hand through my hair
"Well why do that if we don't know what we are having?" She rolls her eyes Maxie coming over laying between us she had gotten big "you wanted the thing now you don't want to name it?"
"Ok fine boy name Carson and girl lilic" she smiles "you pick Lilc because your name is Sage?" I nod laughing "if we have a boy how about Nash got a boy Jacey for a girl" I nod
"Where are those names from?" I ask "where did you get your names from?"
"My great grandfather's last name was Carson" she nods "Nash was Medleys husbands name in Jacey was my sisters" I raise my eyebrow "yes sister"

"Anymore siblings?" She laughs "I have step siblings yes half siblings on both sides some you will never meet some I even forget about" I rub her stomach "why?" She plays with my hair
"Story for another day" came out as a whisper I nod pecking her lips "let's go out for dinner" she looks around "steak?"
"Ok" she groans "I'm so sleepy and don't want to move" she tells me "I'll make reservations" she nods softly "I'll get up I guess" I smile picking Maxie up getting out of bed
Ezra walks in holding a jacket "should we trust Easton?" I nod "I think he'll do fine plus all he has to do is put the balloons in the box and not let us see mom is doing everything else" she sighs
"Let's go"

"I like the name Nash" I say she cuts into the steak "Carson can be the middle name?" I nod "that sounds fine" she takes a bite "Now we can put Lilc as the middle name for a girl" i sigh nodding "fine I guess Jacey is cute anyway"
"What about last name?" I ask she raises her eyebrow taking a drink "Howard?" I nod sighing "when we get married will you change your name?" She nods "yeah of course"
I smile

Ezra takes her sweater off I see a blue lace bra then roll my eyes "fuck what are you trying to do?" She places her hands up my shirt "love you" I kiss her wrapping my arms around her as we make out I pull away taking her hand in mine pulling her upstairs she laughs as we stand in the hall while she starts to take my shirt off once it's on the ground I pick her up kissing her walking to the room


Once I'm on the bed everything moves slowly as he becomes gentle in his kisses on my neck and chest I push his head down to my pants he nods unbuttoning them pulling them down and throwing them off feeling his tongue on me made me moan softly gripping his hair feeling his finger on my hole makes me shake softly he pulls away taking his pants off "was that all?" I ask sitting up kissing him pulling his boxers down rubbing him I feel him grip at my hips pulling away he sighs "no just got restricting" he groans I get down kissing his chest taking only his tip in my mouth his body buckled

Sages hands get tangled in my hair as he pulls me up I push his glasses up smiling "lay on your side" I nod feeling as he pushes in wrapping his arms around me I turn back kissing him moaning as he fills me
Our moans fill the room as he moves in and out at just the right pace I close my eyes gripping his arm letting a loud moan out as he hits me in the fight spot my legs shaking now "you going to come?" He groans I rub my clit "fuck I am"
He slowly pulls out smiling "did we just make love?" I ask he looks at me "why do you ask that?"
"You where do gentle I really liked it" he smiles looking at his phone "I liked it also I just need you to be ok" I smile kissing his neck I feel him tense for a second but he rubs my hip "I love you"
"I love you"

My alarm goes off and Maxie is batting at my face I roll my eyes groaning feeling that Sage has left for work already I pick Maxie up putting her on the ground so she wouldn't tempt me to get back in bed
I look down at my belly realizing I was getting much bigger the tattoos on mg stomach expanding also "meu doce bebê eu não posso esperar até que você esteja aqui" I whisper getting my leggings

"How was your weekend?" I ask Ian who just smiles "good I had lost of candy I got a tummy ache! Then I sleep at my cousins" I smile he points to my stomach "your tummy is getting big" I bit my lip holding a laugh back "that is true remember when I told the class I was having a little baby?" He nods "it's here" I rub my stomach he smiles "ohhhh! Can I touch it?" I nod


"How was work?" I ask Ezra as she walks in the house "good then kids are funny yet so mean" she tells me pecking my lips "I invited a couple of my friends to come up for the gender reveal" I tell her she nods "did they say they will be coming we will have to get food"
"We still have a week" I tell her as she walks away getting into the fridge taking her left overs out "it doesn't feel like it my appointment is tomorrow and I'm so scared to have Easton find out"
"He'll do fine he's planned the whole thing don't get stressed" she looks back at me "I know"

Y'all want a wedding chapter??? Or nah!

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