Messed up

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I walk back into the house early in the morning so I didn't have to see mom right away since I had light hickeys down my neck Ezra had some down her chest in her thighs

Plus I also didn't want her to know I stayed the night

I woke up around 11 the smell of bacon filled my nostrils I ran upstairs like a kid on Christmas "you know I think you forget that we have a camera" mom looks at me I sigh "I did" lexa looks at mom "he's almost 18 leave him alone he's back home"

"I know I know" I get a plate then sit down getting some French toast "I asked her to be my girlfriend" I say they look at me "what did she say?" Mom asks smiling "yes"

"Awww young love will you go to homecoming?" She asks me

"I just asked her last night homecoming is three weeks away I still have some time" mom smiles softly "I just can't believe it"

I call Ezra so I can talk to her while I get dressed to go to my dads her face pops up on the screen "hello" she smiles a cat walks across her I smile then take my shirt off "I have to go to my dads" I say taking a long sleeve out "that's fun" I nod "but we are going out for dinner so free food" she laughs "my dad is like that"

"You got to be" she rolls her eyes "anyway I also should be getting ready since I have to go with my uncle" I nod then take my pants off I watch her as she gets out her bed she still had on the sweater I left there I smile feeling special "will I be getting that back?" She bobs her head "never" I sigh Her phone was put down and I was put on pause so I walk into the bathroom as I now see her beautiful face I smile

"Sorry about that" I shrug she puts the phone up holding Moonshine "awww" she had black jeans on and my sweater "he wanted to say bye I have to go" I nod

"I'll talk to you later then" she smiles "bye" she hangs up


I take Sages sweater off putting an old tee shirt on and a zip up I kiss the cats bye and run upstairs "don't get in trouble" I sigh "tell Spike" she smiles

I close the car door walking into the building I had a love hate relationship with "I know just one more job" Spike tells me right off the bat "I'm done sleeping with people I have a boyfriend now" he nods "it's a fight we got money stolen during one and now we are going back to get it" I bit my lip "fine" I had no choice to argue about this I would end up doing it one way or another


"You have an eventful night?" Dylan asks me I blush remembering the purple and red hickeys "didn't plan on having these" he shakes his heads "are you protected?"

"Yes" he lets a breath out "good" Clair runs in I smile "come on let's go play!" She squeals taking my hand I pick her up

"How did you get bruises on your neck?" Clair asks Paige looks at me "I can not answer that" I smile looking down to the doll she smiles

"Anyway can we play hide and seek?" I nod stand up

Paige comes out of the bathroom while I look for Clair I get pulled in she gets a makeup wipe I roll my eyes "I know the kiss surprised you but doing this is extra "I have a girlfriend" she scrubs "I know we just met but I want you and I'll make you mine" she kisses me I pull away and walk out the bathroom shaking my head

Me-she is fucking disgusting

Girl friend❤️-she kissed you? Didn't the hickeys push her away?

Me-she tried to wipe them off 😂

Girl friend❤️-I'll fuck that bitch up, anyway I actually am about to go in and fight this person so uh I'll talk later

Me-um ok? Fight someone?


I put my phone in my pocket and now getting anxious I opened the closet door and there was Clair "now you hide!" She runs out

I drive to the restaurant radio was playing the bad songs they always do and since my Aux broke I still sit and think about what Ezra said


I kick the guy off me then grab his ankle laying him on his back the cage shook I got up on him hitting him he punches me I grab his arm getting him into an arm bar they put a trained kid verse a grown man who had nothing

I hear the bone crack and he pulls away screaming I sit up taking my mouth guard out walking out slamming the door

"Fucking bitch gave me a black eye" I tell Spike dad walks in "good fight" I roll my eyes "surprised you showed thought you had to deal with someone"

"I got that handled" I smile knowing he was lying he probably knocked him out "let me clean you up" eryn walks in saying I sit down on the table

My phone rings I pick up and see it was Sage I smile

"Hey babes" I say Eryn puts down the cotton swab "ok the text concerned me" he says I hear a beeping I roll my eyes "I'm fine I just had a small fight it wasn't even 5 minutes"

"Why did you have to fight?" I look at Eryn she runs the swab on my eyebrow "my uncle messed up with scheduling I had to if I didn't my uncle wouldn't be able to keep the gym open it's fine" I lie

"Are you hurt?" I look at Eryn I had a black eye and a bruised leg and a bruised side she shakes her head no "no I uh kinda broke the guys arm" I bit my lip

"That's hot" he says Eryn covers her mouth smiling "I have to go I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast?"


I hang up

"I want to meet this now" I shake my head standing up "I'm sorry but no he's the only good thing that I have outside this gang I don't need to have him near it" she nods understanding "just I can't believe that you are really dating after Candy"

"Candy and I still talk she and I just had our moments that weren't good she didn't ruin for me I think I could still have a relationship with someone" I put my shirt on "no offense or anything but you kinda dragged that relationship" I sigh knowing it's true at that time I was looking for the guy who killed my mom he was the whole reason I came here

And I let that down I really did "but that was a bad time for me now that I'm good kind of I think I'll be fine"

She shakes her head "I got to go I'll see you later"

I now sit in the quiet room I look around shaking my head knowing this may not work in the end

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