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I sit up getting my bra Sage was texting Lani who was freaking out about how he texted her 4 minutes late he put his pants on "wish that could have been longer" he says he went from not thinking he lasted long enough to wanting to go for hours, "I don't think I could have lasted" I admit he raises his eyebrow "what I haven't had time for sex" He looks up from his phone screen for a second then back

I put my shirt on then sat next to him looking up at him "you said she is cheating?"

"I'm pretty sure with my friend, we go on double dates and the two will not stop talking and this one day I got a call from his fiancée to see if he was with me and I was at work and I couldn't lie because Lani said they where to together, We got cameras and they listen so I have listened to some of their phone calls"

"I'm so sorry" he looks down shrugging I rub my eyes "you really probably should leave now this shouldn't have happened" I stand up I know he knew she was cheating but this was still wrong "I know" He tells me getting his pants

We now stand at the door for a second time "maybe next time I'm in town I'll be single" I laugh at his words "take your time I'm not leaving for a while" I kiss his cheek

"So you slept with your ex?" Eryn says I put the papers down "we both knew it couldn't happen but it did ok? Leave me alone"

"It did happen you spent three years gone you come back for not even a week and boom here you are"

"I'm living a life now something I didn't get" Eryn rolls her eyes "I get to live a life and sleep with the guy you really like girl I wish"


Two months later

I throw the dart hitting the 5 Gil looks at me then back to the girls "so you have a ring and still haven't asked?" I watch as he throws his dart "why are you rushing me?" I wanted to think that he wanted to make more of a move on her "so we can have weddings at the same time" I smile hiding my annoyance I put my darts down "I'm getting a drink" he nods

"Are you ok babe?" Lani asks me if I nod walking to the bar "ew" I hear looking back at Hardin I laugh as we hug . His brown hair was no longer as short as it was "shouldn't you be Brazilian?" He smiles after looking at me "trying to expand on friends. My sister got me a meeting here plus I'm seeing my daughter tomorrow." I smile. You could see his excitement of getting to see his daughter. "I'm happy you get to see her but I thought that Ezra left?" He shakes his head "someone who only knows it can't leave it it's always been like that"

I nod I wish she wouldn't for some reason

"Who was that?" Gil asks I sit my beer down then look at him "he was cute" Gemma winks at me I roll my eyes it was a going joke that I was gay "his sister was my girlfriend and to be fair I only met him a couple times" I say

"The girl you hung out with?" Lani asks in disgust "yes" She looks at Gemma and shakes her head Gil raises an eyebrow "anyway are we going to play darts or no?"

"Do you still think something happened?" I ask as Lani shuts the door she's been in a mood "you went out with your ex! To her home only reason I don't think you had sex with her is just on how trashy she looks"

Ezra was a well put together women even if people thought she was trashy but that made me mad "you still have sex with Gil with our trashy his dick is" I say back then look down that just came out my mouth Gemma complains about the sex all the time to me Lani looks at me "what?" She says

"I had sex with her yes but I've been faithful this whole time I did it because you cheat on me with someone I considered my best friend" she has tears in her eyes

"I'm so sorry" I can't take her apology I shake my head "I want you out by the end of the month you can stay here for the night" I get my keys and walk out

I stand at the door Dylan opens it "Sage it's late what are you doing here?" He says I smile a tear falling "can I stay here tonight?" He nods

I lay in the bed I had a good relationship with Dylan all though I still hold resentment for him not coming in my life till I was 18 we had a good relationship now and I was happy he moved once more only 20 minutes away from my college


I look at the guy who was sitting tied up to a chair. His face was bruised. I smile then get my knife out. His eyes widen but I cut the zip tie and take the gag out. He just watches me "do you know why you got into this position?"

He watches I put the knife away "no ma'am"

"A friend of a friend told me that you like to rape and steal from my workers" I hand him the apple he looks at me "I don't do such things"

"Really?" I get into my book and show him pictures of the men and women his face changes

My phone rings the guy watches as I take my phone out "you even think about moving you won't get this small freedom" I get up

"Hello?" I say "that meeting was bad" I smile at my brothers words "an American mafia doesn't work like ours"

"They are Italian they made the mafia" I hear him groan in annoyance "Hardin trust me after what happened we lost everything all the people we once knew we need strong alliance"

"You talk to him I can't that meeting was shit" he hangs up

(So updates may start to be slower, I had chapter pre written, then I got covid and I haven't felt good enough to write I just wanted to tell you that's why I took out a sex part I'm sorry but I'll make up for it maybe...anyway have a nice day!)

TL ⚡️

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