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Easton slams his locker shut and I walk back as he starts over to me "what's wrong?" He shakes his head "how do you deal with a dysfunctional family?" He asks me to smile softly. My dad only sees me three times a year,Christmas,Thanksgiving, my birthday and maybe four if there was a wedding or funeral. "I smile and laugh along?"

"Well obviously but like I can't deal with some of the stuff like family not liking you?"

"Just stick with the only member of the family that likes you?" "He's dead" I hit my forehead with my hand Ezra walks over

"Hi Easton" she says dryly "hi Ezra" he says with the same about if dryness I roll my eyes "do you two know each other?" I ask out of curiosity they always acted like they didn't but sometimes you could spot the two walking together in the halls or in the library playing chess "she is kinda my cousin on my bio dads side" she looks down why didn't she tell me?

"So that was going to be a secret?" Ezra rolls her eyes "I have to go" she pulls away walking away Easton sighs "we don't talk about it" he walks away also so I now stand there till the bell rings

I walk into the library during study hall seeing Ezra reading while eating lunch I walk over and sit across from her she puts her book down "sorry if you brought something up" I say she puts her book down "you didn't" she looks at me smiling "you look nice today" she says I blush looking at her she always looked nice I couldn't think of a way to ask her to homecoming I was scared "you always look nice" she smiles "you are too nice" I look down to the ground

The day went by fast after that I walk into the house and see a car in the driveway as I pull in I raise my eyebrow

"mom?" I ask, smelling the strong scent of ax body spray "in the kitchen" she says I lay my bag down and take my shoes off then walk into the kitchen my dad stood there with a woman "hi" I say I just thought about him now he is here? What the fuck? "Hi Sage I'm Cecilia your dads fiancée" she holds her hand out I shake it "we are getting married and I wanted to see if you wanted to meet your soon to be step siblings" I look at mom who nodded

I nod back to Dylan and Cecilia "do you have anything going on we would love for you to come have dinner tonight"

"He has soccer" mom says lexa looks at her "one day is fine he should go" mom sighs nodding I knew this all hurt her since he is now walking back in my life as I'm going to be 18 kinda late for that

I texted my coach telling him a family thing came up and he told me it was fine. I took my pants off and shirt and tried to find something nice to wear. There was a knock on my door "who is it?" "Me" Dylan says "come in" he walks in my room and looks around I get pants out and put them on "you should come stay with us on the weekends" he says I look in my closet he sat down on the couch "I will have to see I work Sundays but I don't get enough hours to say I work" he chuckles "well why not quit?"

I have tried but they always tell me it's not worth it because it has a good pay but the environment is toxic and I really hate going Mom wants me too also but I don't have the heart to quit

"Maybe" he looks around. I sigh , taking a flannel out "how long have you and Cecelia been together?" I ask

"Little over a year" I nod this would be his third marriage. I was his only kid. He only ever had step kids, another reason I didn't see him often. He ran off with women so fast "how old are her kids?"

"She has a 18 year old girl, 14 year old girl and another girl who is 7" I nod buttoning the shirt up

"I think that you all will get along I hope you do" I smile softly getting my keys and wallet from my school pants "I'm ready" he smiles

I follow them out for 30 minutes they pulled into a nice drive I sigh and park getting out my phone

Me: not me about to meet my soon to be step sisters

Ezra Isabel-lmao help step bro I'm suck in the dryer 🤓😆

I blush getting out the car my phone dings and I look at the text she sent me

Ezra Isabel-I mean help daddy I'm stuck 🥵

I turn red I swipe the text away as Cecelia walks up to me

"I have a daughter your age I think that you two will get along" she gestures for me to walk in front of her to meet my dad the door opens three girls stood there in dresses you could tell who the baby was she was short but also kinda cubby she had brown hair and brown eyes a pale skin tone the other girl was harder to pick if she was my age or not but she had a lighter brown hair and green eyes covered behind glasses the next girl had blonde hair with brown eyes

The little girl walks over "you are tall I'm Clair" she hugs my legs I smile "I'm Sage" she pulls away "do you want to go play?" I nod with a smile looking back at Dylan he smiles "Clair honey let him meet your sisters"

"I'm Natalie" the girl with glasses says shaking my hand "we almost have the same glasses" she smiles I look at them and realize we almost did

"Move" the blonde says "I'm Paige" we shake hands


"I called him daddy" I tell my friend Candy she lays up next to me I put my arm around her "you want to make him a daddy?" I smile blushing "no" I laugh she raises her eyebrows "the way his hips move and when he ate me out dude is talented, he could be my daddy but not baby daddy" Candy sighs "just know I'll drop a girl for you when you need me too" I smile and nod laying my head down on my pillow

Sage Howard- ok I really think the one who is 18 is hitting on me?

Me-wtf let me have some free time on your neck

Sage Howard- I mean...

I lick my lips his confidence is growing and I love it I had a part to play in that

Me-I'll be at your soccer game tomorrow do you think I can after?

Sage Howard-I'm think that if we win I think I should get some free time

Me-we will see

I look at Candy who slept. I looked at the ceiling. I was falling too fast for Sage. Maybe the tarot reading was trying to tell me I had a soulmate.


"So you play soccer?" Paige asks me I nod "our school doesn't have a soccer team that's cool that yours dose" Nat tells me "yeah it is" she smiles I take a bite of the salad "he's been playing since he was 3 a very good player" Dylan says I smile softly "Dylan told me you play an instrument?" Clair asks me

"I play the Saxophone" she smiles, her eyes widened "really? I want to play in band"

"You should" I tell her

After dinner Clair dragged me upstairs to play with her new toys, Paige came in "Clair mom needs you to shower" she whines I look at her and smiles "how about Saturday I'll come over and we can play all day?" She smiles and nods "ok!" She gets up and runs out Paige looks at me and closes the door "you know we aren't step siblings yet" she comes over and sits next to me I swallow hard and hope that my phone rings or someone walks in but she was leaning in to kiss me I move back "This isn't right" I stand up and walk out


My phone rings I sigh and pick it up it was Sage

"Hello?" I ask "she tried to kiss me step sis tried to get stuck" he says I laugh "are you serious?"

"Yes I'm fucking serious I feel disgusting my dad has been married three times and non of my step siblings ever tried to kiss me" the way the word fucking came out of his mouth made me feel someway "I'm sorry babe" I tell him sitting up Candy rolled over on her back "Well this marriage probably won't last long they never do" I bite my lip "listen Saturday I'm going to hang out with them do you want to hang out in the morning after my practice?" He says I smile "if I can have some free time on your neck so the bitch will leave you alone" I say he chuckles "Deal"

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