The wedding

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"Oh god oh god" I say pacing around the room Easton looks at me worried "do you need a drink or something?" I look at him "Im about to get married" I say he nods "yes? It's been on the calendar for a year now"
"What if some one objects?" I ask "no one will" he assures me "but like what if they do?" He rolls his eyes "well knowing Ezra's crazy ass family then probably shot" I groan sitting down when the door opens I look over and see Nash holding Moms hand "you ready?" She asks "yes"

Walking out mom and lexa had their arms locked in mine before they sit down Easton stands behind me I feel his hand on my shoulder as I look down at Nash who waits for his mom, waiting for the doors to open felt like it was forever as the music starts

Ezra holds on Lee's arm, as they walk god she was beautiful she wore a white dress that had black beading on the chest my breath catches as she is now in front of me Lee hugs me I smile "you are crying boy" he says softly I didn't realize I was so I wipe my tears away as he sits down "you look prwetty mama" Nash says Ezra smiles "thank you baby"

"Vows?" The man looked at me I nod softly getting the paper out

"I regretted missing that day of school when partners were picked as I had to deal with Ezra the girl would punched her last partner in the face, that regret disappeared when you showed up at my house a smile on your face happy to work with me, it didn't take me long to fall in love with you even if we didn't spend much time dating in high school, when you left depression came,

I knew you were my soulmate and I didn't know if I would ever see you again I was just 18 when I thought that, when we meet again after all those years I realized that I my love had only grown for you, being with you has made me so much happier and I've learned and also grown more from being with you, I have learned that you can marry your first love and how that love with not ever die, I love the life we have had together and I can't wait for it to grow"

I watch a tear slip from her eyes I quickly wipe it away making her smile

"While you didn't know Easton wouldn't shut up about you sometimes when we hung out, and I will be completely honest if it wasn't for that class I would never of talked to you, while I did think you were cute I was scared to talk to you,the time we had together I was happy really happy, my high school time was cut short and so were we, I never found anyone when I was in Brazil I couldn't love them like I did for you, I was scared to admit to myself I fell in love a feeling that I never really felt for anyone other then a few people,

I never thought I needed love that I felt for you, never did I think I wanted a house, a kid, a husband, but you changed that I seen myself with you have a big house, and even kids, I once told myself I couldn't bring a kid into this world then we had Nash" she takes my hand and puts it in her stomach my eyes widen "then we will we have another one here in time, you made me want these things and I'm happy because of that" she nods out

"Do you Sage Howard take Ezra Isabel-Vern to be your wife?"
"I do" I smile I slip the wedding band on to her finger then wipe a tear away
"Do you Ezra Isabel-Vern take Sage Howard to be your husband?"
"I do" she slips the band on my finger "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss"
Her lips fall on mine as we hold hands "Ew!" Nash screams we pull away smiling I put my hand back on her stomach "come here Ash" Ezra says smiling he takes her hand as we walk down together

Only you by the Platters begins to play, for someone who didn't want to get married Ezra already had a wedding song picked out, we start to move back and forth to the music my head lays on Ezra's shoulder "when did you find out you were pregnant?" I ask rubbing her hip "about a month ago" I pull away and twirl her around "a month?" I ask when she comes back to me

"I love you" she smiles I roll my eyes and kiss her "I love you also" I peck her lips back then she lays her head on my chest "but how long are you?"
"I go to the doctors Tuesday at 4" I nod she lays her head on my chest "I can't wait to have this honeymoon" I say Ezra laughs "a week with just you and me alone on a private island" I say I was excited you could say as we barely had time to make the baby that is in her belly now

"You have tonight" she comes and kisses me as the song ends I smirk "all night?" I ask she nods once kissing me again before I knew it I felt a little body to mine "mommy can we dance?" Nash asks "yeah baby"

I unzip the beautiful wedding dress Ezra had been in the last four hours I kiss at her neck as she unbuttons my shirt "this is such a beautiful dress" I tell her "thank you" I watch as it falls down my eyes widen as I see the white lace that had green here and there "fucking hell" I take my shirt off as Ezra steps over and starts to rub me as I grip her boobs pulling down the lace taking a nipple in my mouth and playing with the other "I love you, so fucking much" she moans out pushing me down to the bed

Our lips come together as my back hits the bed "heels on or off?" I look at Ezra as she stands over me rubbing my thigh god she was so sexy "Off" she nods, as soon as she climbed on top I rub as her ass while I kissed her neck "I love your body" I tell her as she pulls away taking that chance to flip her over "can you take the bra off?" She nods sitting up taking it off then reaches to unbuckle my pants and starts to kiss down my chest

Ezra smirks looking at me unzipping my pants as I also pull down her underwear leaving the garter belt on then slip a finger into her "fuck" she moans opening her legs up more so I kiss down her chest kissing each nipple before I go to her clit giving it a small kiss smirking as Ezra groans pushing my head down
"If you do that shit again then I'm going to leave you to fuck your hand" she says so with that I dig in

She came fast from just my tongue and finger sitting up I pull my pants down watching as Ezra shifts to kneel infront of me "i know you like it when you suck me off after being inside you so lay down" she comes up pecking my lips pulling me down on top of her "I have no shame" she whispers as I push into her "I know you don't" taking my hand into hers I slowly fuck her, the feeling of her free hand comes and takes ahold of my forearm gripping it as she moans out in her native tongue

I let out so many moans as she tightens around me as our lips come together I let go of her hands and hold on to her cheeks the two of us making eye contact as come together "I just made love to my beautiful wife" I smile pecking her lips "do it again" Ezra rubs my chest "as you wish"

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