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"You and her broke up?" Dylan asks I nod scratching my head "there was cheating involved" he looks taken back "did you?" I take a drink of my water "once it was at the end" he nods "never makes it ok but at least you know that" I look at the time I had a class and needed to go "thanks for letting me stay here"


One year later

Graduating from college was long. Why did I want to sit that whole time? I have no idea I see my mom standing by the car in tears her son got a bachelor degree after switching my first year from Accounting to engineering I did do an internship during my senior year, "look at you" she hugs me I rub her back Lexa was looking away I smile "are you crying?" She shakes her head now looking at me mom pulls away "babe" she says as a tear falls from Lexa's face I go over and hug her


"Fuck you fuck you" I say to myself leaving the office the loud music plays I walk into the bar area and see a face I haven't seen in a while Mr Sage Howard I look at a waitress "table four guy with glasses give him a beer" she nods "who should I say it's from?" I hand her the beer "a girl at the bar" she nods


"No I think that I threw some good parties" Axel says I had went to them all something I regret doing "only thing that was good is that we all meet someone there" Colt says "now that Sage is the single one of the group we must throw another party for my friend to meet someone" I shake my head "no thanks I'm fine I uh I've been seeing someone" I lie a one night stand every other couple weeks "good!" The subject changes till a waitress brings a beer over "someone from the bar" she opens it then sits in front of me I smile she walks away "someone thinks you are cute oh god a graduation fuck" Diego says I roll my eyes and look over around the bar

"Fuck you" I tell Diego then I see a familiar face standing behind the bar she was wearing a black shirt "who are you looking at?"

Colt says "your mom"

"If you don't go home with someone" I look at Ezra who was talking to a guy "you will punch me I know" I look back

"Thank you for the beer" I sit down at the bar Ezra looks at me "I don't know what you are talking about" she smiles her hair was up in a bun her blue eyes shimmering under the lighting I want to feel her up under the table if I was able too

"What are you doing down here?" She looks around "my uncle sent me here for the week for work" I nod, getting the memo "you didn't tell me?" She turns around getting tequila "you have a girlfriend?" She says putting two glasses down "had we broke up a while ago" she nods pouring the drink "sorry to hear that" I pick the glass up we hit our glasses then the table it burns I cough shaking my head

"I don't drink like that"


I smile, taking the glass from him "you are a pussy" he rolls his eyes "no I am not!" He tells me I roll my eyes he was so lick able with his glasses on and brown hair to the side "one more" he says I put the bottle back

"I'm running up a tab" I say he leans back in the chair "you have a tab?" I shake my head

My phone dings I sigh "I'll see you I have to take this" he nods

"Hello" I sing to my uncle "is the contact there yet?" I roll my eyes "no once he is I'll get it and call you, I hate job" I say I hear him laugh "you dad says the same thing" I smile softly it wasn't like a gang leader to be ok with their kids running in the same gang but I came from a mafia more or less, and that was family he had to deal with it "I'll call you I have to get back to work"

"You do that"

I pour two shots and walk out to the floor sitting it at the table Sage was it he looks at me "on my tab" I look at the door and see the guy I smile and walk away

"Are you Blake?" He nods "nice to meet you" we shake hands "come to the back" I lead him behind the bar, I take him to the office once I close the door he puts the bag down "Hardin is your brother right?" I nod "you are the guy that gave him hell?" He sits "we have a partnership now" I smile

I lead him out of the bar and see Sage sitting alone at the bar. Once Blake leaves I walk over to him "sitting alone did they hurt you?" I say smiling "they want me to get a girl" I smile sitting next to him he looks at me then scratches his head "do you want to be the girl?" I smile at his words "I have to make a phone call then I'm yours" I stand up and kiss his cheek his hands go on my waist "sounds good" I look around biting my lip he made me wet already I missed his touch and now that he was single I want him

"Everything is good with the deal" I say grabbing my keys "good" Spike says "is it ok if I leave to go be with Sage?"

"I don't care you got what I needed" I smirk then hang up

"That was fast" Sage says I smile "come on I'm staying upstairs"

Once I unlock the door his lips found my neck I smile slipping out of my shoes then turning around to kiss him my body was hot I want him, his starts to unbutton my shirt as I pull him back to the couch he pulls away once we fall back "last time we had sex was on a couch can I have you in a bed?" He says I smile at his words then take my shirt off he blushes at the sight he was still the blushing boy I fell in love with I take his hand into mine and walk him to the bedroom

Our clothes fly off as his hand goes down my underwear I moan "god you are so fucking wet" he groans slipping a finger inside me I pull him into a kiss, he pulls away kissing down to my boob taking a nipple in his mouth I buckle my hips as his fingers move faster and feeling his mouth on my boob "Sage please" I moan he moves down kissing my body as he went I feel empty as he takes his fingers out to pull my underwear off


Once I threw her underwear i brought her to my mouth as I lick her clit she moans and says something in Portuguese, I put two fingers in her hole once more and she tightens around me I smirk sucking on her clit "please make me come" she moans so I take my time on doing so savoring the taste of her she let out soft moans, ass she starts to shake I move my finger faster as she shakes she takes my wrist and takes my fingers in her mouth we make eye contact then she takes my fingers out "you have a condom?" I ask her

She opens the drawer then bites her lip then looks at me I sigh but she wraps her legs around me "I trust you" I swallow hard then take my boxers off

I push in feeling her raw was heaven she grips my shoulders "fuck" I say thrusting in and out she tightened around me I lay my head on her shoulder moving faster "you feel so good" I tell her, she moans I run my hand on her leg "oh god yes" she lets out as I pick her leg up

Before I knew it I was pulling out to come she flips me over and slides down my eyes widen gripping her hips she wants me to come inside her, my legs buckle and I cum she lends down kissing me still moving her hips as her body shakes

We go on for a couple more hours now I'm laying in the bed on my phone Ezra walks in with a water bottle still naked her body covers in so many tattoos it was a masterpiece she sits down she looks at me "I wasn't trying to cum inside you" I tell her she smiles "it's called Plan B my friend" she kisses my cheek I was screwed mama I'm falling back in love with her

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