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I walk into the school that Monday Ezra was not in sight I walk over to Easton and flick him "she will be here calm down had to go see the doctor" he turns to me I sigh how he knew what I was going to ask "well she hasn't talked to me since Saturday so I didn't know if she was mad at me" he shakes his head now that I knew they are cousins it made me feel a lot better but I didn't know know they talk like that "oh no she does that she locks herself in her room for a day with nothing but food and tv for a while after a fight something she dose"

I walk into Mrs.Dueponds class and Ezra sat reading she had a light black eye now and a bruised cheek I walk over to her "are you ok?" She nods looking at me, "that wasn't my first fight, like the other guy has a broken arm. I'm chill." I raise my eyebrow "are you serious?" I sit next to her putting my bag down "no? Why would I joke about putting someone in the hospital who wanted to do the same to me?"

"Well I didn't know how you broke his arm?" I now was even more scared of her knowing she broke a guys arm

"Oh don't worry I won't break you arm as long as you keep me happy" I smile blushing

Two days later

"Oh god" I groan pushing Ezra's head down more as she sucks me off, her tongue piercing made me almost come as she licks me all the way to my tip I push her head back down, a small gag escapes the vibration felt good I let go of her hair she comes up and looks at me

"Making me gag" she smirks putting me back in her mouth, my knees buckle as a cum in her mouth, Ezra comes up she swallows it I bit my lip, "that was hot" I say she smiles and pecks my lips

Her black eye was almost gone along with the bruise cheek I put my hand on her cheek she smiles kissing me her phone rang she pulled away for only dating her for a while I could tell that when the different ring meant she had to leave I get my boxers as she walks out of the room with her phone

10 minutes later she came back in tears in her eyes "I uh I have to go" I stood up I've never seen her like this then again I still didn't know her "what's wrong?" I put my hands on her shoulders "nothing just family things I'll see you later" she kisses my check and walks out


"Fuck you ok?" Hardin asks me I nod looking at the body of my mothers killer my aunt she was tied up in rope, handcuffs,zip ties,chain "she was sitting outside Grammys house waiting for you, she obviously isn't going to stop she wants that spot to be with her kids and only them" I nod closing my eyes ''she will have them hunt our kids down" he tells me I look at him he gets his phone out looking at the picture of his daughter "you have tried to keep them out"

"She'll still find them you know that you have been hidden away here"

"Not well enough like them" our aunt starts to move we look at each other

"Eryn doesn't talk go the adopted parents anymore after you" yes I slept with my brothers baby mama she was dealing with the lost of her boyfriend and baby

"Well at least I help open her eyes" I say sitting down watching as Melanie moves against the restraints "é esta corrente?" She asks softly

"Sim, a única coisa da qual você não pode sair" she groans looking up

"My niece and nephew how you have grown" I hold myself back from beating the shit out of her "if we kill her then we have some angry cousins" I tell Hardin

She sits up as best as she could "well it seems I have angry niece and nephew"

"Oh you think?" I say I was now getting mad Hardin moves me back shaking his head

"Fucking bitch" I slam the door walking out i get my phone out

"Hello?" Sage answers he just woke up "can we finish?" I asks blinking back tears "yeah come over"

I push him against the wall he raises his eyebrow "I need a release I really do" he rubs my hip "is everything ok?" He asks me I sigh kissing him I began pulling him away from the wall and back on his couch in his room he sat down I got on his lap not breaking the kiss


I pull away from the kiss Ezra had a tear stained face but she takes her shirt off then puts her hands up my shirt I look into her blue eyes she smiles rolling her hips against mine I groan taking my shirt off "I already know how to make you break" she whispers in my ear I blush she knew how to move her hips use her mouth she was someone I am happy I lost my virginity too, she takes my pants down I get a condom then put it on "you are so hot" she says kissing me sliding down on me I grip her hips as she moves up and down letting small whimpers out she said something in portuguese then lays her head on my shoulder I groan feeling her get squeeze around me

"Ezra" I moan she lifts her head up and kisses me I pull away "lay down?" She nods

We now lay in my bed cuddled up she was sound asleep I run her back admiring her soft features she was heartbroken almost even in her sleep

My alarm went off along with Ezra's at the same time she sat up looking for her phone witch laid on the ground next to her leggings she had one of my old band hoodies that went to her thigh "i didn't mean to stay over" she says picking her phone up I see some of her ass I smile she turns around, "it's fine we just go to move faster so we can make it to school" she nods "You have to move I'm not going" she picks her pants up then put them on I sit up "because of last night?" She nods licking her lips "I hope you have fun at school" she kisses my cheek walking out

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