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Lani walks in holding some bags a while later I get up and take them "you know we probably should get going here soon your dad has a doctors appointment" Lani nods hugging her mom "well thank you for going shopping with me Sage never wants to" I smile hugging Sarah

"I'll see you soon" she rubs my back Greg and I shake hands he winks I smile they walk out closing the door Lani sighs wrapping her arms around me "Gemma wants to meet her at the attic" I nod "we can'' I never told her but I hated going there it reminds me of Ezra someone I almost have out of my head until I wake up with the necklace on I can't seem to take off all the decor makes me think of her grandmas ''great! I'm going to wear something for you tonight under my dress" I grab her ass she peaks my lips ''go get ready"

We walked into the bar Gemma and her boyfriend Gil sat at a table we walked over and sat with them "how were the parents?" Gil asks I smile "they are nice to me they like me unlike someone's parents" I tell him Gemma rolls her eyes I laugh the waiter comes over "can I get you something to drink?"

"The hard apple cider" Lani tells him then he looks at me "water"

"Ok" he walks away

Before I knew it I was getting pushed into the apartment by Lani as we made out i turned the light on and pull away for a second to lock the door my phone dings I get it out it was mom she sent a picture of an obituary for Helen Isabel my heart sinks, she would invite me over on the weekend to bake or cook have dinner and watch old movies I even learned how to read tarots even how to do a protect spell and a lot of other things after Ezra left and god it was fun "what's wrong?" Lani asks I shake my head "a friend passed away I think I'll be going home for the service" she takes a deep breath "I'm so sorry" she hugs me

I think about Ezra that night if she knew that her Grammy died I hold the locket in my hand Lani lays down taking my hand from my necklace pecking my lips "go to sleep"

Me and Lani get to my moms the next morning I grab our bags looking at the gray house I unlock the door "mom! Lexa we are here" I say

Lexa walks in and hugs me "I know you and her really bonded over what happened I'm sorry" Grammy lost a granddaughter and I lost the love of my life I'm pretty sure

"I can make a mean cake from scratch because of that" she smiles kissing my check "and read a tarot"

Lexa and Lani hug as mom comes in and hugs us both "it's nice to see you" mom tells Lani

"You also" I look around "I'll go put our things in the bedroom" I tell Lani who nods


I look at the house I couldn't believe she was gone Bennet walks in holding his daughter "I think that maybe you should stay back for a while and live here" he tells me I look around tears in my eyes "she's gone" my voice cracks he comes up and hugs me we shared the same father, I haven't spoke to Grammy since the day I left I didn't talk to anyone I was in hell and haven't been out until now then my grandma dies "it's ok Ray" my niece tells me hugging my legs

The next day I stand in the shower thinking about life I was now free I had no more family on the side of my mother if I did they are the ones who like us and that was few, Hardin let me give up and live the life I wanted three years ago and so I could be next to Grammy when she passed "I'm leaving!" I hear dad yell

"Ok" I yell out


I hold on to Sage's arm as we walk into the funeral home when we walked in the hall was filled with people scary people "Sage" a guy says Sage looks over "Easton hey" they hug

"I'm surprised you came" the guy Easton says Sages looks around "she really helped me out after what happened" he nods looking at me "this is my girlfriend Lani'' He holds his hand out "I'm Easton'' Sage looks around "what happened?" Easton shakes his head "she got sick like really sick out of nowhere Lee moved her into his house took care of her she just didn't wake up one day we the corners office doesn't know what happen either but she may of been poisoned" my heart drops

I didn't know the women but she obviously meant something to Sage and to hear that makes me sick that someone may have killed her, "I'm so sorry" Sage says "I'm sorry too" he walks away

We take a sit on the couch people start coming in Sages hand never left mine until a girl with long black hair walks in she has tattoos on her arms her lip pierced along with her nose the guy Easton and another girl ongoing over and hug her "I'll be right back" he stands up I watch as he walks over to her

She looks at him for a second and smiles hugging him they pull away they start to talk and I now feel alone but the girl had tears in her eyes and I couldn't break the moment they had


"Think she died just to get me back here" Sage shakes his head I wipe my tear away "you still have the ring" I nod I know I wanted to leave my past here but I took him with me the ring was the only thing I had close to him I still love him I do but he has a life and I can't take that away "We should meet up and have dinner or something talk" he says I nod looking at his girlfriend "she's beautiful" he looks at her smiling "she is" I put my hand on his arm he looks at me "I'll give you my new number after the service we can meet up" he nods bring me in one more hug

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