Oh sweet baby

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Watching mom run around helping put up decorations makes me smile Ezra and Lee sat a couple tables away as Ezra already crying and done yelled at me then again she was 20 weeks so I sit not wanting to get yelled at by mom with Lexa she and Easton where made to party plan "do you have the ring?" Lexa whispers I nod "should I do it in front of everyone?" She shrugs "it's up to you if you don't want to do it tonight then don't you are the one who asked Lee about it" I take the ring out of her jacket pocket opening it she smiles "is that all real?" I smile "it was her grandmas on her moms side Lee never got to use it to propose and when I asked about it he give me it telling me to return the ring I got" she smiles


I walk over to Sage sighing "I'm sorry I yelled at you"
"It's fine I know you are really stressed and all over" he tells me rubbing my back as I stand next to his chair "people will be here soon" Easton says running over I look at him he seems to be more happy over this then me then again he was as he instead we had a party I knew my family on my dads side wouldn't really come other then a few then I had half a gang showing up that's what made me nervous as Sages family would be scared most likely

I watch as people walk in coming over hugging Sage "so you are stuck with him?" A guy laughs I smile "he's stuck with me" I feel Sages arm around me "that's Sam,Colt,Diego and Logan some of the guys I meet in collage" I nod remembering Colt laughter fills the quite room I smile knowing who it was Kaden and Bianca walk over I let go of Sage hugging them "this bitch got you a bottle of jack to drink after you have the baby" Bianca says I smile as Kaden holds the bottle up a smile on her face "but we have gifts" i point to the table "I'll probably breast feed so I won't be drinking it soon" Bianca rolls her eyes

"This is Sage my boyfriend" I pull him over Kaden holds her hand out he shakes it "Kaden this is my wife Bianca"
"Hi" he shakes Bianca's hand "I worked with them when I worked with my uncle" I tell Sage he nods "Lee!" Bianca walks away Kaden following as they hug my dad I look at Sage "will you have any family here?" He asks softly I shrug "maybe a cousin or two but no my friends will be here also a fling I used to have with this girl named Candy she'll be here" he nods "a fling" he smiles kissing me I smile

"Hello everyone I'm Easton  for those who don't know me I'm Ezra's cousin,I planned the party with the help of Kim and kinda Ezra not really she didn't help at all" everyone laughs I roll my eyes "anyway these two are going to open the box now and find the gender of there baby and they had trusted me and only me to know the gender and make the box so I really wanted to thank you two"
"We had our doubts I still feel like something is going to spray me" Sage says "I did that once and it was your locker I learned after I got suspended" everyone laughs again I squeeze Sages hand "no but really I had the best time planning this party now please the suspense is killing me and I already know what's in there" he points to my stomach I smile looking at Sage "on three?"

"One....two....three" we flip the side up and a blue ballon flys up my eyes widen tears filling them Sage let's go of my hand and hugs me laying his head on my shoulder I smile rubbing his back yelling and cheering fills the room Sage pulls away a smile on his face I look at Dad who smiles widely as spike hits his shoulder laughing I walk over and hug him crying hard
"She would be happy" he says "so happy" I nod he pulls me away "I would also turn around" I raise my eyebrow wiping tears turning everyone covering their mouths as Sage was on his one knee I turn back around but spike turns me "stand up" I cry he shakes his head "will you marry me? Ezra?" He opens the ring box up seeing the ring that dad was going to use to propose my mom makes my heart brake even more "yes" I nod he stands up hugging me

"I was so scared" he whispers in my shoulder I look at the balloon I pull away and kiss him I pull away looking at everyone seeing everyone clapping and smiling so makes me feel less uncomfortable "uh can I put this on now?" I look at Sage nodding
He takes the ring he gave me years ago off then slips the other on I smile "this is really happening" he whispers I nod waiting for something bad to happy but nothing dose

4 months later

Sage lays on the couch of the hospital I was getting contractions and with my due date around the corner I wanted to make sure I wasn't having this baby right now the doctor comes in "you are dilated to a 4 after I make a round I'll come and break your water" she tells me Sage sits up "she is having the baby?"
"Well her contractions are 5 minutes apart so it's about time" I look at Sage who looks around "I'll see you soon" she smiles I get a pain then nod "see you" I lay my head back

"Shit this is really happening" Sage comes over taking my hand into his "call your mom and Lexa so they can be in here along with Easton" he nods kissing my forehead
"Hey you ok?" Sage asks walking in holding an ice cup I nod "just pain" Lexa walks in holding a bag Kim pushes her by and comes over "how are you feeling you ok?" I nod smiling "I can't wait for that epidural" I tell her "I know it will be good"

After a while she came in broke my water and we sit now playing the waiting game
Dr.Leman comes in and takes a look "you are ready" my eyes widen

Pushing was hell I squeeze Sages arm him looking in pain "I'm not doing this again" I groan I hear one of the nurses laugh "it'a hell"
I nod pushing feeling the next contraction Sages eyes widen "that's his head?" He makes a weird face Lexa smacks the back of his head "maybe about two more" I nod
Watching as they take him away crying fills the room I let a sob out looking at Sage who smiles
"You did that" I nod crying

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