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I drop Candy off at her house. I sit in the driveway till there is a knock on my window. I roll it down a little "Ezra you need to leave. I thought we were done with this?" Candies brother says "she couldn't resist to hang out with me" I tell him unlocking my door he gets in "my mom literally hates you for sleeping with my sister and you still show up at the house like this"

"I'm talking to a guy and I wanted to talk to Candy about him" he rolls his eyes "mom will think you two had sex let's be honest with each other that homophobic bitch" I roll my eyes "can you get out so I can go home I have school?"

"You invited me in but sure" he shuts my car door and walks away I sigh then turn my car on


I sit in class watching a video in physic I look over at Sage who was writing things down I close my eyes and picture him fucking me his hands rubbing me as he thrust in and out, kissing my neck I bit my lip and turn back to the board the bell rings and i wait for Sage as he walks out the class putting the paper away "what are you writing?" I ask taking his hand into mine he looks at our hands then smiles

"The book report in Mrs.Dwire's class it's due today and I've been procrastinating" he smiles I let go of his hand as we get to the stairs "that isn't good I'll see you at lunch"

Today he sat at the table first writing down things still "she extended the due date?" He laughs when I put my books down "no she's my last class I have till then" I smile his hair was messy his glasses sat low on his nose and you could tell he was not having today "do you have a game in the morning?" He shakes his head "no practice was canceled because the coach is getting his wisdom teeth removed, what a loser" he says I laugh rolling my eyes "stay the night?" He blushes "ok"

We get to know each other a little more each day and lunch is the time we do it mostly so today we sat and talk about our old pets we had since he likes the cats at Grandmas

Once I get to Grammys everything witchy was put away she sat at the table watching "he needs to come over more so this house will be clean" I roll my eyes as I wash the dishes "I always clean when I come over half the mess is the herbs and crystals" She smacks her lips "true"

My phone rings I pick it up "hey dad" I say

"Are you staying at the Grammys?" He asks out of breath I roll my eyes "yes dad I told you that"

"Ok well uh I need the house for a couple days or so, tell me if you need anything also have fun with your boyfriend love you" he hangs up I sigh throwing my phone down "god damnit dad better not get caught"

There was a knock on my bedroom door I walk over and open it Sage stood there smiling "you are here early"

"Yeah I hope that's fine" I shrug "I don't care, do you want to watch tv?" He walks over and lays on my bed I smile

Sages leg laid between mine and his other long leg was over my body as his face was buried in my neck kissing it slowly I ran my hand in his hair he pulls up and looks at me and smiles his glasses are crooked kind of I kiss him we make out for a while till he pulls away "will you be my girlfriend?" He says softly I blush he does also then looks at me "did you blush?" He asks me to play it off, shaking my head. He squeezes my hips. "Did I make you blush?" He moves me to his lap "no" I smile he sighs "will you be my girlfriend?" I blush once more he smiles I can't believe he asked me out twice now I know he has the balls but damn "yes" I say he smiles

Our lips meet I push him back so he would lay down he pulls away as he hits the bed then he flips me over I smiles then put my hands up his shirt feeling his abs he smiles "you look very nice under me" I smile wrapping my legs around him he comes down kissing my neck his one hand went down and started to rub me, my smile never fades as he does this he had gotten more confident as we kept talking

He pulls away sitting up taking his shirt off I let my legs down then take my shirt off also "bra too please?" Sage asks me softly I sit up then flip us again

I peck his lips ''Ezra" he says I kiss him once more "you see the step sis tomorrow can I mark you?" He blushes and smiles softly


Ezra grinds against me as she kisses my neck I squeeze her ass I felt like I would get blue balls soon I sigh then remember she told me that I could pull her hair, so I go up putting my hand in her hair pulling it Ezra looks at me "impatient?" She smirks I sigh taking my pants off with one hand "get a condom from my pocket" I tell her letting go of her hair "I wasn't done" she tells me grabbing for a condom I smile looking at her ass her tattoos filled her back and thighs she opens it and kisses me, I put my hands on her hips and flip her after she put the condom on.

She left her leg up over my shoulder I grip her thigh sliding in she wasn't really tight thigh but god she felt good she pulls me down into a kiss as I thrust into her


"foda sim papai" I moan out Sage groans and starts to rub my clit "fuck Ezra you feel good" my walls tighten at his words his pace wasn't as fast as I knew he could go "faster papai" he picks up his pace and his fingers rub my faster as he spits down on my clit I moan at the sight that was hot he picks my other leg up putting it in his shoulder "fuck this is doing it" he moans then puts a hand on my throat my eyes roll back I put my hand on his so I could put it in the right spot on my neck "right there" I tell him in a moan he squeezed a little I lost it and started to shake my orgasm hitting in one position

"What's papai mean?" Sage asks me "daddy" he blushes hard "I like it" he tells me i smile sitting up his eyes go to my boobs I roll my eyes

"Now when you choke me don't go all the way back keep on the sides that made me cum a lot harder and faster when I moved your hand" he nods

"Anything else?" He says softly I shake my head "you spitting was the hottest thing" he blushes once more "I didn't think just did"

I peck his lips "you did wonders"

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