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Once Sage pulls away Kim hugs us both "I'm going to be a nana?" She asks voice cracking I nod smiling through my tears "oh god you both are still babies" she cries I look at Sage who was wiping tears away rubbing his moms back "we wanted this" he tells her
"We didn't tell you just because" I say she looks back at Lexa and dad who held the testing Dad was trying not to cry but Lexa rubbed his shoulder telling him it was ok too "you knew?" She yells dad nod "sorry babe" Lexa tells her she groans through the tears I rub her back "I'm so happy for you two I can't believe it" she put her small hand in my stomach "do you have names?" I laugh "I just found out last week"

"And I've been asking" Sage says "you are dating someone who was made for lying" I tell him, "damn it" I kiss his cheek "well this is a lot to take it" Dad says I walk over and hug him "she would be proud of you" he says laying his head on my shoulder "she is"
Once the door is closed and I lock it after everyone leaves then arms wrapped around me I smile "so birthday sex?" He starts to kiss my neck "babe" I whisper as he turns me around "you have to work" I smile wrapping my arms around his neck as his hand goes down to my ass I smile "I wore something for you" he picks me up kissing me hard I smile into the kiss

Once he lays me down he takes my shirt off smiling looking at the Sage color corset he smiles "for me?" I roll my eyes "green is my color" I say wrapping my legs around him he starts to kiss me rubbing my hips "I want to have wild sex but then want to be gentle" he whispers he starts to pulling my jeans off "how the fuck" he looks at the garter belt throwing the jeans down he moves down kissing my thighs I moan as he gets closer to my pussy soft kisses he put on my clit that was cover makes my body weak I smile "god Sage please" I moan out he pulls the thin piece of fabric to the side digging into his tongue sucking my clit

I grip his hair as I start to shake coming on his fingers he comes up licking them I smile got he was hot and I get up kissing him unbuttoning his shirt as we kiss, I heard his belt so I kiss down his chest pulling his boxers down as I move down "fuck you are hot" I smile licking his tip then deep throat him "oh fuck" he puts his hand on the back of my hair I close my eyes wishing I had no gag reflex after a second I move up "happy birthday" I whisper taking him back in my mouth I put in one of his favorite tongue rings in just for this I look up at his face, his eyes closed behind his frames as his mouth was open


I almost cum as her soft hands go to my balls I look down at her, the mascara was on her face and her hair was falling from the lose bun "fuck" I close my eyes as I cum she sucks ever harder I take my glasses off putting them on my night stand she comes back up taking her corset off I lend down taking a nipple in my mouth her hands rub in my hair as she places kisses in my forehead as she moans softly I pull away seeing she was rubbing her clit I smile getting hard once more she kisses me as I push her back "move your hand" I tell her she nods kissing me as I push in

I grip her thigh watching her boobs move up and down as I thrust in and out she moans saying things in her language as she starts to tighten and that is what got me slowing down "fucking hell" I kiss her picking speed back up she moans into the kiss her nails digging into my shoulders she pushes me away "I love you" I say she smiles moaning kissing me "I love you more I think" she says back eyes rolling back I groan

One week later

Ezra had shirts thrown on the ground I walk into the bathroom she stood in her bra with her jeans on "you don't like the shirts?" I ask smiling "Sage I'm meeting your family I want to wear something nice" I walk over wrapping my arms around her "it's summer you own a sun dress" she looks at me "I want to hide some tattoos" I shrug rubbing her hips "my grandpa will love them he was always the rule breaker" I say "you think?" I nod "go put it on you look beautiful in it" she smiles kissing my cheek "I love you"
"I love you more I think" I say she rolls her eyes I smack her ass as she walks away "Sage!" She yelps

"You look beautiful!" Mom tells Ezra "thank you do you think I'm showing to many tattoos?" Mom shakes her head "they won't say shit" lexa tells her "ok I'm just nervous" I hold her hand seeing someone who has blood on their hands being so scared to meet my family was funny
After a long hour drive to the middle of nowhere Ohio there was a great aunts house Ezra squeezes my hand "ow" I say she looks at me "sorry" I look down at her light pink dress that had a floral print on it "you look fine" I tell her "are you sure?" I nod "I'm wearing a dress" mom reassuring Ezra "I know" she covers her mouth "I think I'm going to be sick"

We park near the ditch and she throws her hair back "do you think it's the anxiety?" I ask mom
"She's pregnant also" I nod now getting worried for her "here" mom hands Ezra a mint "oh thank you" she opens it "ok Let's go"

Sorry for the long wait on this..... hope you like it

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