Living life

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I look at the screen impatiently waiting for the letter I knew I didn't make it to grad school but I had applied to a new position at a new factory my knee bounces as I wait the front door opening Ezra coming in "you ok?" I nod "just waiting for this email about a new job" she puts her bag down "how was it?" She groans "they are so tiring and loud" she kicks her shoes off walking over to me "they are 4 and 5 year olds" I smile as she sits on my lap "I threw up three times" taking a deep breath I rub her back "have you made a doctors appointment?" She nods "I have one the 3rd"
"Good" she lays her head on my shoulder

"It's taking forever" I joke "I can tell you are impatient" lips fall on my neck I grip her hip "and stressed" she whispers I nod smiling "I am very stressed out right now" she sighs getting up I watch as she goes down the hall I hear the bathroom door open and close
I walk in she sits hunched over I pull back some of her hair and look away as she starts to throw up

"I'm sorry" she says after spitting the mouth wash out "it's fine" I rub her back then look at my watch "I have to get to the practice ok?" She nods I kiss her forehead and "do you want me to get some Panera bread soup?"
"I'm going to your moms"I nod "ok"


I take a big bite of the salad "has my son not been making you food" I smile covering my mouth shaking my head "I've thrown everything up"
"Oh I'm sorry" Lexa says "I think it's a boy" Kim tells me "I go to the doctors on the 3rd but I'm not far enough long to tell"
"Well you had went at 6 weeks now you are 10 only a couple more weeks"
I nod "wow it's already been a month since that happened" I smile taking another bite of the salad "Sage is over the moon I know that" Kim smiles

The house smells like cookies I raise my eyebrow walking into the kitchen Sage was standing next to the stove "I'm making cookies"
"I can smell" he walks over "why?" He picks me up "I got the job" I smile and kiss him
"That's great news!" He puts me down "do you feel better?" I shrug "give me about and hour" he nods

"Did you have a nice week?" Ian asks me I smile "I did how about you?" The little boy shows me his little teeth "good! Mommy took me and my sister to Texas to eat" I smile "did you like the food?" He nods "the bread was really good"
A girl comes over who's name was Alice "want to come play?" He nods "see you" he waves me to me
"They are such sweet kids" I say "yesterday you had thought otherwise" I smile sitting down "I know I'm just pregnant and can't pick a mood" she laughs "your first one?" I nod
"Yes" she smiles "you better tell the kids because they will call you fat once you start showing" I cover my mouth "they are ruthless" I say "yes they are two years ago one of my kids came up to my daughter and said she looks like a whale"
"Oh god" she rubs my back "I don't like children" she laughs shaking her head "help me with these" she hands me a stack of papers

I close the door Sage sits in the living room holding something "what is that?" I ask he smiles as I walk in then I hear a meow "a cat"
"Really?" He uncovers it it was white and orange I sigh dad had taken Granny's cats and I won't lie I missed having them "how did you get it?"
"She was in a box at work and took her" I sit down in front of him "did you call the vet?"
"We just got back" he hands her to me a soft purr comes from her "can we keep her?" I sigh looking at him, his brown eyes wide with happiness i groan "yes" he kisses me "I love you so much"
"I love you"
"I'll take her to the pet store and get some stuff while you are at practice" he nods
"What are we going to name her" I stand up holding on to the little kitten "I was thinking Maxie" he tells me I nod


I sit in my car having a mini anxiety attack coach was at a doctors appointment and told me I had to run practice
"Hello" Ezra says "I have to run practice" I say she laughs "I'm getting Maxie food" she coos showing me the little head "that's not helping"
"Think of how your practices were ran when you had a good coach" she says "I'm about to check out I'll talk to when you get home love you"
"'Will you come help with it? I know you played back in Brazil come on please" I hear a groan "what about Maxi?" She asks "leave her in the bathroom with food?"

I watch as they do a normal thing for practice but I wanted to make this more fun for them so I could be more liked and I wasn't good I anything well thinking of anything
I watch as Ezra's car pulls in getting happy to see her walk over "you really came" She looks at me "you are making dinner tonight" I nod
"Girls this is Ezra my girlfriend she will be helping out with practice today" all of them wave

I smile as the girls get in their cars I look at Ezra who is giving me a look "when is the next home game?" She asks softly I smile "you had fun?!" She rolls her eyes "I still wanted to be in bed" she pecks my lips
"I'll see you at home"

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