The last time

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Everything moves fast from us getting off the Jet and into the car Ezra sits next to me on her phone the 18 hour flight took a toll on me as I only slept for a little while in an uncomfortable position

After an hour drive we pull into a driveway that had a gate in front of it I look around my eyes widen as a guy rolls down the window and they something then the gate is opened and we drive in, the house was big the yard was big I seen people walking around "damn" I say as we park Ezra leaves me without saying anything "I will grab your things please go inside" the driver says I nod exiting the car and following Ezra

The house was beautiful paintings on the walls of people in suits and dresses kinda scary at the same time "Ezra?" I hear Hardin say I look at him as he walks in holding papers "hey" they hug "I'll have melody take him to your room?" She nods "I'll be there soon stay here" I nod watching as she walks away seconds later a woman walks in "você é o Sr. Sage?" She asks

"English?" I just say she smiles "are you Mr. Sage?" I nod "no Mr please" she nods "I'm Melody I'll show you to the room" she had glassy eyes and gray hair that was put up you could tell she almost never speaks English with her words fumble as we spoke walking

"Here you are" I smile "thank you Melody" she walks away I open the door taking the room in, there was trophies and awards that are put on display in a case the walls painted in a light blue color knives hang on the wall next to a desk that pictures sat on I look at the picture of Ezra and a women her mom I smile softly looking at how happy she looked the door opens and closes "fucking bitch" is what I hear from her mouth "Ezra" I say walking over to her, "we need sleep" I look at her dark circles she nods walking over to the window that looks over the yard closing the blinds making the room dark

My sleep was peaceful having Ezra in my arms, we woke up with a knock on the door a loud one I look up feeling Ezra leave my grip Melody stood at the door Ezra says something I sigh rubbing my eyes as the door closes and Ezra comes back to bed

"What's going on?" She groans "nothing don't worry ok?" She puts her hand on my cheek I smile before closing my eyes

I wake up with no one next to me I put my glasses on looking at the time I slept for too long as my jet lagged body wasn't with it, it was 9 in the morning when I walk down the halls the house was quiet but as I near the kitchen I hear talking "Mr.Sage'' melody says putting a plate in front of me "where is Ezra?" I ask

"She left with Mr.Hardin and Lady Padma she will be back soon" I nod

As she puts eggs on the plate "thank you" she nods

As I finish my food the door opens and Ezra walks in a stone cold face I raise my eyebrow as another girl follows her talking to her i wish I understood what she was saying but you could tell Ezra was not having it as she takes my fork and taking the last bit my food "I have to leave in two hours" she says softly I sigh "she'll be back" Hardin says from the corner I smile nodding

We go back in her room I put my hands on her hips laying my head on hers I was scared shitless for her and if she was scared I would never know "I'll be fine" she says smiling wrapping her arms around me but there was another knock on the door she walks over a man holds a tray of food she nods and he walks away she kicks the door shut

"They brought you food?" I ask she nods sitting on her bed

She now is in the kitchen with her hair tied back she had a bullet proof vest on and black pants, Hardin and her hold a conversation i just sit looking between the two trying to find out what they are saying

Hardin looks at me "you can have the last 5 minutes" they hug a watch a tear fall from his cheek this was real she may not make it back in 48 hours he walks out closing the door

She sits across from me tears in her eyes "my mother spent the last five minutes with me and Hardin in this kitchen" she looks down "Sage I may not come back that man wants me dead and if he's like his mom he'll break the rules of this game we are playing" I take a deep breath as I start to have tears in my eyes watching her take her ring off "you better come back for this" I tell her as she puts in my hand she smiles "I'll give it my all" she nods standing up hugging me "you know you'll find a girl who you connect with and have kids" she says rubbing my back I close my eyes tears coming out

I want kids with her a life with her but now she is telling me it will probably never happen "don't say that you'll be the one having the kids" I say in reply she lets a sob out her fingers tug at my hair she pulls away then kisses me "if I don't come back I'll come back to haunt your ass if you don't move on" she says after pulling away I nod squeezing her hips "I love you" the words slip my tongue "I love you too" she pecks my lips then opens the door Hardin stands there "I better see you" she nods

I didn't sleep those nights Hardin basically told me if I didn't eat he would tie me up and shove food down my throat and put duct tape over my mouth so I was forced to I didn't leave her room until we eat I watch the clock she was cutting it close 4 hours I couldn't think she wasn't coming back,Hardin melody and I sit at the table eating one of Ezra favorite meals a name I can't pronounce but it was amazing out of the quietness the ring of Hardin's phone filled it he fumbled to get it out of his pocket

He didn't say anything but covered his mouth and hung up that she wasn't coming back? The anxiety fills me

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