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I walk into the room seeing a guy tied to a chair I pull the chair up "hi, I have a few questions basically you give me something I need to hear less things will happen to you" I tell him taking the gag out of his mouth "I would have your legs shaking like that" I roll my eyes smacking him, I watch as he spits blood out from just a smack "fuck" he says looking at me I smile "let's get started yeah?"

I walk out handing Spike my notes "it was only five minutes" I nod "yeah I smacked him once and he just broke" I smile he smirks "you can get going that's all I needed from you but could you run the the bar and make sure we have everything?" I nod "yeah I got you"
Easton sits at the bar "hello dear cousin" I smile "what are you doing here?" I ask smiling hugging him "mom and dick head came for my step sisters wedding obviously I had to come but I wanted to see dad" I nod "he's at the station right now I don't think he'll be back here"
"Ok, so how is you and Sage?" I blush "we are going to try for a baby" I tell him "no?" He smiles I nod "damn girl you got to text me shit" I nod "I have to do inventory I'll be out here maybe we can go get food Sage is moving up here still so" he nods "I'll be here"

Easton and I sat at bob evens eating and talking just filling each other in I told him about Diego but we left it at that as he knew I wouldn't talk anymore about it "Dinner was good thank you" I tell him "you're welcome" we hug "I'll see you" I nod

There was a blue car in the drive I park behind Sage walking up the porch as I open the door I hear laughter I smile taking my shoes off I walk into the kitchen Sage and one of the guys I seen at his old place sat across from him, Sage looks at me "this is Ezra" he says "hi I'm Colt" I smile waving walking over "yeah how's your brother" I smile "he's good" I smile "I'm all moved in he followed me up so I didn't have to make a trip tomorrow" I nod "well that was nice, I made banana bread would you like some?" He smiles "sure"

I could see on his face jealousy as I put the plate in front of him standing next to Sage, he didn't think Sage deserved me "how was work?" Sage ask I shrug "well I went to dinner with Easton while on the clock so" he smiles rolling his eyes "what do you do?" Colt asks "I work at my uncles bars" he nods taking a bite "Easton wants you to text him because I told him and he was shocked I think he may want to beat you up" Sage laughs "this is good" Colt says I smile "thank you" Sage rubs my back I close my eyes for a second as my phone dings

Dad-I have a date tonight is this ok?
He wore dark pants and a sweater I smile

Me-Perfect! Tell me how it goes

He waited till I was out of the house to date I smile looking at Sage who was now talking to Colt about jobs I hope when I'm gone he moves on with or without kid because I will hunt him "I'm happy that you got a job close to what you want" Colt tells Sage "it's a good paying one too I'm really happy I got it then I may go back and coach a soccer team at my old high school" he says this was news to me "what?" I ask he nods looking at me "mr.Caston called and told me he was retiring and I played in college too so he wants me to try for coaching" I smile "look at you" I hit his shoulder he grabs it "I should get going thank you" Colt says "thank you" Sage tells him back

They hug and coke Sage closes the door I walk over to him "he doesn't think you deserve me" I say he raises his eye brow "what?" I roll my eyes "his body language" he grips my hips "I don't deserve you" he tells me I smile placing my hand on his jaw "I don't deserve you" he closes his eyes "i love you" I tell him pecking his lips he smiles into it

One month later

"Sage!" Kim says I look back smiling as I got my menu "happy birthday" she says hugging him, Sage was now 22 how time fly's and I had the best gift growing in my womb that no one knew about, "you don't have to yell" Sage tells her she kisses his cheek "mom" he I hear him say I look at Lexa who just smiles "you aren't a baby anymore" she sits down next to him "you'll still baby him" lexa says I smile "how come Lee couldn't make it?" Kim asks me "he is at my cousins wedding he will be over for cake" she nods, only dad and Lexa knew we have been trying for a baby and I can't wait to see Kim face "you know next week we have that family reunion did you want to go?" Sage shrugs "can Ezra come?" I look at him taking a bit of the salad "you want me to?" I point to my chest he nods I look at Lexa "it's not bad" i scratch my head "I guess"

After dinner dad was already at the house I smile "how was the wedding?" I ask he points his fingers to his head like a gun I nod "I'm so happy I didn't go they hate me" he nods "they didn't even ask about you" I smile
After we cut the cake I went up to my old bedroom getting the test I put it in a long box and smile

"Here" I throw it to Sage who sat on the couch Lexa looks at me I think she knew he put his plate down I watch as he opens the box then looks down squinting his eyes then back to me "what is it?" Kim looks over then covers her mouth dad walks over looking in then looks at me I smile at their reaction "I figured" lexa says Kim was crying Sage was still looking at the test "are you sure?" He says I nod he gets up bring me into his arms "thank you" he whispers I smile laying my head on his chest

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