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Her lip ring was cold against my neck I hold on her knee as she starts to suck my neck wow this felt good I close my eyes I feel a hand go up my shirt I jump and she pulls away I look at her "keeping going" she smiles and pecks my lips I move my hand up from her knee up to her thigh she turns away getting the remote I take this time to find the courage to kiss her neck once my lips touch her neck she let a soft groan out

Something else starts to play in the background but I was focused on her neck, she pulls away I may have done something wrong but when she took her hand out from under my shirt and to the helm of hers I knew I didn't, her green bra against her dark tattooed skin made me feel someway "you are overdressed now" she smiles kissing me I take my hands shake as I pull it up she bites her lip laying back on the bed wrapping her legs around me pulling me down I start to kiss her neck, her fingers lace through my hair as I kissed along her neck going down to her collar bone

I stop and look up at her I have kissed parted of her body something guys in my grade wanted to do she flips me so I now lay on the bed, she started to kiss down to my pants I look down and cover my mouth with one hand while the other lays limp "you know your boner is kinda surprising" I blush at her words I take my hand away from my mouth as she pulls down my shorts, her blue eyes meet mine as she lends down and licks me I moan when she did that

My hand finds it way to her head,Ezra knew what she was doing my legs buckle feeling her tongue ring on me I push her head down moaning I tug at her hair as I end up coming, Ezra comes up licking her lips taking her pants off throw my pants and socks down on the floor Ezra's bra fell on the bed with her shorts, her nipples when pierced my boner now started to come back, "you didn't taste bad" I blush looking at her boobs

I sit up and put her right nipple in my mouth she gripped my hair I move my other hand down and start to rub her it takes me a second to find her clit and I knew when I found it when she let a moan out, she pulls away and lends over to her dresser and got a condom from the drawer "you ready?" I blush

She rolls the condom on then comes to kiss me as I felt her slide down I grip her hips tightly groaning into the kiss

Ezras one hand stayed in my hair and the other was on my shoulder, I pulled away from the kiss and let a moan out as she started to move my mouth was open she wasn't tight and that felt so good knowing I wouldn't cum right away she says something in a different language moaning "can I be on top?" I groan she nods coming to kiss me as she slowly pulls away


I move the pillow to get comfortable Sages still has his glasses on as he looks at me then he pushes his head against my entrance I smile closing my eyes he has length and thickness and I was feeling it all now as he pushes all the way in I let a moan out feeling it in different positions is what is going to get wanting more he lends down kissing me I wrap my legs around him as he starts to pick up a pace I run my nails on his back smirking in the kiss

He starts to slow down as he gets closer to his high I flip is so I'm back on top I feel his nails in my waist as he moans he thrust up hitting my spot just right to make me also stop and start to orgasm with him I kiss him "foda-se meu foda-se" I say moving up so he was no longer in me as I rode out the rest of my high

We lay in my bed now together "you just had your first orgasm from having sex" I look at him he stays quite looking at the celling "was it too early?" he says after a while I laugh propping myself up "no?" I say "did your really cum?" I nod then kiss him when I pull away then we make eye contact "Sage you never had sex don't worry about how long with lasted, it was a lot longer then most guys" he nods he must of started to over think things and regret something I wanted to make sure he knew he didn't have too so I lay my head down on his chest "it was amazing I would be up to do this more often if you are" I say he nods looking at me "can I stay here tonight?" I nod kissing him

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