Being with her

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I now lay on the couch eating cereal watching Tom and jerry like the child I am as Sage walks in "I think I got the spot!" I raise my eyebrow "what spot?" I had forgot what interview he went to "for the assistant coach I'm going to be the girls team with coach Hover!" I smile at how happy he was "come here" I put the bowl down he comes and kisses me "you feeling better?" He asks softly I nod "they are having practices soon since the season starts here in two weeks" I raise my eyebrow "damn summer went by fast"

"We spent a good time in Brazil, me moving here, me working you doing illegal shit while also going to summer classes" he says softly his brown eyes stare into my blue "you are so handsome" I tell him kissing me "we are really having a normal life like you said" he smiles I nod wrapping my arms around his neck "cuddle?" He nods kicking his shoes off then lays on the little space "I don't want to lay on you" he puts his hands on my waist moving me onto him I smile "I'm going to be a teacher" I get all giddy once more he smiles

I kiss him once more he groans putting his hands in my ass as I start to move my hips he pulls away "room?" He asks I smile moving off him I almost drag him upstairs "horny much?" I roll my eyes he pulls me into his chest kissing my neck as his hands feel my body I pull away from the kisses to take my shirt off he bobs his head as he sees the bra one of my ugly sport bras "take that off while you are at it" I smile as he takes my pants off I throw it down then start at his pants while he plays with my boobs once they are off he pushes me back down then goes between my legs

I grip his hair feeling his tongue licking my clit down moaning as he licks my hole "isso é foda" His fingers enter me I lay my head back loving how he makes me feel, "Sage I'm going-" he stops I look at him "really?" He smiles then slowly pushes into me I almost come then I grip his shoulder "ahh yes" I moan his movement slow I pull him into a kiss before I flip us over he pulls away then moves his hands behind his head watching as I ride him, I kiss his chest but his hand wraps around the back of my neck "stay I want to watch" he groans I pick up the pace his hand squeezes my boob as I start to shake "fuck" he starts to meet my hips with his own thrust
"ohh porra, inferno, estou indo" I bit my lip shaking


I hold her hips down as I come inside her, watching as they still roll her body shaking "fuck" I moan digging my fingers into her skin I watch her, biting her lip holding on my wrist I let go she leans up then kisses me I flip her over rubbing her clit

"Well that was fun" I look at Ezra smiling she was getting sweat pants on her back muscle flexing a little "I was thinking spaghetti for dinner?" She asks "yeah" she puts a sweater on then walks out of the room
I get my pants looking at the hall Ezra didn't seem to be a a good mood after she looked at her phone
"What's wrong?" I wrap my arms around her waist "nothing why?"
"You seem in a mood" she turns around wrapping her arms around me "I'm ok" I kiss her now knowing I could see through one of her lies

Four weeks later


I put my shirt on looking at Sage who just says back in bed with a smile on his face like a little boy "what?" I ask him he shakes his head "Sage come on tell me or no sex" he glares at me for a second "you actually are getting a break from the gang" he tells me I kiss him "yes now I have to get ready and you need to get ready to go to that class" he nods kissing me once more I smile "you have a while" he tries to pull me on him "I don't" I whisper

I walk out of the closet Sage looks at me "you look beautiful" I look at the blue romper that went to my ankles coving tattoos they weren't tight on my legs wrapping his arms around my waist looking at me in the mirror "do you want a ring?" He asks softly I look at the one on my finger "I have one" his eyes roll I raise my eye brows "that's kinda a promise ring I mean an engagement ring" I turn around "I would like one but don't rush" I kiss him

"Hi Ezra?" Susie says we shake hands "we are going to show you around here quick then get you back to the classroom by the time Mrs.Myers comes in with the kids" I nod me and her walks around the small school mostly the back rooms, I open the door to the classroom and walk in anxiety through the roof god Ezra don't throw up!
"Ms.Isabel?" Mrs.Myers says "yes" I smile she waved me over all the small children looking at me "you can introduce yourself"

"Hi I'm Ms.Isabel I am here as a student also so I can be a teacher" I say
"Can you all say hi Ms.Isabel?"
All their high pitched voices fill the room
"I'm Ian you are pretty" A little boy says I look down a little boy who just smiles while looking at me "thank you" Mrs. Myers smiles

The day goes by and now I'm sitting in a tiny chair with Mrs Myers "I didn't realize how energetic kids are at this age" I say she laughs nods her grey hairs put up she was retiring soon so it was nice to have a teacher with such experience teach me "you'll get used to it"

3 more chapters left....

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