Hard part

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Mom was putting on her shoes when I walked upstairs "so Ezra stayed over?" She asks softly "she wasn't going to we just both fell asleep" I say she nods I get my keys and my books "she can stay over you just need to let me know when" I nod she kisses my check "have a good day love you"

"Love you"


I throw the peel on the ground watching my sorry accuse of an aunt "I have to say you look very upset" I was after that call last night I knew what it meant no matter what I had to go back to Brazil leave everything everybody behind all because I was found "i have to leave a life that I just started to live because of you" I say she rolls her eyes "you are young you can still have one"

"Did you ever?" She shakes her head I take a orange and put it in her mouth

Once she swallows she sighs "my sister did and they still wanted her to rule" I look down "a small one yes but she fought for that spot and you out of everyone knows that"

"The scar on my abdomen shows it" I throw down more of the peel

Hardin walks me into my room at dads I start to cry knowing this was really it for me having a life Hardin pulls me down into his arms "shhh" he rubs my back


Ezra Isabel-hey come over to my dads

Me-will do

I got straight after practice I knock on the door and Lee opens it "she's up in her room"

"Thank you" I walk up the steps noticing there was boxes around the hall as I got close to her room I knock on the door "come in" she sounded like she got done crying

"Are you ok?" I ask her "no Sage I'm not, I have to leave go back to Brazil, the only reason I came here to the US was to be in hiding from my aunt and she's tied up in a storage unit right now" she picks a shirt up putting it in a suitcase "I'm leaving at the end of the week" she sobs I sit down holding her close as she cries

"It's ok" I rub her back, closing my eyes. A tear fell and she snuggled in my chest. We sat there for a while like that till she looked up at me. I look into her blue eyes "do you have to leave?" She nods kissing me I pull away after a minute "I'm sorry I really am now you have to deal with step sis" she laughs I roll my eyes she lays her head on my shoulder

"Are you going to school this week?" She shakes her head

"I have to pack up the room and the one at my grandmas" I nod she really was moving the reason wasn't clear but I wasn't going to push it

"How long will you be gone?" She shrugs

"A couple years at the most" she takes my hand into hers "can we still talk?" She shakes her head once more "I have very ruthless cousins if they find out about you, it won't be good" I nod now getting some hints "I'll come see you every night?" She smiles "sex every night?" I blush she pecks my lips I smile nodding I couldn't say no to her


On my last night Sage came over like always but this time he held a bag I smile "I uh got this for you" I open the bag looking at him then look down there was a sweater I pick it up one of his band hoodies I smile this was really happening I was leaving someone I fell in love with and he was spoiling me before I go I start to cry laying it down seeing a box from Kay jewelers I look at him he smiles

I open it up and there was a ring I look up at him "you didn't" he nods sitting down taking it out of the box it was a rose gold with amethyst and small diamonds on it

"I know our relationship was short but you've impacted me a lot and your dad said you would like something like this" I let a sob out hugging him I pull away getting up I couldn't just leave him empty handed so I go into my jewelry box and sit down, he watches me I take out an old necklace of mine it was the one with my number on it he looks at me "not to be rude" I laugh through the tears

"My number is engraved the my birthday is my number then my initials, I wore that everyday till I moved here, I want you to have it so I can really leave my past" he starts to cry that broke me

We kiss one last time before I got in the car "thank you" he says I nod smiling through the tears "you're welcome" I let go of his hand and open the car door Hardin looks at me "I'm sorry"

Three years later


"Babe!" I rub my eyes looking at my girlfriend Lani. I yawn while sitting up "what?" I get my glasses "my parents will be here soon" I look around the bedroom thinking for a moment her parents like me so it didn't bug me I look at the time it was 9:42 such an odd time I think "ok?" I finally say she comes over and sits on my lap I smile rubbing her hip "you have to take trash down and shower and get dressed they'll be here in two hours" I nod pecking her lips she smiles "go" she gets up

"Sage, it's nice to see you!" Her mom Sarah says hugging me "you too Sarah " she pulls away from the hug Lani's dad walks in "how have you been Greg?" I ask he shrugs I smile as we shake hands

After breakfast I helped Greg clean while the girls went to the store "so have you been thinking about popping the question?" I look at Greg "proposing?" He smiles "yes you are almost out of college" I shrug looking at the pictures of us on the wall "Maybe" he gets into his pocket and pulls out a ring "it was her grandmas" I take it "thank you" he nods

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