Free hugs

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How this man keeps making his way back in my life was something that makes me think as we sit wrapped up watching urban cowboy the movie I got him hooked on years ago I look at his face as I run my hand through his hair he looks at me "how do we keep making our way back to each other?" I ask he shrugs then puts his hand on my thigh "I'm not complaining" he says i nod in agreement "it's like the universe wants us together, because I can't find a connection to a girl like I have with you" I blush and he smiles "I made you blush again" I laugh shaking my head "don't change the subject" I hit his chest he pecks my lips

"I think that if we try to not talk we will just keep running into each other" I say "like tonight?" I nod looking into his brown eyes his glasses were off but I didn't mind I kiss him "and the sex just keeps getting better" I tell him in a slurry voice he blushes gripping my hips "we just got done having sex?" I shrug I want him still as he hot and I still want to lick him "fuck" he whispers as I move my hand down to his dick "You are so hot" I tell him then kiss his neck "do you need to walk tomorrow?" He groans I smirk at his words still kissing his neck "I'm all yours" i say then move down


I walk into the apartment Axel and Colt sitting at the breakfast bar I'll admit I never stay out all night coming in at 10 was out of pocket for me "we stayed over since we got wasted and someone didn't answer his phone" I look down "I went home with someone I told you I was going with her?"

"You stayed the night and didn't answer your phone if you didn't come home by 4 we were going to call the cops" I smile at their words we didn't sleep much "it was the ex girlfriend that I went with and we had to burn out somethings" I tell them

"You and her had sex again? Jesus dude you went back to the ex how did you land her?" I roll my eyes "I want to go to sleep I have to be home here soon so get out" I tell them

"Did you sleep?" I nod "for like two hours" I smile

"Lucky" Colt close the door


I walk into the kitchen sore as ever after I get my water I look at the counter and see a couple 20s I roll my eyes Sage left money for the PlanB I pick the bills up and I feel a tear leave my eye I close my eyes for a second I was still in love with him he accepts me for the person that I am knowing my history just a little of it but he knows I kill and yet he still makes me feel loved and wanted as he wears the necklace everyday

There was a bang "so who was the guy?" A thick accent says my body stiffness "you are dead" I say "dear you should have waited till my heart stopped don't worry I'll give him the same treatment" I look back at the man who I shot "he has nothing to do anything" he laughs "yet you hide him from the family" a pit in my stomach starts to form "I tell you what 24 hours and if you both are on a plane to Brazil I'll kill you there" he opens the door

I bang on the door a guy opens it "is Sage home?" He nods looking at me "Sage'' he says "yeah?" He walks around the corner "keep the money" he says I shake my head "we need to talk" he raises his eyebrow I walk in closing the door "are you ok?" He puts his hand in my waist but feels the gun and puts his hand to his side "my room is down here"

"Do you have a passport?" He nods "I went to Italy for winter?" He says "pack your clothes for Brazil it's hot there" I tell him "What the fuck? Ezra you come in here with a gun and tell me I have to pack up?" I close my eyes "a cousin is still alive he's here in town and threatened you we have to go Brazil because if we don't he has people" he sighs looking around "I was supposed to go home" he says softly I lift his chin up "you can when we come back this won't be a three year thing" he smiles "can I kiss you?" I nod

It was a soft gentle kiss I pull away "pack please one of my uncles men are downstairs he will take you to the airport"

"We aren't going together?" I smile "I have other loose ends to take care of like getting a plan B but I'll be on the plane I know it's not a lot of time but you have an hour" I peck his lips

I walk out the guy sat on the couch I smile then walk out closing the door

I swallow the pill then get in my car texting Hardin telling him to get my room cleaned since it won't just be me, then off to the airport

I close the door walking over to the jet times like these I'm happy my brother is a mafia leader Sage was pulling up as I was getting my bag "thank you Frank" I say "you're welcome I also brought Geo to take your car" I nod

"We are taking a jet?" I nod "I'm surprised also use we go first class but" I shrug


Once the jet took off she had gotten into the shots. I just watched her anxiety was bad you couldn't tell, her gun handle was showing a bit as she lay out on the couch, eyes closed "Ezra" I said "yes?" She says looking at me "why is he taking a toll on you like this?" She smiles shaking her head "when we get there we will be taken to my house you'll be search then you won't be able to leave the house till I get back he gave me 24 hours to leave the states so you have day to leave the house but with someone and not off the property and once I leave you don't leave if I don't come back 48 hours after you will be sent home as he will want nothing to do with you once I'm dead" she tells me

48 hours she had 2 days to come back to me and if she didn't I would have lost her forever "don't fake it" I say she laughs sitting up "come here" I walk over to the couch and sit next to her, the blue in her eyes fades as we might eyes and the color of her dark skin was pale she shakes her head "he won't leave till my heart stops it would be hard to fake it trust me my brother knows" she kisses me I place my hand in her thigh then deepen the kiss but she pulls away shaking her head

"Wait" I nod then put my hand on her stomach. As a way of asking if she took the pill she nods "and you used the money?" I ask she shakes her head "no" she laughs I roll my eyes I move my hand but she puts it back looking at her she just smiles laying her head on my shoulder "it's comforting" she whispers

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